shift up a gear

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shift up a gear

Hi everyone,
I´m 30 years old and from Germany, currently living in Austria.
I want to start this journal because I want to "shift up a gear" in my poker career ;)
So far I was a silent member and reader of RIO for quite a long time and have always been studying alone.
I think to open myself up and sharing thoughts, problems and ideas with like minded people, will be
highly beneficial to me and hopefully to others as well.

status quo

I`m in a very happy relationship and working at a part time job. So life is good
and the part time job will allow me to have enough free time, while having financial securety.
I play 100z on stars at the moment. These are my graph and results of the last few months.
last 300K hands
last 130k hands after strategy change

Goals for 2021

-being an activ member of the poker community and make this journal worth reading
-becoming a very solid winner at 100z (+5bb/100 over +150k hands)
-moving up to nl200
-my biggest goal: joning a CFP (BrPC or Detox) in the end of the year. Why in the end of the year?
At my job, I work a lot more during the summer and I balance my overtime in the winter months, what leads
to a ton of free time starting from october. If I would be signed by one of them, I want to fully committ to the programm
and get the most out of it.
-quitting job and becoming professional next year, if savings and results will put me in the right situation to do so.

what to expect from this journal

At this point, the only fixed rule to myself is to do a weekly recap about my studying and playing.
I`m going to post them every sunday or monday.
I will post interesting hands, poker related thoughts, ideas, questions and so on, whenever they occur.
Maby also some personal life OTT topics. I enjoy the holisitic approach of some journals very much.

Good luck to everyone and feel free to ask questions :)


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Newson93 3 years, 11 months ago

So first half of the week went not so well.
Played pretty good volume with pretty bad results. Not the combination we looking for ;)
But nothing worry, though.

The first topic I want to write about is what I would call getting the most A-game out of my playing time.

In the past, I played a some amount of sessions while watching sports or a series with my girlfriend.
This clearly has nothing to do with a professional approach and will stop now.
So first simple rule is only play on my desk, with no other distractions. No TV and phone.

2nd rule will be setting an alarm to play 1,5h sessions and having at least 1h break between sessions.
At times I have the bad habit of checking results during a bad session
and kind of extending my session till I am breakeven or winning.
I`m not really prone to tilting, but I shift to a button clicking autopilot if sessions take to long.
Stoppin bad sessions at set time and coming back after doing eather some studying or some other
productiv things (running, workout, cooking etc.) should increase my proportion of A game a lot.

And as 3rd I´ll do the A-game masterclass course by Elliot Roe. I purchased it when it was for sale,
but only did the first week back than, even tough I liked it from the beginning. I think there is no
doubt that the course is superior material. Working aktivly and focused through the course will give me a solid base for the future career.

So these are the first adjustments that I´m taking. First and second are very obvious ones, but simlpy sticking to them will dismiss a lot of my B/C/D game.
Has any of you done the A-game masterclass so far and how was it?

GL at the tables

CatorMan 3 years, 11 months ago

Less volume of a higher quality is super important. Will also increase your winrate and therefore lower your variance. I have not done the A-game masterclass, let us know how it is! Seems quite expensive for material you could probably piece together for basically free or a tiny cost using the Jarrad Tendler stuff.

What did you think of the differences between 100z and 50z?

Newson93 3 years, 11 months ago

I bought the course at sale for 300$, which still some money. I probably woud not have bought it at normal 1000$ prize.
The course is divided into 6 weeks with 5-7 lessions/exercises for each week. I´ll give you an update after finishing the weekly chapters. One great bonus is that there is a monthly Q&A call with Elliot, and you can listen to all the past calls.

Differences between 100z and 50z? First thought, not much.
But I did some range research reports for both pools and it confirms my first thought. Overall pool tendencies of beeing too passiv/tight in most parts of the game tree remain the same, with only tiny shifts to more agression. Bit more overbetting and higher river betting are the only stats worth to mention from the data.
From my own experience at the tables I think recs are the same on both limits, there are some few good agressiv regs you might not find at 50z.
So what I´ve seen from your journal, no need to worry or change anything due to the limit change. I´m sure are not going to struggle in NL100 pool.

CatorMan 3 years, 11 months ago

Awesome, will be great to hear about the Elliot Roe stuff. I find it really hard to work out when and how much techical or mental game should be studied and at the moment just stick with technical work.

Nice that is good to hear. My plan was to just try to play exactly the same and not overadjust.


Newson93 3 years, 11 months ago

week 1

First week since starting this journal was great.
I am feeling more motivated and optimistic about my poker journey than ever befor.
Of course regarding poker, not much can happen in one week, don`t get me wrong ;)
But having stopped being one lonely guy in front of his computer, was not that easy
for me and feels quite big.

So what we did last week:
- played good volume, that`s never my problem. As CatorMan pointed out
we need focus on playing high quality, not volume. But in the 2nd half of the week
we did that pretty well. I´ll keep my focus on that in the future.

-I joined a discord group with some nl50 and nl100 guys. We had one session of reviewing
recorded live play of mine. The guys seem to be very nice and in the session we got quite
into detail about my recording. I will keep that up with them guys and maby reach out to some
guys if interested. So that was very big, never did that befor but should have done it way earlier.

-watched some live play and HH videos of Henry Saulo and Tariq as warmup
befor my own sessions.

-marked interesting hands, reviewed some and did some PIO sims. But definitly need to be
more consistent with that and need to use PIO more often and in a more structured way.

What we did not do:
-Any sports :D
I was so hyped with poker things and did some aktivities with girlfriend and friends,
so I´m fine with that for this week.

What we do next week (having 6 days free at work):
-Playing focused and motivated hours at the tables. Sessions 1-1.5h, no volume goal.

-joining at least 1 or 2 discord calls and maby connect with more people.

-increase activety in RIO forum. Post some interesting hands.

-start with 1st week of A-game Masterclass

-do my 4split workout plan

And finally graph and results for the week.
Feeling so positiv about the week, even though results were not the greatest,
should be a good sign of doing the right things.

CatorMan 3 years, 11 months ago

Nice update mate. I think like you said the fact that you had a losing week at the tables but you still feel positive is a fantastic sign that you are making great progress and the results will catch up. GL mate!

Newson93 3 years, 11 months ago

week 2

graph week 2
results week 2
graph march
results march

This week was I was super productiv. As I mentioned in my last weeks post, I had a lot of free time available and we absolutely took adventage of it.

What we did last week:

-played very high volume, but I paid a lot attention to keep my focus at high level and stopped whenever I felt like loosing attention or playing autopilot. Limiting session length to 90 min and trying to talk tought process out loud worked pretty well for that.

-had one session with my discord group and going to have another today. we will be focusing every session to one topic, e.g. defending 3bets OOP, we will do this by reviewing hands, looking at some sims and playing against solution in GTO+.

-finished the first week of A-game masterclass. I´ll write a bit more about the course and how it relates to my mental game, in the next days.

-did a workout and went running at least twice

Next week:

-after this high volume week, I could go on for finishing my stars rb challange for 1600$ extra. It´s pretty tempting, but I´m not going to sacrifice my quality of play, studying. I´ll just see how goes and just dismiss it if any other goals start to suffer.

-doing 2nd week of A-game course

-finally be bit more active in forum

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