RIO Poker Post #5: Phil Plays
Posted by Nick Steiner
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Nick Steiner
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Run It Once Poker
RIO Poker Post #5: Phil Plays
Hey, all!
Phil’s 5th post on Run It Once Poker is up! For this post, Phil switched things up and recorded a video so that you could see our software in action. Along with playing on Run It Once Poker, Phil discusses our progress and our plans moving forward.
Let us know what you think!
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Hell yeah let's go!
The software looks great overall. One small feature that could be improved is that your opponent's cards look extremely small at showdown and might be hard to read.
Hello Dan A,
Thanks for your feedback, we agree with you, and this is a high priority item for our team. We already have a task in with our development team regarding this.
Great work Phil and rest of RIO team.
Another thing I noticed related to Dan A comment, is that the board cards are in a different perspective than other sites which might make it hard to get that "instant information" that you were talking about in the vid. I think it´s oriented to how you see cards on a live scene (the view kind of replicates how we see the board when we are at a live table) but I´m not sure if it´s the best option for online games with lot of people multi-tabling.
Best of luck and keep going!
Seconding this, first thing I noticed, too. If there is a way to keep the table tilted/3D as-is but make the community cards be 2D/appear flat on the screen I think that's more visually appealing
+1 please 2D :)
Ryan Martin twisterk
This has been a common response, our team has already started discussing the possibility of having an option to play without that perspective.
I vote for 2D community cards as well:P:)
Wow! The site looks like a poker players dream already and you havent even launched yet. Absolutely amazing job RIO Poker team!!!
Thanks for the support miami002
I also think it's not a good look when there are several of the same avatars at one table. Make always sure there aren't the same two characters at a table and if one leaves make it that a different face appears when a new player connects. That way it looks more organic.
Quido great comment and we appreciate the feedback. The avatars will be unique for all players at the table, and after a player leaves, that avatar won't show at the table for a set amount of time. Due to a limited amount of avatars we had in the software, there were duplicates. Once we get all our avatars implemented, you will not see this behavior.
...good, this will be less confusing as well...
Is there a need to have the cards on the board slanted like they are? Seems unnecessary to intentionally make it harder to clearly see what the cards are even if it does kinda match what you'd see in a live card room. Also, will there be an option to switch off the avatars? If they're meaningless then, for me, I'd like to really cut down the visual clutter, remove them and just see the stat data. Other than that, very intrigued to see what it's like at launch.
Overall ya A+ for the software. One option that would be cool is to be able to have the cards straight and not slanted to look like they are on a table. Unibet does what you guys have atm and I find it less clear.
Maybe also have an option to speed up the animations? Or at least to be able to turn them off. Not sure why by I find much easier to play with animations turned off on every site I ve ever played on.
Looking forward to the launch! Good job!
WM2K, thanks for the A+ :) and for providing feedback. We have already begun working on speeding up the animations. As far as turning off animations, we've discussed this and are working on having multiple options in the future.
Looks very nice :-)
Will there be a general auto-rebuy to 100bb? It looked to me like that because everybody in the video always had at least 100bb stacks but that is probably just the case for this test video.
We do have auto-rebuy functionality including some customization options.
Looks great so far!
I'll add my +1 to straight cards would look better on the table than slanted ones.
Also, while I love the idea of dynamic avatars, some of the faces aren't particularly pleasant to look at. For example at ~14 mins there are 4 players with the raging tilt face. Playing with a table full of these faces would probably put me on more tilt than whatever caused my avatar to get that face in the first place.
Will it be possible to disable avatars at all?
This will not be an option at launch, although we have plans to add some avatar disable options in the future.
v3rson Ben Knowles WM2K Nigh
Thank you all for the feedback regarding the perspective of the board cards. We hear you loud and clear and have already started discussing the possibility of having an option to play without that perspective.
Not sure if this has been covered elsewhere already, but - will there be the option for hotkeys, customizable or otherwise?
J J yes, we do have customizable hotkeys built-in.
Another vote to change the cards, from a member who has less than perfect vision. The slanted board cards really are disconcerting. I find some dissonance from the fact that the cards, chips and table are drawn in perspective while all the other elements, including avatars, pot size, opponent cards, etc. are represented flat. As alluded to elsewhere we are used to seeing proportional cards on most sites. Keep the 3D look, tho.
HalCroves thanks for your comment. This has been a frequent concern, and our team is taking this issue very seriously.
Site looks awesome. Think single-click chat is a great idea, maybe you could make it so that ppl could individualise by being able to alter the presets, like with bet slider options? obv not a top priority pre-launch feature :p, but might be something to consider down the line.
