Questioning Jonna102 as PLO coach

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Questioning Jonna102 as PLO coach

Hi, regarding the PLO coaching programs advertised here and on Pokerjuice, I believe that Jonna102 is not a good choice of coach for these very expensive programs. While playing and sweating my friends, I have seen him move down in stakes on Pokerstars from 200PLO zoom to 50PLO. When I have contacted him on Runitonce asking why this is, he has responded "maybe I am teaching my dog to play PLO, why does it matter", "I don't have to explain to you", or claims that he is "just researching the state of the games".

It seems from this evidence that Jonna is an extremely mediocre player who is essentially scamming unwitting new/beginner players into purchasing a program that they believe is being taught by a solid, knowledgeable player. The price is also exorbitant; for example Jnandez is offering his “PLO University” at a fraction of the cost of even the Intermediate program, and he is a proven consistent winner at high stakes.

I believe that barring some new evidence, these programs should be discontinued, greatly lowered in price, or come with a disclaimer that the coach is a micro stakes reg.



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sweet16 7 years, 8 months ago

I saw a screenshot of him having a negative winrate for over 1million hands iirc at microstakes fwiw. (Not entirely sure, but his results are very bad at least over a big sample)

I dont think being a good player = being a good coach, but i agree that it seems like its a bit over the top imo. Probably over priced, yes.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

Well, I think a good coach has to be at least a decent player though. If you can't beat the game yourself, what can you teach your students?

500zreg 7 years, 8 months ago

Being a good player is not a sufficient condition to be a good coach. However in my opinion being a good player is a necessary condition to be a good coach.

miami002 7 years, 8 months ago

Somebody brought up boxing as comparison to poker coaching the other day. I think that unlike sports like boxing, ice hockey, soccer aso. where coach can be somebody who wasnt a first class athlete himself but still can produce those super athletes its a must that poker coach should be a winning player himself. There just isnt the other way around it. While its super common in life its nearly impossible in poker. You just cant learn nothing from a person who is breakevenish player and not willing to show his results and prove that his methods are actually working.

P.S. I`m not talking about jonna btw.

sweet16 7 years, 7 months ago

@ Quido, yes I do agree with you. I'm curious how he came up with these prices, because they make little to no sense to me. I dont think anyone who isnt a proven winner at midstakes (despite playing millions of hands) should charge more than $100 / hour. And i would also recommend guys reading this post to never pay more than $100 for someone who is playing small/low/micro stakes. It is not going to be a good investment.

miami002 I agree with you 100%.

miami002 7 years, 8 months ago

"maybe I am teaching my dog to play PLO, why does it matter".

What a lovely way to respond to your potential students. Such a nice human being.

miami002 7 years, 8 months ago

Why would anybody pay 10000$ to get coaching from a mid-stakes player at best! This price is insanely high! Oh those coaches these days. Just makes you to appreciate Jnandez`s work even more.

PastyWhiteDonkey 7 years, 8 months ago

A little over a year ago he playing 25z what seemed like full time on stars. Then it looked like he sold some coaching packages and moved up to 500z then probably busted his roll and disappeared for a while and now is trying to run it up again.

I don't have a problem with him playing games he isn't winning in or even offering overpriced scam coaching. The issue for me is that he is a mod here on RIO so it gives him a position of authority and it legitimizes him. I think RIO shouldn't allow him to advertise on the forums because it calls into question the integrity of the site when they endorse somebody like him.

Maybe we can have a no non-pro coaching advertisement rule? Or maybe a coaching specific subforum where people can post what they are offering and we can leave reviews? I'm not asking that we get rid of all scam coaches in poker because that would be impossible. I'm just asking for RIO to take some responsibility and not allow scammers, especially those on their mod team, to prey on the newer more susceptible players that come here wanting to learn.

sweet16 7 years, 7 months ago

He is not a scammer though, there is nothing wrong with him charging a high coaching price tbh. No one is forced to actually take coaching for him. It might not be worth it, but I mean if he doesnt like to coach and he doesnt want many students it makes sense to just have a very high price.

Also pretty big chance that he actually believes he is worth the hourly he charges. Which also obviously points to the fact that he is not a scammer.

Sounds pretty stupid that he shouldnt be allowed to advertise his products just because he is a moderator as well, he should be treated as any other member in the forums. And also its your own fault if you draw the conclusion that he is a legit coach just because he is a moderator.

