RIO Help Needed / Cash outs in the US?

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RIO Help Needed / Cash outs in the US?

Hey RIO,

I haven't received any checks since before Black Friday. I have recently figured out that keeping my entire roll on one site is pretty silly of me. What I am wondering is when we cash out, what sort of issues should I expect when cashing this check? This might seem like a really silly question but I am kind of concerned that if I cash out x% of my roll to keep in the bank or to deposit on other sites/play live with that I will get a check that can't be cashed. 

One more question, my plan is to cash down to 30 buy ins for my current level and if I drop to 15 to redeposit back up to 30. Does this sound like a good plan? 

Please Help RIO,


Edit: I realize this sounds kind of funny, that I would be playing for so long on a site without knowing whether I can safely cash out. But I just deposited $100 and thought I would see how high I could get it. Now I have enough that I can actually make "entry level wages" I want to make sure I don't get screwed.

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