Richard Gryko I'm glad you like the single-click chat. Thanks for the suggestion! It is unlikely that we will make it fully customizable (with free text configuration), but we will certainly consider having more pre-set options available.
Edit: Misunderstood the question
geez, this looks great xD
Looks very promising... damn good job Rio-Team!
Stars will soon discover their Kryptonite :D
Ha! I love this, well done! Thanks for the support :)
I saw that you already adressed the tilted cards Nick but i really want you guys to know how many people dislike them, me included. Just head over the twoplustwo forum and take a look in the thread there. Almost everyone is disliking the tilted cards. To be honest i am not sure how you missed this with the current testers. Is there any feature or thought put into the cards being tilted or why did they end up like that?
To be fair the board cards are not the major priority when creating a poker site and the previous testers are unlikely to be caring much about the visuals anyway, they'll be much more concerned with the functionality of the product. These kind of things are usually a "this'll do" until later down the road (now) which is where they get feedback on the visuals.
camikaze007 To be fair, I'd assume the appearance of one of the main things you see on the screen is a relatively large priority. Obviously I don't know though. But fwiw, I agree the tiled cards look bad to me.
camikaze007 I am sure you wrong about visuals not being important. Visuals is very important, just like functionality. I am 100% sure i am not alone when i say that i stay away from several networks and sites based on just visuals even though the they might be better in other areas (such as rake, fish-ratio or even functionality.)
Daxxar, this has not been common feedback from our testers so far, but it is clear that a number of people in the community are in favor of the standard flat cards. We are happy to receive this feedback now and look forward to additional input as we expand our beta pool.
+1 to changing the board cards.
The software looks great, it's easy to tell you guys put a lot of work into it and I'm sure it wont' be too hard to become a serious competitor on the market. Actually, as ambitioned as it sounds, I think you could even become the #1 site if you keep going like this. Can't wait for the launch! :)
DebtsNBooze, please see my comments above in regards to the board cards.
We appreciate the kind words! Thank you for the support and the feedback.
This is future! Great job RIO!
Thank you Karlencho :)
I think the whole thing looks incredible. A butt load of avatars would be great so as to not run into the same boring ones over and over. Maybe a few more chat bubble options WTF lol gg WP grrr (PKR had this down before it tanked) as Poker is a social game as well, especially for those Recs many decisions have been made on to engage. Definitely would like to forego small things for SNG’s sooner. Good work team, look forward to getting onboard hopefully during our rainy season here, aka “winter”. The perfect time to be indoors for a launch.
JCSharky, thanks for the comments.
We will have many more dynamic avatars available when we launch. There have been a few comments in regards to the chatting function, and our team will be discussing possible ways to improve this function based on the community's input.
I guess I'm the only one that actually likes tilted cards :) I got used to them on Unibet where I play and they look great here too, but I totally get why people dislike it.
Just one thing. Besides having a decimal point, make sure software accepts decimal comma as well. This is something that new sites often miss.
Other than that I think it looks good. Looks smooth and responsive which is the most important thing.
CoreySteel, thanks for the positive feedback on the tilted cards. As Phil mentioned below, our team is looking into what we can do with the cards.
I will share your feedback on the decimal comma with our team. Thanks again!
Thanks for the overwhelmingly positive response, everyone :)
WCOOP is keeping me pretty busy, but I had a quick chat with the team and we'll be looking into what we can do about the cards. Eventually, we'll just have multiple options, but it remains to be seen how quickly we can get that in (including the untilted version).
I'm excited we've finally got the finish line in sight!
Looks great! Can't await the launch:-)
Thanks GRNDrrrr :)
New site is looking great. This question is probably covered elsewhere so I apologise in advance. Will other game variants other than NLHE and PLO be available? As a PLO8 cash game player I was looking forward to playing this on the new site if possible (traffic permitting of course!).
jonnybafc, no worries, thanks for the question.
At launch, we will only be offering NLHE & PLO cash games. We will be adding more formats in the future and will announce this at a later date.
I would hope that I speak for all of us when I say that I think you’re doing a superb job and if it takes a little longer to get it right, then we know it’s going to be worth the wait.
The software looks excellent so far. I came here to comment upon the showdown at 9:30 when I had to squint to see the cards and the Stetson was obscuring one of them. I instantly see that you’ve beaten me to it, though.
The 3D card faces do look quite neat, and I think I may get used to them after a session, but definitely not as kind to the eyes when flicking between a few tables. Again, I see many have gotten here already on this one. A customisation option here would be very welcome.
