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Hello everyone! A short introduction about myself. I am 21 years old. I started playing when I was 16 in home games of 5-10$ buyin with friends, very casual. Online I have played for 3 years, but haven't really took a structured approach to the game. So I want to change the way I approached the game so I decided to start this blog. I will be posting my experiences,thoughts and goals while going through the journey. Maybe some of you can relate to it.

Day 1
Goal: understanding Preflop ranges


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dayung 5 years, 11 months ago

Thought I didn't needed a journal, but I feel like it's going to be important to keep myself accountable. So for 6 days a week I will keep a journal about my journey through the stakes.

Tomorrow is going to be the first day
My schedule looks somewhat like this:
Wake up at 6 My body is going to feel asleep so I am going to do some stretches and a short abs workout right after waking up. Afterwards eat some cotton cheese w/ jam and hit the gym.

leaving the house at 6.30 and be in the gym around 7.30 I give myself an hour at the gym to get the best workout in I can think of.
7.45 I am heading home
8.00 - 9.00 Personal hygiene, breakfast, chill and mentally prepare for poker.

9.00-13.00 Poker. It's going to be in chunks of 50 minutes and 10 minutes rest. I notices that if I relax completely like it's the end of the day I can't get back into work mode. So I will relax and not think about poker, but not let myself of the hook yet until the end of the day. It's going to be chaos and whenever I feel overwhelmed I try to stick to the schedule and plan. Meditate and listen to my intuition that I have honed over the years.

My main goal is crushing 50NLz, but since that's not a concrete goal I am going to set smaller goals throughout the day. That I feel are going to be part of the process towards the main goal. Current goal is studying how to defend against 3bet and 4bet OOP and IP.
13.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30 - 18.00 More Poker

18.00- 21.00 Dinner, family, socializing, following other interests and passions
21.00- 22.00 At this point my head is so full of thoughts I need to meditate and wind down a bit before going to bed.

dayung 5 years, 11 months ago

Day 2:
Reflecting on day 1 it went really well. I was too early to the gym and rhey were closed so I did not got my workout in. Overall it went really well, when I needed to wind down I did not played video games or watched mindless youtube videos. Instead I meditated and developed other interests and passions. I do feel the burn of yesterday. Having spend 9 hours with intense focus takes it toll. Also my romantic life needs some work so I will allocate some time to get better with girls. Consistency keeping this level of performing is hard to keep up, so I will take it slower this day and maybe change my weekly schedule. I do feel really good about my game and want to move up to 100NLz as soon as I can, the only issue is having the proper BR and being able to manage the risk of playing higher stakes. For now I am growing my game at 50NLz as much as I am able to and. Plan is to allocate all the money above 1500$ in the bankroll for taking shots at 100NLz

dayung 5 years, 11 months ago

Day 3

I tried to refrain myself going too aggressive with my bankroll, but couldn't help but to dip into the 100NLz pool. Was a bit nervous, but in the end it's still poker no matter the stakes. First impression is that the pool is way more regfilled. My guess is that most of the money comes from the weaker regulars. Overall 100NLz gave me a warm welcome in the first ~2k hands. I have put the results for the day.

Also I noticed something interested about the way I spend my day. Structuring my day is good when I want to get a lot of work done, but having an unstructured day and just waking up at 11am really helps with the creative process and think of ideas I wouldn't think of when I structure my day.

I am going to end this with a graph to brag a little. Very happy with where poker is heading.

dayung 5 years, 11 months ago

This is going to be the last graph for now. Celebrating result is important, but I need to be able to move on. Goal is to establish at 100NLz, so I will be focusing on improving in any area I can and putting in the time and volume.

dayung 5 years, 10 months ago


So I took a shot at 100NLz. I kicked ass in the beginning, but after while I realised I couldn't hold up at 100NLz and decided today to move down to 50NLz and grind a schedule there.

Main lessons I learned from taking the shot:

  1. Bankroll management matters. I thought I would be able to play poker even with negative variance, because I was able to at 25NLz. But the difference is that losses at 100NLz affect me more than 25NLz. It's hard to keep playing your A-game for hours, when every mistake and negative variance affect you emotionally. Not a lot, but it definitely builds up over time and especially playing multiple tables. This leads into my goal for 50NLz. Grinding 5k roll so I won't have to worry about running out of funds playing 100NLz.

  2. Willing to play exploitatively. This is tied to the bankroll management issues, but playing outside of the comfort of my bankroll I am way too worried to balance every single action and not be willing to open up my game to gain a higher EV against the mistake of my opponents. The fear that opponents are going to exploit the exploits I make against them held me back. Even though I do believe that 100NLz regs are more capable of adjusting accordingly than 50NLz players.

Overall experience: It was really stressful playing the 100NLz pool, but a valuable experience as well. My motivation is still high and the stressful environment allows me to see ton of new ways to improve. Mainly I want to start using pio in my studying.

Currents goals

Sticking to my schedule
Make 5k playing 50NLz
Move out of my parents house
Explore studying law
Trusting my intuition more when it comes to life

dayung 5 years, 10 months ago

Started studying and playing a lot of 50NLz. I feel like my routine is very good.. The main goal right now is to putting in the hours and be consistent with poker. To do that contradictonary I think I need to focus on the time I take rest and enjoy life. I can't waste my time playing videogames that I don't even enjoy or watching youtube videos I don't even find entertaining or worth watching. Valuing my time off poker will increase the quality of the time when I do play or study poker.

Regarding law I thought about it, but I will study econometrics instead. Like my last goal I am going to trust my intuition. I believe I have been put on earth to do more than just play poker, so hopefully I will find myself there.

dayung 5 years, 10 months ago

Working hard and keep wanting more

I don’t know about you, but I never seem to be satisfied with where I am. Don’t get me wrong I am happy and grateful, but I always want to grow further. So what is the challenge of wanting to keep growing? It will also mean that I will always be working hard, because growth requires hard work. This can create a sense that the hardships of life just never ends and it seems like it never pays off. Because I am so fixated on the next level, I forget how far I have already come.



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