Stats Analysis (All In Equity Adjusted)
Posted by chrispeesnipes
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Gen. Poker
Stats Analysis (All In Equity Adjusted)
So i'm trying to do some analysis on PT4 and trying to set up some areas to study. Watched a few vids on it. So i'm curious if folks have some ideas on where i should be focusing?
When i run my All In Equity Adjusted, does this mean that based on the equity in my hands i should be losing more chips then i have?
Are there some specific reports that I can run that better show me where i have leaks and thus focus my study on.
Appreciate any feedback folks have.
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A good stat to look at is WWSF ( won when saw flop). This is a good indication of how good you are postflop at taking pots down as a low WWSF can indicate you are being too weak/passive. High 40's is good and anything 40 or below will generally indicate you are not being aggro enough postflop from my experience.
Take a look at my videos I talk a fair bit about different statistics and what they should be so you can use that to check against your own database for alarming leaks.
appreciate the response i'll definitely check them out.
Yes, the all-in adjusted is how much you "should" be winning. Eg if there's a pot for 1000 chips, you get all in with someone else and you have 60% equity, your all-in adjusted equity there is 600, when in reality you will win either 1000 or 0. It's a measure of a small amount of the variance you'll see. I wouldn't get too stuck to anything over a 10k hand sample though, if you want to be doing db analysis on yourself then its not gonna be accurate enough imo unless you're looking at the less spot specific stats (such as WWSF as has been mentioned).
this is helpful for sure. Yah i know the sample is small. I have a larger sample but it was from a few months when i had no idea what i was doing. I'll keep at er.
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