Resolving my mental game problems?

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Resolving my mental game problems?

Hello guys!

I have been trying hard to resolve and improve my mental game these couple of months and some improvements have been made. But I still feel like I have some strong flaws that needs resolution for me to be a complete poker player. I have been working with the book ''mental game off poker'' and I understand my problems which are these 3 objects:

Mistake tilt: I get extremly frustrated when I make an obviues mistake in my own opinion. I have been trying to use the inject logic like ''mistakes are going to happen the main thing is not letting one turn into more'' to Control myself at the table and it works. But it is a supressed emotion, sometimes it lets go but mostly its a really hard fought battle with myself NOT to start steaming/play to loose. But sometimes I cannot let it go after a session either and take it home. I guess its cause the emotion accumulates.

The big problem here is since I FOCUS on my mental game my POKER game suffers and when I make a mistake in my poker game it can turn into a MENTAL one. The situation becomes bizzare since the issue I am trying to solve hurts me at the same time... Mb I am just thinking in the wrong way here?

I cannot fall asleep after the session because I keep rethinking it. This problem is my biggest one since I just moved upp in stakes and well I am not playing scared money but at the same time when the stacks gets bigger during the night(I am a live player) the Money can start to influence the situation since I dont want to make a ''risky'' play. This takes me to my second problem which is.  

Fear: I am afraid to loose Money when its above a certain amount. I know it is stupid to Think so but I have been a nonprofitable/breakeven player for about 7 years because of my HORRIBLE mental game. Before I got a breaktrhough playing and its only these last couple off months I have been making some dough. I am afraid that it will not last or that I will start being bad again or something like that. Also I have a big fear off MAKING mistakes since one mistakes creates me thinking about it which in turn generates more mistakes and my game suffers + my mental Health. This means I am not playing my best poker because off fear and thinking about it makes me a bit depressed.

Confidence: My bankroll is not that big yet altough it is enough for the stakes I am playing. I have doubts about myself since off the long period Before I started to make some Money and making now cause off a good run? What will happen if a bad run appears(mb fear oriented) and will I be able to play through it?

I constantly keep rethinking these issues which in turn  makes me angry and that goes over people Close to me and I feel worse for that myself.

I have tried to write down my problems to get them out off my head, I try to exercise(swimming) and improvments on my mental game have happend. The thing is it gotten worse later perhaps cause off the new stakes. It feels like I have lost the joy of actually playing and thats the worst since I really like poker and enjoy the whole thing  feeling the chips between my hands :). It feels like some flaws are quite Deep and no matter how much I work on them they dont go away.

So what advice can u guys give me on this? Should I try to hire a mental game coach and can u reccomend a good one and how much will he cost? Or have I not kept working long enough on my mental game? Keep re-Reading the book and do the exercise and eventually they will also become better on a sub-conciues level?

Sorry for the long post, I just wanted to Went it out off my system somehow instead of holding it inside.


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