RIO golf bag
Posted by GameTheory
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Gen. Poker
RIO golf bag
This has been on twitter for a while, when will the RIO-shop be online?
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i want bandana :=)
You weren’t supposed to see that ;) jk
We have plans on selling Run It Once apparel later this summer. We’ll definitely post here in the forums when we have a better timeline for it all.
With that golf bag you're pretty much advertising you're open to all wagers.
that is fucking sick! team titleist all the way
Don't forget Runitonce sweaters, socks, hats and condoms.
Can the RIO condoms only be used for 1 night stands?
They don't need any warnings about reusing condoms, it already says Run It Once!
^ I wasn't referring to reusing condoms lol.
I know, but I had to do it, it was too easy.
Running it once is all about taking maximum risks and being confident that the outcome will be good. For that reason, no RIO member should use RIO condoms (on his member). The only way to take maximum risk and be confident in the good outcome it to go raw dog!
If things go wrong, you can always name the baby after one of the RIO coaches. Which name would you choose Mush?
Just gotta pull and pray.
Alien Slayer!! :)
Where can I get hold of that golf bag? Its so unfair to post that pic without having a method of purchase! :D Im a club pro at a decent size CC and would like to advertise RIO!!!
I didn't post that pic, some RIO pro did on twitter. If you look closely you can see his name written on the golf bag.
Good eyes. It sure would be nice of RIO to offer up some merch to the community! For you they could create an encyclopedia containing all your theory relevant comments from the forum and bind it in pure gold (a symbol of what standard the posts usually hold) with Run It Once as the working title and GameTheory as author.
Tom: Are you by any chance +- 23 years of age, from the UK, a golfer and a Portugal holiday enthusiast? I recall I once met a boy named Tom with a similar surname near the small fishermanstown of Carvoeiro in the Algarve. This all happened 5-7 years ago
What do you think this is, only for Elite pros or he made one himself?
I'd better start making some extremely long posts then so the book becomes heavier.
@Nick: I am +-23 (24), am from the UK, but sadly fail the rest of the test. Golfer would be pushing it (I'm beyond crap) and I've never been to Portugal sadly (need to get around to that!).
@GT: No idea whatsoever. Looks awesome though!
Okay Tom. Would be cool to bump into someone Ive met in a totally different arena on RIO, I guess it was a long shot though. :)
I was going to take up golf this summer but now I feel like I have to wait until I can buy this bag :(
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