Stopping auto-pilot tendancies

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Stopping auto-pilot tendancies

Hi all,
I wondered if anyone would be able tonhelp or share what methods they use tonstop autopiloting?
I myself (obviously i guess as i am posting it) have a tendancy to auto-pilot. I have reduced tables and that doesnt seem to work.

When i am talking about autopiloting i guess its also to do womith switching off and not really focusing on opponents ranges. I get into a session and start looking at my hand etc and then just clicking buttons based on this, i do focus on my opening ranges per position but i base the postflop on this so if inhave XX and its correct to generally open and i flop a piece of of thenboard I then think right ok i should cbet or i shoild x/r or RR or etc...

I as mentioned struggle with oppenants ranges postflop as i dont seem to be able to asign then ranges etc? anyone have a good method for this?
when in postflop and inget called or raised i just seem tonlook at the board and thinknoh they must have xyz then and decide if i should carry on etc?

i do often find myself lost postflop :(

Any help or advise is very much appreciated please!!!

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