However it would be interesting to see why Tom Chambers promote / co-operate with this guy, that is more questionable.

PastyWhiteDonkey 7 years, 7 months ago

By your definition nobody is a scammer. I could sell you a fake rolex but say it's real and charge you as much as it normally costs. But by your definition it's your fault for buying it, I didn't make you buy it. He is scammer because he is selling something that he can't deliver at a price that can't be justified. I am assuming that RIO wants to be a trusted brand. Letting a scammer advertise here while he is given some non-zero amount of legitimacy because he is a mod, is a problem. A possible solution is they could review advertisements to see who is qualified or not. To me the simplest solution is no ads, let the scammers scam somewhere else. Also this will come up on google when people search jonna102, which is helpful for people trying to research before they buy.

We can probably guess why Tom Chambers works with him, but lets keep the thread on topic :)

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

About a year ago now, I withdrew everything from my stars account save for $50 of fun money. I did this in order to focus full time on the PLO Fundamentals courses, as I wouldn't have time to play and review my own play anymore. I still played a bit, but just recreationally. By the end of the year, that $50 had grown to around $20k from only PLOZ.

Sadly, I ended up running really poorly at 500Z. 20 BI behind EV over a small hand sample, and since I was still doing this just half-recreationally, I decided to stop playing 500Z, withdrew most of my BR again, and played some lower games. I played some 200Z and 100Z, but continued with the sick variance. The kind where you get it in with top set on a dry board, and your opponent hits their only backdoor draw. And repeat 40 times per session.

I could obviously have continued playing higher if I wanted to, but it's not as important to me as it apparently is to some others. I love the game, but contrary to most players I'm not actually in poker for money. I'm in it for the love of the game, and because I enjoy the intellectual challenge.

In this light, I find this thread very odd, and I haven't really known if I should comment or not. As far as I'm aware, OP has never been in any of my coaching programs or have had any substantial contact with me at all. I think I should be legitimately allowed to make responsible choices with poker winnings, and make conscious decisions on what financial risks I take, and when. How that translates into a need to make groundless accusations against me, is beyond what I can comprehend. It's unfair and uncalled for. (Aside from also being against the rules of conduct of

I still don't really know how or if I'm supposed to respond to any of that, since it's so far removed from any substantial reality that I know of. All I can say is that I've never pretended to be anything I'm not, I'm just offering to teach the skills that I've picked up over my years as a PLO player and researcher. If people value those skills and what I do (and they do), then I think I have fair cause to continue.

ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

In this light, I find this thread very odd

Do you think it's odd that people question the credibility of someone who sells coaching packages for $10k without posting a convincing lifetime graph?

It's standard procedure to inform potential customers about your lifetime results. Jnandez has been a professional for years, has a crushing win rate at $2000PLO (double-digit win rate in 2017!) and sells his product for a fraction of your price. So you should expect some scrutiny when you put a product on the market for $10k.

I'm not actually in poker for money. I'm in it for the love of the game, and because I enjoy the intellectual challenge.
All I can say is that I've never pretended to be anything I'm not,

You're not claiming to be a successful mid/high stakes player, but you're not mentioning anywhere in your marketing that you're a recreational micro/small stakes player either.

When you're not upfront about what stakes you've had success at and what you have accomplished lifetime, it's only natural that people ask questions when you enter the market with high-priced products.

The value of a coaching pack doesn't have to be strongly correlated with the performance of the coach (especially when the pack is theoretical), but transparency is still necessary. Otherwise you get threads like this, which is totally fair.

(Aside from also being against the rules of conduct of

You just made that up.

ankimo 7 years, 7 months ago

The simplest thing to do would be to post the graph of your $50->$20k and then the runbad in 500z.

Really, not much else you need to do to earn that credibility. Post a full graph, not 10k samples of where you won here and there. You just gave the backstory (above), so just provide the evidence and all should be good.

Why would you rather type out so many words, make multiple posts, claim how unfair it is, when all you need to do is post the graph that everyone wants.

GameTheory 7 years, 7 months ago

Others are impersonating my identity (GayTheory, Game Theory´s Instructor etc)
and they don't get banned by the moderators! Why does nobody make a Jonna callout thread for that?

500zreg 7 years, 7 months ago

This thread is not defamatory because it is true.

