First Run It Once Poker Journal

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First Run It Once Poker Journal

Hello everyone!

I have made a New Year resolution of playing NL holdem on RIO Poker, and hopefully post my results here on this forum.

First of, I must say that I´m not a native English speaker but I think that my English will be good enough for this purpose.

1. About myself

I'm a 28 year old guy who was introduced to Texas Holdem in 2008. when the World Poker Tour was broadcasted on our national TV. Me and my friends were crazy about the show, it was aired at 9.PM and 2.AM and we watched it every day... We were so intrigued how the game was skill based and talked every day about the previous episode we watched and about some hands that were played. At that time I didn't have Facebook and someone told me that you could play Texas Holdem on it, and that was the reason I made my Facebook profile back in the day lol.
After making my Facebook account I started playing Poker on it, and very soon, I have figured out that the level of play was nothing similar what I watched on TV, but I played it anyway because I liked the game, and at the time there was a leader board of Top 100 players (total chip count) in the world and by country witch I wanted to be at.

When I was 17 (yes I know) I made a account on FTP and there I enjoyed to play poker the most, the year was 2009, and I played just freerolls. I l liked it immediately, that was the closest (till then) to the Poker I watched on TV and had nothing to do with that Facebook game I used to play. I played once a day at 8.PM the 150 or 250 $ freeroll (I can't remember exactly) but the 1. place was 15$ and after some time I managed to take the first place, and I was so thrilled, like I won the WPT lol.
I didn't know anything about BRM, I played Poker very aggressive and didn't play any good... but I was lucky, and I turned that 15$ in 400$ in a week, I played one table NL Cash games, with a 2BI bankroll management (Didn't even know about BRM, didn't care too). I never thought about withdrawing the money coz I was living the dream lol and was thrilled about playing at that levels (NL100, NL200), bluffing my opponents, slow playing, and trying to do the fancy plays that I saw on TV.
Very fast I started loosing and was introduced to the second word in the name of the site I was playing: Tilt! I lost it all in one session!

After that point I started to learn NL holdem strategies, played a little on Stars (I was 18 at the time ;)), I mainly played mtts at the micro levels and had some good results, I don't remember how many times I was on the final table but I won it all 3 times. I played recreational Poker, once a week, sometimes more sometimes less and then 2011. arrived and the Black Friday came.

I played again from 2014. mainly cash games, on the lowest limits, I bought HM2 and started learning more and more... I always played recreational, never played more than 2 months constantly and in 2016 when I decided to play more seriously, Pokerstars has made the VIP changes and it turned me of from Poker, at least from online Poker. I played often with my friends and on some smaller live tournaments, I follow poker news, YouTube videos etc... So I found out about the RIO Poker project, I followed it constantly, and I waited for the RIO Poker site to launch, I played on it to try it out at the first day it launched (didn't plan to play much) but I fell in love in the site and the team behind the site, I started to play when ever I had time, and made some money from it, but I stopped I had to go out of the county for a while and couldn't play.

2.New chapter in my Poker Life on the best Poker site

Now I decided to play more constantly, I think RIO Poker is doing great things in online Poker and I believe they will succeed and grow big!
I have the From the Ground Up course and I will study it while playing from the Ground up, from NL4!

I played since 18.12.2019 with 50€ deposit and run very good at NL20 and now I have 200€ and will take the game more seriously:

3. Goal's

2020 Goal's :
1. Play exclusively at Run it Once Poker,
2. Learn, learn, learn!,
3. Play constantly trough the year,
4. Improve my game month after month,
5. Post frequently, after the first month at least 2-4 times a month,
6. Beat NL4 with more than 6bb/100,
7. Buy a PC and a good monitor (I'm playing on my laptop)
8. Reach NL20 and become a RIO Streamer.

Short term goals:
1. Play at least 20K hands a month. (and I know that the number is small, but I have a part time job and looking for a long term one),
2. Finish the FTGU course, while taking notes and posting at RIO forums for some answers, by March 15. and then move to the essential videos.,
3. Post here at the end of the month when I have at least a 20 000 hand sample.

4. Bankroll Managment

  • My current bankroll is: 200 €
  • I will use the 50BI BRM strategy
  • Will move up to NL10 at 500€, and back to NL4 at 450€

I have HM3 free trail to import RIO HH and will download PT4 free trail after that, I know that I will need to invest in one of the two in the future but for now the free trails will do, I don't really like the HM3 for RIO Poker, will see how the PT4 looks like before making a purchase decision. I would like some suggestions from some of you if you have some advice's.

I didn't see a journal where someone plays at RIO Poker but if there is someone that has one, or will have one, I would subscribe right away.

I hope RIO will have a great year!

If someone read the whole post, thank you! I will talk to you soon!

Long Live Poker!


