Sold my business. LFG.

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Sold my business. LFG.

I'm 28. I have been a losing live player for the majority of my poker life of 10 years or so. Have always thought myself to be talented at the game but lacked sound fundamentals and had terrible mental game tendencies/habits: recoup tilt, drinking during sessions, playing way under-rolled, lavish spending habits. I have gone broke several times but have always had my business to reload.

When I was 20, I won a lawsuit against an insurance corporation for 113K. I decided to make a go of playing live and went bust within a year. About 60K lost in the game and a poker coach who'd been swindling me (and tried suing me!). The rest was spent living the good life. Had to go back to work and played recreationally for the next few years.

Well, I've sold my business for about 30K. Small potatoes, I know. But I also have a full-time job.

So, I'm putting the 30K as my new roll. If it works this time, I'm in the game. If I lose it, I'm out.

I'm going to make a go at online MTTs ($15 ABI) and live cash (1/3-2/5). I'm allocating 8 hours to study a week and 30 to play.

Will post hands, session notes and questions here. Would love your input!


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forCarlotta 5 years, 3 months ago

Really, what a story.

I'm interested in the more human aspect though, since I made a lot of mistakes.
Do you regret your decision? Do you have some fear do be judge here and in real life?

Lionhat 5 years, 3 months ago

You mean the bad habits? Or getting into poker? Ha! Also not sure what you mean about the question: "Do you have some fear do be judge here and in real life?"

forCarlotta 5 years, 3 months ago

Sry, I'm not native so I've explained myself badly.

Do you regret any of your past decisions? Do you find yourself, sometimes or often, mull over the past instead of focus on the present?

Do you fear being judged my other people because of your decisions? For me, it is painful to tell what happened and because I'm so unhappy with my life. When you explain this here or to someone else you face the judge of the other person.

Lionhat 5 years, 3 months ago

Ah gotcha. Yeah, I think both used to be true of me but have long since ceased to be. Life is too busy to sit around feeling bad about what could have been. Just gotta move forward and let the past be the past. I'm also not afraid of what others think anymore. If others want to shake their head at me, that's up to them.

forCarlotta 5 years, 3 months ago

That's a great mindset, congrats.
I don't dwell on my past, but due to my childhood, I'm too much attach to others think about me unfortunately.

Following you and wish you the best

Lionhat 5 years, 3 months ago

First session. Was up 270 bbs at 1/3, moved to 2/5 then lost 100bbs for a $330 profit. Have already reviewed some of my hands that I could have played better but no blaring mistakes so far.

Will do another live session later tonight after a date with my wife.

Lionhat 5 years, 3 months ago

Did another short 2/5 session after date for another +$553

Thinking of purchasing a tournament training program. Any suggestions?

Lionhat 5 years, 2 months ago

Quick update:

Decided to do some live MTTs and went deep in two for a total 25k profit.

Cash games have been meh. I’ve been stuck 4 buy ins in live cash (240bb 2/5 game) for about a month.

Best live cash courses/videos? I benefited huge from “From The Ground Up” and RYE for MTTs.

andrzej.joden 5 years, 2 months ago

25t profit in mtt is large enough to warranty not mentioning the 1 200 loss.
When did you want to win and what site?

bencb bet turn vs missed float after x flop is good videos

Lionhat 5 years, 2 months ago

Sorry! I meant 250bb*3. So about 4k. But yes, the mtt wins do eclipse the losses! And actually, what I want is good mtt videos. I play on Party and stars with no success. Would love to start winning sooner than later. In general, I can usually build a 3-4 starting stack pretty easy in early stages but am terrible at keeping my stack before the money. When I do get into the money, I often get to last 2-3 tables but never final. So I think there’s a big mtt fundamentals leak but not sure where to start.

Lionhat 5 years, 2 months ago


So last weekend had a really bad run in 2/5 (240bb max buy in game). Lost 6.5 buyins over 3 sessions.

However, luck turned around when I got invited to a private 5/10 game a couple days ago and over the next 7 hours proceeded to score a 15K win. Let’s go!

Deactivated User 5 years, 2 months ago

I'm almost certain you are not interested in the 2/5 games, only bluffcatching not so well in the 5/10 because it's just value here. Not in my power to make any adjustments towards your expectations.

All the best.

Lionhat 5 years, 2 months ago

happy to consider your adjustments!

Plan is to stick to the 2/5 and play the 5/10 once a week. I think my play in the 2/5 varies from b to c game. My autopilot can be pretty bad... I would say the majority of my bad play losses are a result of light call downs and taking marginal spots. Going for a 2/5 session today. Shooting for b+ game.

Curious what you guys do to stay focused in-game?

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