On the other hand, the price of his course is obscene. And his students' face after receiving coaching is sexually explicit.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

Would it be at all fair that those who ask for scrutiny would perform even a minimum of fact checking? Or at least stating what it is in the products that is in question? That would give us something tangible to discuss, create feedback that would be meaningful for me, and give me the opportunity to correct whatever you find questionable with the products.

As it is, this thread only serves the purpose of publicly discrediting an individual, without any substantial reason presented at all. As such it is nothing but slander.

As I'm partial, I'll ask the site staff to judge whether this is acceptable.

Quido 7 years, 7 months ago

Get off the high horse lol, no need to be smug. Also, why would the RIO staff side with you and think demanding transparency from an expensive coach is somehow offensive?

500zreg 7 years, 7 months ago

Why don't you start off with your results in the last two years? Alternatively, you can explicitly state that you are a recreational micro stakes player offering highly theoretical coaching. And all the questionable HHs are just research.

There was a similar thread regarding Tom Chambers course, and he didn't find it libelous.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

The simplest thing to do would be to post the graph of your $50->$20k and then the runbad in 500z.

Really, not much else you need to do to earn that credibility. Post a
full graph, not 10k samples of where you won here and there. You just
gave the backstory (above), so just provide the evidence and all
should be good.

If that's really all that it takes...

I feel incredibly silly doing this because I have no desire to brag. I don't think this is anything to brag about. I'm sure any good player could repeat this and more. But if it really helps anyone believe that it's legit, then here goes.

This is $50 => $20k. It doesn't quite go all the way up to 20k -- this was back in the day when there was still rakeback on stars, and I fed that back into my account to land at at bit over $20k.

It turns out that it was actually more like $22k:

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

This is the same hand sample but in BB/100. It shows the consistent results a bit more clearly. Both of these are unfiltered hand samples from around mid Aug 2016 to mid Feb 2017, and represent ~6 BB/100 over ~250k hands. Not at all destroying the games, but winning quite consistently. The first part of the sample is swinging that $50 back and forth a bit. It's the insane variance that you get when you're winning 20 bb/100 but rake takes 18 bb/100.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

This is from 500Z at the beginning of the year. Small hand sample, only 14k hands so nothing much can be read out from it, but it's what I have. It does show though, that I was 20 BI behind EV at the end, or around $10k off my true winnings.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

With the graphs out of the way... mediocre micros player? Anyone can have a crazy run over a small hand sample, but for it to happen consistently over 250k hands that is fairly unlikely. I think I deserve credit for being a good player. It should give anyone the confidence that I'm not going to give advice that is entirely wrong. But ultimately I'm much more a poker theorist than player. I'm ok as a player, but my real skill set is in poker math and computation. But I've also never claimed anything else.

Concerning the pricing of the courses:

The Basic course is priced at €800. It includes a total of 24 coaching sessions, 12 theory and 12 practical sessions. I frequently bring high stakes players as guests to the practical sessions at no extra cost for the students. There is also fairly extensive homework every week, plus a chat room where students can discuss hands among each other, and I'm also available in the chat to answer questions. I also have optional live play videos available to students who want them. If you just count the cost per sessions it's around €33, which is really as low as you could possibly expect for the kind of attention that you get as a student in this course.

The Advanced course is priced at €2400. The theory and practical session setup is the same, as is the homework (though it is more sophisticated). For this course I haven't been providing live play videos, but I'm looking into doing that for the next iteration that starts early September. This course covers PLO range construction, plus some related thing like review of range interaction on every flop texture, and some minor game theory content, and includes material that is not fully available anywhere else to my knowledge. The price ends up being higher, but we're also talking about theory content that is much more exclusive. And still, if you split it into session costs, it's still only €100 per session, and the sessions frequently last 90 minutes or more.

The Elite course is of course the flagship product, and is listed at €9600. It's an applied game theory course for PLO. It targets at a very small group of high stakes players (essentially 25/50+), but aims to lift the level of game theory sophistication for PLO to similar levels to what we see in NLHE. There are some challenges with software availability for PLO, but I've had my own software running for weeks and weeks to calculate the results we present. I believe I personally solved around 1500 games for the first two weeks alone! Every session represents many weeks worth of offline work, and that's how it ends up with the price it has. And still, this kind of knowledge has value to some, and I wanted to make it available since I have the skills. The theory and practical session setup is the same as for the other courses, except each session is around two hours and have two coaches. This course extends and modernizes some of the material in Advanced PLO Theory. Tom Chambers is my co-instructor for this course, and has created half the content. I've seen another thread on Tom, and I can't comment too much, but I'll say that Tom is possibly the brightest mind that I've ever come across in poker, and he puts an incredible amount of solid work into everything he does. I'm honored that he's decided to work together with me on creating and delivering the Elite course, and I couldn't possibly have done it without him.

