Swedens regulated market, january 1st 2019.
Posted by Daxxar
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Run It Once Poker
Swedens regulated market, january 1st 2019.
January 1st 2019 sweden will regulate their market. I did not see Run it once on the list of pokersites that applied for a license. Does that mean Sweden (and large potential player base) will be excluded just in time for Run it once poker to launch?
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We have not applied for a Swedish licence at this time, but we are looking into the feasibility of doing so (just as we are for several other countries with a national licencing regime).
Well Sweden is not on the excluded list that was posted a few months ago. But i guess it will still be excluded january 1st then?
As of now, Sweden is not blocked. If we don't acquire the relevant licence by January 1st, this will probably have to change.
So as someone that has been streaming on and off on twitch the news regarding the streamR program is really awesome. However i would probably start streaming again today already (to get a head start for when RIO goes live) if i knew that i would be able to play on release.
So i just want to know if there is any updates regarding the Swedish license that will be required in 6 weeks. As far as i know it is quite similar to the UK license but the tax is lower in Sweden so it guess that aspect wont be problem?
Daxxar happy to hear you think the StreamR program is awesome. Unfortunately, I don't have any new information.
I guess there is no further news on this topic?
I got an invite to a beta session which I would love to play, but since I live in Sweden and the legal situation is unclear I will have to decline unless I know that RIO poker will be licensed in the new year.
I simply don't think it would be a good idea to put money into a site that I can't play on in a month. In addition to this, I think it would be better to have people try it out who can actually play on the site at launch.
Hi kr1stus,
Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for Run It Once Poker, along with your concerns. Unfortunately, I don't have an update for you. You're allowed and more than welcome to join us tomorrow. If we don't have access to the Swedish market in January, you would still be able to withdraw your funds.
Just chiming in to say I'm very interested in playing on RIO, and really hope you end up pursuing a license in the end.
+1 on this. Alot of sites are getting the license now, you would think that for a brand new site that isn't launched yet it would be "easier" to make the necessary adjustments. Fingers crossed!
Hey TianYuan and ismackdead, thank you for sharing your excitement for Run It Once Poker. Once I have an update, I will be sure to post in this thread.
An update for players from Sweden.
As you already know, a new licencing regime for online gambling is coming into effect in Sweden on January 1st.
We are preparing a licence application which will be submitted to the Swedish Gambling Authority in due course. However, until we are granted the relevant licence, we will not be able to offer real money poker to residents of Sweden.
For players from Sweden who played one of out beta session we kindly ask you to log into your account before January 1st and request a withdrawal through the cashier.
On January 1st, or shortly after, we will disable access to the Run It Once Poker client for Swedish players. After that date, you will still be able to ask for a withdrawal of your funds by emailing support@runitonce.eu; however, please note that some payment options may not be available indefinitely.
Please rest assured that we will do our best to be able to reopen our site to Swedish players as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we do not have a reliable target date at this time but we will provide an update as soon as we have one.
While you are at it please don`t forget players from Belgium, Denmark and Estonia.
miami002 Those countries have been blocked ever since we started our real money beta tests. However, particlularly Denmark and Estonia are on our radar for obtaining local licences in the future; the Belgian licence is fairly inaccessible in comparison.
I cannot make any promises whether, or when, we will apply for a Danish or Estonian licence, but we are definitely interested in opening up for players from those countries.
Congrats on the upcoming release on wednesday! ;)
Any new updates for us swedes regarding the license? Have you applied to Lotteriinspektionen yet?
All the swedish poker players.
They are working on an application :)
Phil just said (on joe ingram) that Sweden will prob be the first country that they will apply for a licens in! So happy to hear that!
I believe theres going to be 2 problems.
1st, I believe that one of the conditions is that you must be able to rail the games. Alto I think the wording in the rules says that you must be able to rail a table or one table if I understand it correctly.
2nd, Becoming a streamer might be forbidden due to the site not being able to make an incentive for people to play more to get bonuses.
I might be wrong on both of these tho.
Just look at Unibet. There is no railing the tables. In fact the client is exactly the same for Sweden and ROW. The only difference is there 3 mandatory "dont play to much buttons" ;)
Yeah we probably wont be able to join the streamR program just like the UK.
It would suck not being able to join the streamR program, i want more rakeback.
Daxxar Ah ok, have not played there but tnx, that was good news.
Yeah it would suck if we cant join streamR I wonder if I can accept donations from RIO via twitch tho ;)
Any updates about when swedes will be able to play?
Hi Anders Dahlberg,
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have an update. Our team is still working on this, and when we have more information, I will provide an update in this thread.
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