I'm so excited about this project. Without wanting to get gushy, I have to say that I’m of the opinion that there isn't anybody in the game today who can come close to matching Phil’s integrity, passion, modesty, and soundness of character. It’s truly wonderful to see a pro who remembers where he came from. A pro who has the desire and wherewithal to give so much back, with this, the noblest of projects. A true rarity in these crazy days of previously respected pros trying to tell us that more rake is actually better and BOT armies.
Thank you so much, to Phil and the entire RIO team. Endless respect.
Hutchb32, thank you for the kind words and support!
I've reviewed the showdown spot you mentioned, and I agree the stetson does make it a bit difficult to read the card. Our team is aware of this issue and is addressing it adequately. As far as the 3D card faces, please see above comments :).
Thanks again for the positive remarks.
It looks great, hopefully I get to try it from September 13th! This video is also trending on reddit's /r/poker, people over there are excited as well, the main concern seems to be that of the tilted cards.
Ernestas Romeika, thanks for the support and heads up. As stated above, we're aware of the community's concern with the tilted cards. Our team has already begun addressing this issue.
Phil, you should encourage your beta testers to download OBS Studio. I am sure you know of it but for those who don't; it is free software that most steamers, speedrunners, etc. use to record and or stream their game play. If they are video recording the session they would be able to send the video or a clip if they see anything unusual that needs to be reported, so you can actually see the bug happening. I don't think anyone would have issues sending these videos to you as your integrity proceeds you.
Twug, we appreciate the recommendation. Our internal testers have been using OBS Studio along with other various recording platforms. Recording our sessions has been a critical part of our bug testing process.
Like the design overall but there is a couple really bad and useless things:
1) angled community cards - just awful
2) one pocket card overlapping another
3) useless deck of cards on the felt why would you want this??? Card back supposed to be bright so you can instantly see how many players dealt in and this absolutely useless thing in your face 100% of the time
4) white cards as the only option - bad. In fact having only one option is strange to me, is it so difficult to add another card design?
5) dark semicircles above player`s pods? What are these for? Terrible.
nwnw, critic is fine but there is no need to throw around words like bad, useless, terrible and awful. show some manner and respect to the people who work very hard to make this project happen.
If one does not like a roasted fish that does not mean that this dish is bad, useless and chef is awful. It looks more like the subjective & egocentric critic is awful by making such a terrible criticism:P:)
nwnw, thanks for your feedback. We will keep it in mind. To your specific points/questions...
1) We've addressed this already. Please see above comments.
2) This allows for large cards without taking up a lot of horizontal space
3) We have gone back and forth on this but generally liked the unique look. We are considering making changes there.
4) This has been addressed in the past. We are working on having multiple options.
5) It is a design/aesthetic to serve as a background element to where the cards will appear.
Congrats to the team it looks beautiful
hansglick, thanks for the positive comment!
Really liking the look/feel of the software. There are a lot of little thing I love that add up to make a big difference.
Few thoughts on animations/look and feel:
- Dealer button moving slowly to next player after a hand is nice.
- The chips splashing together after each street is cool
- I like the deck on the table, 3 cards dealt face down and then all flipped up on the flop.
- Flashing white surround of avatar when it is the persons turn to act is clear and easy to understand who the action is on at a glance
- When the hand is over the pot goes back to $0.00 while the showdown is still happening. I think the pot should only go back to 0 once the showdown has ended and next hand has begun to be dealt
- Tilted cards (I know you know) but seemed difficult to see on a big screen let alone one day on a mobile device…
- The betting buttons should be all similar sizes, the fold button is a lot smaller than the bet button. Seems to have dynamic widths based on the text in the button. Really think they should have standard widths. Maybe Change ‘Raise to” to just ‘Raise’ to help this.
- Did not see an option to view last hands – does this exist and what does it look like and function like.
If I get Beta access I will give better thoughts around avatars ;)
Cheehc, thanks for the elaborate response.
We appreciate all the "good" and the "bad." We added elements to our tables to make it seem like you're at a live table, and that seems to be the positive things you enjoy.
As far as the "bad"...
- Thanks for pointing out the pot at showdown. Our team is aware of this and working on ways to improve this.
-I assume you've read my replies to the titled cards.
- As Phil mentioned in the video, we will be updating our betting buttons. Thanks for the idea!
- We do have a hand history reviewer and we are working on a hand replayer, but don't expect the replayer in for launch.
...I would not change the "Raise to" with just "Raise" because "Raise to" is more precise in it`s meaning but sure, this is not really big issue, either way is OK.
Different size of buttons are maybe not that bad idea either because players might differ action buttons more easily and faster (to me the "Fold" button should be slightly bigger then other buttons)?
