Shall I keep grinding at my parents home?
Posted by Calvin_n1
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Gen. Poker
Shall I keep grinding at my parents home?
Hi all
I’ve been playing poker part time for 6 years. The reason that I’ve playing poker part time is because I’m a student. So most of the time I will play poker during weekends and holidays, which takes 1 or 2 weeks every two months. Since I started playing poker, I was aware that my parents knew I was playing poker. I’ve explained that I played with play money and was playing for fun. Actually I’ve lied because I was sure my parents wouldn’t be happy if they knew I was playing for real money. My parents are Asians, so explaining that poker isn’t gambling is quite hard. They are against every argument and explanation I say. After a long period of time, I’ve kept grinding under unfavorable conditions. Which means I’ve got disturbed by my parents by doing stuff at home for example: cleaning the house, cooking etc.
After I’ve graduated, I’ve decided to take a one year gap to focus on playing poker. I would say I was a decent/ mediocre player at 45-180man sngs till 15$. It went okay for the first 2 months. After that, my parents are getting more frustrated at me that I didn’t get a real job and was wasting time at home playing poker. I was also aware that my parents knew I was playing for real money. There was times that my parents disconnected in order I would say playing poker. They did that many time when they saw me playing poker. Although the grind didn’t worked out because of them, I’ve found a job at the supermarket and worked for the rest of the year. After that, I’ve started my masters which takes two more years.
To keep the story short. Since summer is started, it would be nice to play poker again. I didn’t play for 1.5 year. Ive stared playing poker at May and deposited in total of 60 euros at Partypoker, 888 and pokerstars. My bankroll is now 970$ and I wonder if I would be great to grind 1.1$ - 5.5$ mtts this summer.
If I grind at home, I really don’t feel comfortable at home because of my parents. I was also looking at office rooms which is quite expensive at my city. Grinding at Airbnb and hotels is also expensive. Even I grind at those places, it will hurt my ROI really hard. Grinding at my friends home is also not really an option because they don’t know that I’m playing. So is there something which you guys can suggest to grind poker during this summer?
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Save money and move out, then do what you want to do
Short answer but straight to the point!
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