Silly pokerstars changes - how does this affect rakeback?
Posted by Disharmonist
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Gen. Poker
Silly pokerstars changes - how does this affect rakeback?
I got an email a couple of days ago from pokerstars in which they told us they are going to change the reward system. I didnt think it would end that abruptly.
Just after tables being shut down for 10 minutes of maintenance, I realised the change in the system., which is very close to reward systems in "League of Legends" (which is aimed at a teenage audience mainly.)
Neither me or anyone else has any VIP status whatso ever, meaning that grinding and showing loyality and trust by playing on the site has no benefit anymore. Instead we receive chests. I received 2 of them just by playing 500 hands of PL25 zoom, which is comparativly fast when you consider startcoins reception in the old system.
Now what I received was a couple of minor star coins, 1$ in cash and progression points for the new "treasure". Adding the pointless "cardmatch" celebration, I cannot foresee how much rakeback I actually get. It looks like a deception strategy by stars to distract from the worsening conditions playing on stars.
Can someone explain me the rakeback structrure, is it completly arbitrary ?
Anyways, rooting for RUNITONCEPoker to launch soon.
Good luck
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Yeah I hope RIO opens as soon as possible, should not be very difficult to take over the market when it is so crap at the moment.
I agree. Need a website with Software that is on the same level as stars along with great marketing. Looking forward to the new RIO poker :D.
Stars is dead IMO. this new rake back scheme is a joke.
Where to play now tho.. Party poker has great rake back but there software is horrible i think..and i dont like the fact that there is no waiting lists.
Was thinking of ACR since their software is basically old school Full Tilt.
Anyone else making a switch from stars?
Moving from stars was the best thing I ever did.
And I live in a country where online poker is illegal with the exception of pokerstars
Sure. Just switch to MGN for now. They have the best rake structure atm and quite reasonable software if you get used to it.
There is no rakeback structure. That's the whole point of the new system. There is a rewards structure now, which targets fun players, giving them the excitment of winning big everytime they play (or at least thats what stars says). I can't confirm yet, but it seems like this new rewards system equals 5% rakeback. Yes, 5%.
I suppose there is a non zero chance that by some force of genius psychological wizardry and marketing this does encourage many more recreational players into the game. I am not in that camp of optimism, unfortunately. The higher the rake the less room for robust competition between thinking players.
I doubt it's significantly more appealing to recs than previous one. The change is similar to what 888 did last year. 888 also has something like 5% RB for lower stakes players and close to 0% for mid+ stakes. They effectively removed RB and kept some kind of cosmetic reward system.
@Kalupso yeah true but 888 just pocket the difference right ? Maybe their marketing budget went up but im not sure at all about that.
Is Stars doing the same ? or does a reg get 5% RB but a rec 70% or something ?
On 888 it's capped at around 1$ a day so you can maybe get 15% if you pay exactly 6$ rake or something when you play.
I have no idea about stars but I don't think max is more than old system. They seem to try to reward in non-monetary ways. Keep all the money and give recs entertainment.
What stars does instead is supporting their mascots, bringing ronaldo, neymar into the game, the later was accused of tax fraud for 100 Million dollar or so, aaron paul from breaking bad, so nothing related to E-gaming , chess or similar, putting even more in advertising and campaiging. As if this draws new players to the game, if I want to see ronaldo i go watch primeria divison or champions league.
I have a little message for Mr. Galfond - RIO Poker.
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