Should i be concerned?
Posted by JerryZRivii
Posted by JerryZRivii posted in Other Stuff
Should i be concerned?
All my life, like past 3 years i've played no more than 6 tables at once, Last week i decided to play more tables tighter, so i started 14 tabling on my 17,3 inch laptop screen, and was vpiping 30/20 can't go lower than that and did very well, excelent decisions and no tilt since i had a hand to play very often. Then suddenly after 2 or 3 hours of play (i tend not to take breaks unless i feel exhausted or bored) my neck got tense and i found it very hard to focus. Am i in danger or doing some brain damage? Long hours never was a problem before, im young and i used to play tons of dota when i had no brain.
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