I would maybe only suggest a slightly more obvious highlighting of a player who has to act next. But this is not of a that big importance either.
I really appreciate the simplicity in the layout and presentation.
The only thing i would modify is having a 2D card perspective option (as previously mentioned)
99reasons, appreciate the feedback. I'm sure you saw my previous answers on the 2D card perspective :)
Am I the only one who really likes the software how it is now? Lol :-)
Lausbub, you aren't alone! Thanks for your input!
Nice! Shuffle and deal:P:)
This will not be in usa?
That is correct.
Hope the next post is gonna be on rake ^^
Hi:) I am just curious, so if it is not a secret I would kindly ask are you (RIO) writing this new poker client application (code) from scratch? How many programmers, developers do you have on this project and what programming languages do you use? I would just like to know how much work, time and ppl is needed for creating such a software? Thank you very much in advance!
While I'm not sure that the team wants to share the specific details of our codebase, I will say that it is a lot of work. We currently have a team of 15+ developers working on various aspects of the software and a total of around 40 Run It Once employees involved in regular internal testing.
@quido it s gonna be rake free
the dream...
When you are in a hand will there be text telling what you have i.e. Pair of Aces, Flush Queen high, etc.
Hi Mike S, we won't have this at launch, but we have discussed adding it postlaunch.
Three days to go. Any chance we see somebody streaming on Thursday?
there is a chance
Hi miami002, we are asking our beta testers not to stream their play for this test session.
The best thing that will happen to online poker in 2018! Very nice work so far. I didn't find that topic anywhere..will there be heads-up tables in cash games?
BluntedAstronaut, at launch we will only be offering six-max NLHE and PLO cash games. We will address heads-up tables at a later date.
What about zoom poker? Will it be available at all?
Quido, we will not be offering fast-fold tables at launch. We will address this format at a later date.
Excited to see the release is getting closer.
It looks like the games will be in €uro only.
Can we still deposit in USD and if so, will there be a currency exchange fee ?
Rick Rath our cashier will be in euros, any deposit will come through our system in euros. Your bank will exchange USD to Euro. Note: Any card w/ a bin that's located in the USA will be declined.
I really dont see this pokersite taking off, no chat no community more like a slot machine/arcade game.
Betfair had great software and still didn't make it
Because slotmachines/arcade games never had any people playing for fun?
LOL @ you for trying to compare this shitty fucking site to RIO.
But Here4Phil has some point(s). I don`t see that as trolling or berating. I believe we (mostly) are all wishing RIO all the best, so some comments are made out of fear for project to fail. IMHO in here should indeed be much much more "lively & active" as it is now, especially if RIO poker client will really open soon (now I even become a bit anxious when I see a word "soon":P). Revealing of some core decisions is quite slow and mysterious. It is important to catch the right time - moment and it was already missed few times, justified - no problem. But at this point, I believe, there should not be any much more waiting. It is time to release the beast and solve obstacles on the way.
I think the main problems with poker sites these days are:
1) Bad rake/rb deal (this is the main one)
2) Buggy SW (badly functioning or non-existing macros, laggy, no time bank etc.)
3) Questionable reliability (Am I gonna get scammed? Are bots here?)
I don\t see RIO having these problems (we don't know about the rake/rb situation yet though) and the sw looks good to me and reminds me of full tilt.
The only sw I really like besides pokerstars is the one at party. Saying betfair has better sw than RIO sounds ridiculous to me. I am still quite impressed from what I have seen from RIO tbh.
At the very least theres a RIO discord now so seems they are fostering some kind of sense of community. Keeping chat away from the tables is good imo. Lots of awful things can be said. I ve seen a lot more negative chat esp berating weaker players over the years. Hearthstone keeps chat to a specific menu for the same reasons. Enough there to have fun and take light hearted shots at eachother, but not full on chat where people can say some truly awful things. And its internet so more negative chat is gonna happen then positive. If you want to interact further with your villains go to the discord or forum which seems to be the direction RIO is taking.
Yes, I agree with you (Quido) on all of that, therefore I did not mention the software, which I believe too, will be great. But there are some, maybe a bit less obvious issues, which Here4Phil kind of stressed out and I believe they are important too, if we wish to get a big player pool.
Found this on youtube. Decide for yourself, was posted in 2008 mind. BF didnt shut til 2011.
Phil Galfond The thing I dont understand is these emotional statuses getting involved in the avatar. Angry and Enraged. Nobody likes to be enraged, its a negative emotion. Why not call it "Wild" or "aggro" or whatever. Someone playing a lot of hands aggressively does not have to be angry at all. So I dont quite get that, people play poker for fun, having a good time playing some more hands maybe. But then to go and labeling people as anger or enraged is just unnecessary negativity brought into a fun game imo. Just some thoughts. Good luck Phil!
