Study Group?
Posted by TheRaulrus
Posted by TheRaulrus posted in Gen. Poker
Study Group?
Hey guys.
I was thinking about starting a study group that consisted of a few people. Basically interested to know if any players out there would be interested in doing such. Overall, I think I'm a good player, but I truly would like to get much better and become a solid player. I work hard at trying to improve, and I love to learn. My situation is that I have friends, but none of them play poker or at least take it seriously like I do, so it's very hard to try to talk strategy with them because really, they don't get it. I've met people at a local casino I go to, but they're old timers, and they really just play the game to pass the time. I would love to come in contact with people who take the game as seriously as I do, and who love it as much as I do as well. I think to do so, maybe start off with email sessions or something like that, discussing strategy, giving tips, hand histories, etc. Just looking for some people out there who I can relate to, because in all honesty with this journey of mine, it can be pretty lonely.
Thanks for your time, guys, and I hope for some positive feedback.
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