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Djoksi 5 years, 2 months ago


So I've finished the 14 days HM3 free trail and I'm posting my results from the last 12 day I played on RIO Poker. (I started before I made this whole post)

So, until today (today's stats aren't here coz RIO Poker HH are downloadable after 24h) I was running really good- greate I would say, as you can see from the graph, I won every cointflip.
But I don't think I played very good, I made many stupid pre flop calls, didn't stick to my ranges (when I should have), didn't have a greate 3 bet plan... but because of the results, and the fact that I cached some aggressive bluffs, I gained some false confidence witch led to my today's 5BI downswing where I was calling some hands I know I was loosing in most cases but I was holding i.e. KK and made the call.

And that's my biggest problem, Im struggling to fold some hands and am often calling in -EV spots.

The From the ground up course is an excellent refresher for me, coz I didn't learn Poker in a year or so, and I find it really helpful. I have my Poker notebook where I'm writing notes from every lesson, and I will keep it up till the end.

My goals till the end of the month are:
1. to play as good as I can, without auto-piloting, making unnecessary calls, and making fancy plays!
2. Finish the month with over 20 000 hands played.
3. Study "From the ground up" and take notes and finish half of the course.

I will download PT4 30 day free trail so I can post my results from January and February and try to put some money a side for HM3.

Talk to you at the end of the month.

Current bankroll: 270 €

Djoksi 5 years, 2 months ago

ForgeEV is a Russian tracker, free for now. I have not used it but some guys in the RIO Poker community use it, there is a manual for it, but its also on Russian, so google translate would help.

Deactivated User 5 years, 2 months ago

I googled for the ForgEV but is anal minecraft popping in the google search engine. I reaally need a tracker fast!

Djoksi 5 years, 2 months ago

I tried to use it but didnt figured out how to import hands properly.
I used HM3 free trail (14 days) and next is PT4 free trail (30 days), there is also Pokeit with a monthly subscription of 5$ for NL Holdem only. That are all options for importing RIO HH at this moment.

Djoksi 5 years, 2 months ago

Why is this "gnac" user not banned from the site already? He obviously has some big issue's and I think its inappropriate to give this man the possibility to post or reply!

Djoksi 5 years, 1 month ago


So I finished this month of playing and I have played around 20K hands but at his moment I don't have a tracker (and RIO P has temporary disabled it) so I don't have any stats for this update, but in the coming months I hope I could put some money from poker aside to buy HM3 (already have HM2 so the upgrade will cost me 45$ instead of 60)

This month as a whole was below my expectations! In the first 70% of the month I was running good, and when my first downswing came I didn't handled it well. I would say I handled it bad!
Biggest problems:
- I was looking too too much at my bankroll status, instead of being focused on my game,
- I played to chaise the losses many times and that resulted by more losses,
- My focus was not good
- I lost too much money playing "Head's up" with a 300bb deep stack, and loosed the whole stak... and that exact same situation with around the same stacks happened 3 times!

I took a 7 days time out after a 15 BI downswing, because I started tilting very quick and needed to give my self some time off from Poker.

Even after this period of me playing Poker very bad I managed to earn 11€ from the last update, due to the great Rake Back at RIO Poker, and due to being able to set my costume buy in limits and stop loss limits!

How did I do in the last month goals:
- to play as good as I can, without auto-piloting, making unnecessary calls, and making fancy plays! FAIL
- Finish the month with over 20 000 hands played. COMPLETED
- Study "From the ground up" and take notes and finish half of the course. WATCHED AND NOTED 13 VIDEOS

Goals for February:
- Playing without any distractions
- Not looking at cashier while playing
- Play at least 15 000 hands in February
- Post two times
- Keep learning from the FTGU course

Current Bankroll: 281€

forCarlotta 5 years, 1 month ago
  • Playing without any distractions
  • Not looking at cashier while playing

These goals are quite easy to attain if you use some tricks, ie block distractions and cashier while playing using some script.
For example I cannot use browsers, Thunderbird and any other software while playing and obv I cannot access to the cashier either.
Since I don't have to resist the urge I can focus my willpower on something else

forCarlotta 5 years, 1 month ago

Hi sry for the late reply... I've totally missed your post.
Well, I use a custom made scripts that prevents me to open up distraction during study and play time

Djoksi 5 years ago

Hi guys,

I just wanted to make an update in this threat ...
So thing were not going good for me financially lately, and that is not regarding to poker, i had a part time job for which i didnt get paid and I probably won't be... so I was forced to withdraw over 90% of my bankroll and find another job... I went to few interviews and got a job where I will work from april.

The start of the month was not bad, I won couple of BI-ns, won a 25€ twitter giveaway and the plan was to buy HEM3 but, then my paycheck for december and january didnt arrived and thats out of the question now, I have left like 35€ on my poker acc, so I will try to continue to play NL4 but I know the odds of getting busted are very high.
When I put myself in a better financial situation I will continue this journal and continue to play at the best Poker site Run it Once Poker.

Hope to talk to you soon! GL

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