Many players appreciate the scientific and systematic approach we take in these courses. It won't be for everyone, but there's no need to be. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive for the most part. Some criticism has also been received, and we're updating the courses for every iteration to improve them based on student feedback. We also offer students their money back if they take a week or two and are unsatisfied with the value. Nobody has yet decided to take that option.

As far as is at all possible, I base the material at least partially on published material. The board texture categories are exactly as in Advanced PLO Theory for example. I do this so students can get an extra level of confidence in the material, and a source to go to if they want deeper knowledge. Just like in any university course. For Advanced and Elite it's somewhat hard to find published resources. Elite is a bit easier, because I can point to raw math or science papers (just on the off chance that anybody would be interested). With range construction it's harder because there isn't much available, but I do link to videos here on Run It Once, that at least partially provide such coverage.

So let's keep this discussion in perspective, please. There are solid products that are valuable to some, for the price offered. That's fair business. 1000+ hours have been put into producing this content to make it valuable for students. If people have comments on any of the content, then I'm happy to discuss, but I've seen no such comments in this thread. If there are other products in the market that other people prefer, that's also fair business.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

Let me also state clearly, for the record, that these products are entirely separate from Run It Once. This is also why I've kept a low profile about these products in the forums. They have been mentioned occasionally, but not much. And I cleared this with the site beforehand.

My role as a moderator for the PLO forums is really nothing much other than being a normal member keeping an eye on the forums. I get no compensation from RIO for it (other than access to the site) and my skills as a poker player have not been reviewed for this role.

tofurocks 7 years, 7 months ago

Thank you for posting graphs, they are pretty cool, my only questions are why you only have EV line for one graph, and also why your graphs stop after February?

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

That's exactly it, as explained above. It was also around the time when we started another iteration of courses with twice as many groups as before.

I skipped the EV line in the other graphs because it didn't add any useful information and cluttered up the graph. (I consider EV adjusted winnings to be a close to useless metric anyway.) It mostly followed the green line, and ended at around 6 bb/100 as well. During the 250k hand sample, there were swings from being 46 BI behind to being 12 BI ahead, and back, but that's just business as usual with PLO.

The 20 BI difference for 500z is also completely normal, and not something I'm particularly concerned about. It just happened to be at the wrong time.

David Capon 7 years, 7 months ago

I have used Jonna as a coach for the last few years, and have also discussed a lot of strategy with him. I am mainly a live player, but have learnt to handle myself in games which are 2/5 zoom to 10/20 online though my sample sizes are small. I am fully aware he is not a high stakes crusher, and I am in strong disagreement with people who want a high stakes crusher to teach them because in my opinion that is not how people best learn.

I have done a lot of reading on books such as Outliers by Malcomn Gladwell, Deep Work by Cal Newport, The Talent code by Daniel Coyle, and I have developed my own personal views on how and what it takes to improve myself. I recognise it is not a one size fits all, but this is what works for me.

If I had a highstakes crusher telling me how to play, I feel that yes it would make a difference, but it would not give me the long term tools to think for myself. With Jonna, he has done a vast amount of work on theory, and he will talk you through how he got to these conclusions. I am not someone who is going to go away and do the highly theoretical work myself; so I like how he has done that work and how he presents it. To learn at a deeper level, it is creating an understanding of how Jonna came up with these theory points, discuss them, and have me argue with him when I don’t think they work in reality. If you have read the Talent code by Daniel Coyle, he would probably argue this is a process, which will create Myelin, and thus creates a better understanding of the game mechanism through deep learning. I find this methodology of “deep learning” much more effective than what I would classify as shallow learning eg. Only watching training videos and not bothering to examine, discuss and challenge them; or just blindly accepting what a coach tells you.

I feel if you are wanting a coach to tell you to simply do xyz, Jonna is not the coach for you. He is a coach who has a real passion for the game and it's theory. Use his tones of work to discuss and argue with him. It is our responsibility to then build upon his passion for the game and work as hard as him. Add some of his theory to your arsenal, see what parts of it work for you and what doesn’t. This for me creates deep learning and greater understanding of the beautiful game which I will never fully comprehend its depth :))

limpinski 7 years, 7 months ago

I totally agree with David!

