Realizing Equity OOP with middling hands in 3bet pots

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Realizing Equity OOP with middling hands in 3bet pots

I am primarily a Heads Up player but this is a situation I've had trouble coming up with the best line and/or coming up with ranges that play well in this spot.

Essentially, I'm thinking about my flop betting and flop checking range after 3-betting pre. With a lot of hands it's difficult to bet-bet-bet for value which means a check will be in order on 1 of the 3 streets.

How I construct my ranges in other situations I.E. after I check-raise flop, I tend to just check-raise a polarized range and can just drop some bluffs so I'm not immediately concerned about realizing equity. Although I am aware he can't go crazy betting when checked to because this makes him vulnerable to a double check-raise or whatever but he can normally bet at a decent frequency (with a smallish bet) to make my EV(checking) pretty low. Again, I'm not too concerned as they will often be bluffs I'm giving up on.

However, in 3bet pots I will flop a less polarized range so it's important to be able to realize some equity with my checking range. My difficulty, is that I end up checking a pretty capped range which is extremely vulnerable to triple barrels due to the geometric property of value:bluff on multiple streets allowing him to bluff fairly often. I know one adjustment is to start checking nuttish hands until he gets in line but I was thinking as a default way of thinking, where's the best place to start. Checking draws, some FD's, OESD, helps you in that you can become really uncapped on a lot of turns/rivers to negate him from just being able to bet relentlessly but I know whenever I flop a FD in a 3bet pot my natural reaction is to just fire at the pot.

How do you guys go about playing these spots? I do a lot of work in CREV so if you could give some good situations to model that may also be very useful.

Thanks guys.

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