Bingo 123, thanks for your input. We'll be removing the labeling (angry, enraged, etc.) and replacing them with specific play styles (loose aggressive, very loose aggressive, etc.).
There will be no HUD that is ok. But is it possible for players to get their Handhistory (Which are anonymous) and look at them in trackers like HEM2 or PT4?
Or will it be like on unibet, where you cant really get your Handhistories...?
You will be able to get (download) your hand history after 24 hours to analyze your play and statistics, other player names will be anonymous.
Will I be able to play on runitonce poker on a mac?
would also be of interest to me.
BlackDespair and BubbleNedRum yes, there will be a mac version available.
Would RIO Poker be available in Israel?
I read in an article that RIO won't be available to a good amount of countries, but Israel wan't included in that, is there an actual hope for Israel?
As of now, Israel is not one of our blocked countries.
Dear Phil,
Summer is over.
Kind regards,
January 1st 2019 sweden will regulate their market. I did not see Run it once on the list of pokersites that applied for a license. Does that mean Sweden (and large potential player base) will be excluded just in time for Run it once poker to launch?
Which stakes (micros) will you offer at PLO and NLHE? Will the site be avaible in Austria?
zahi The exact stakes we are offer will be dependent on our traffic, especially shortly after launch. Players from Austria will be allowed to play.
Hi! Great design, i love it, poker challenges would be nice... Good Luck RIO Team..
III appreciate the kind words. A few people have suggested challenges, we will consider this. Thanks for the feedback!
Is it expensive for a, site to run/offer a new table/stake?
Oh, and we need more updates!!
Hey Phill, que te parece si haces podes hacer un mercando con la venta de tipos de avatar para tu mesa de distinto tipo: Imagina que alguien quiere comprarse la forma de un personaje de alguna película, anime, les podes agregar efectos como por ejem: después de un enfrentmiento de all-in entre 2 jugadores, uno que tiene el avatar de goku le manda una gemkydama a su adversario que perdió, asi con distintos personajes y poderes de la pantalla grande y chica, tipos de barajas, forma de la mesa, fondos de pantalla, tipos de fichas, mascotas etc, Asi el poker seria algo mas entretenido y muchas personas pagarían por tener un avatar vistoso mas que nada las mujeres , el juego es muy lúgubre y poco decoroso para ellas, y ademas cuando ya inviertes en algo es mas difícil que lo dejes ir etc. Arman el personaje con los gestos , y lo venden, nose asi crean un mercado en vez de estar subiendo los rake innecesariamente.
It's time for an update ;)
Will you develop multiple language options for displaying comments or even for the program as a whole? eg allow a player to see menu options, chat in Chinese / Spanish etc. I would think this would be quite rec friendly.
At launch, English will be our only option. Currently, adding multiple language options isn't a major priority, but we appreciate your thoughts and are looking into it for the future.
Update. Please.
Next post is half-complete, guys. I'm hoping to have it up within a week, but there's a lot going on at the moment for the whole team!
We working on scheduling our next beta session as well, which is an update in its own right. If you haven't checked out tweets/articles from our previous beta sessions, pokerfuse has a couple of good ones featuring video taken by beta testers:
An Exclusive First Look at Run It Once Poker Software
Run It Once Poker: Everything You Need to Know
Nick Steiner in case you are able to answer this question:
I´ve read on pokerfuse that RIO Poker will offer ecoPayz as deposit option and im curious if you guys will offer a affiliate or bonus programm with them ?
I searched the web and found that there are are several affiliation sites where you get instant Gold VIP status + Cashback + free credit card when you sign up for ecoPayz through them.
Since I don´t have an ecoPayz account yet, I would rather wait till RIO Poker launch and sign up through you guys in case you will offer a similar bonus.
Hi Rick Rath ,
We will be offering ecoPayz as a deposit option. However, we won't be offering an affiliate or bonus program with ecoPayz. Feel free to sign up for ecoPayz through one of the sites you mentioned above.
Will RIO poker client work on Linux?
For development purposes, we do have an internal client supported for Linux. However, we don't have any immediate plans to release it to the public.
What a bummer, would love to play on a Linux os.
Hey all,
ICYMI: Phil visited our Malta offices last week and on Friday shared a short video providing an update on his trip and Run It Once Poker.
You can check out the update here.
Didn't Phil say he is going to write a full update a fortnight ago?
Phil will be releasing a new post shortly.
Shorty it's like in a day or 2 or within a week? Also can't wait for some new stuff
We expect the post to be up within a week.
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