These are some accusations from someone who probably didn't have a glimpse of the material and the work provided by Jonna.
I took the basic course and all i can say is, that i was real happy with everything that was being teached and in all fairness, would have gladly payed double the pricing knowing what i know now.
It doesn't take a great player to be a great teacher.

Keep your head up Jonna.

tofurocks 7 years, 7 months ago

I am definitely not a shill for Jonna unless I misunderstood your post. As I said, I find the lack of EV lines and cropped graphs kind of suspicious and I am still highly dubious of his ability. I think that a non-cropped by-stake breakdown with EV lines would be a lot more convincing, I still don't see why he would move from 500z down to 50z if his theory is so strong and actually worth paying for. I know solid players who have run unbelievably bad for a long time and they never had to move down to 1/10th of the stake.
Regarding David, I believe that theory is a good way to learn , I just think it is better to learn theory from somebody who is a proven winner at reasonable stakes (in EV). Obviously I am not saying "do xyz" is what coaches should be telling you, this is kind of a strawman.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

Before we further question my integrity, maybe we should also have a look at yours?

  • You have posted a hate thread in my honor where you pretend to have information about my ability as a coach. But you actually have no experience with my coaching programs, do you? We actually have had no contact at all, have we, until you anonymously started spamming my inbox with "Why are you playing xx" messages?

  • You claim to have evidence of me moving down in stakes, but you conveniently left out the times when I moved up in stakes. And you didn't consider that I've been jumping up and down, left and right between stakes and sites constantly all the time since I started playing PLO 5 years ago.

  • You claim that I am an extremely mediocre player, pretending to have evidence of this, when in fact you have none at all.

  • You accuse me of scamming new/beginner players, when in fact you have no evidence or even indication of this. You also claim to know what my students believe about me, and in fact you have no idea what they believe, do you?

  • You present text fragments that you attribute to me, but you fail to mention that they have actually been altered and edited by yourself. They are not my quotes.

  • You appeal to the public that my coaching programs should be discontinued because of the fake evidence that you have presented. If you indeed had a valid case against my business, would you not actually have taken some more appropriate action?

So in summary, you have posted a public hate thread with my name on it, falsely impersonating someone who actually has meaningful information, with the clearly stated intent to severely damage my business, when in fact you have no case against it at all, and the evidence you refer to is completely made up.

In this light, I believe I have been about as forthcoming as I can be expected to be. If you want to demand anything else from me, maybe you should clean up your own act first?

Aleksandra ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

Before we further question my integrity, maybe we should also have a look at yours?

Aaww, come on. You're a micro/small stakes rec selling packages for $10k with no tracked lifetime results shown anywhere. Is it strange that people are sceptical?

Horseofhell 7 years, 7 months ago

I skipped the EV line in the other graphs because it didn't add any useful information and cluttered up the graph. (I consider EV adjusted winnings to be a close to useless metric anyway.

If you think ev is useless and only clutters up the graph why did you specifically feel the need to add your ev line in the 500 graph?

You've had two chances to post the winning graph with EV and you have chosen not to do it both times which makes me (and I imagine many others) very suspicious. Especially since you have shown that you do think ev is a good metric by posting that 500 graph. Is ev only useful when you run below it and useless when you run above? If you ran perfectly at ev like you have said why don't you just post the graph? I think we can deal with the extra line in there it won't be too cluttered don't worry

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

This has gone way too far already. I am deeply opposed to this blind use of results as a metric of someone's skill in a game of chance. I am deeply opposed to the stake envy that is displayed in this thread. A good poker player knows immediately from talking to another whether they know what they're talking about or not. No results required. By continuously insisting on results graphs, all you do is prove that you don't belong in that category of players yourself. And yet, against better judgement I have still provided more than plenty of results graphs to disprove the accusations in the original post.

This will be the final results graph I post in this thread.

500zreg 7 years, 7 months ago

This is no blind use of results or stake envy. It is simply heuristic: a player with good results/higher stakes is more likely to be a good poker coach than a player with poor results/lower stakes. Tofurocks reached out to you and you responded with trolling comments, so result is the only metric he can go on. He never claimed to be a good player or even a winning player. But he doesn't need to prove anything because he isn't selling a 10k USD course.

ronswanson 7 years, 7 months ago

Jonna, do you publish all your reviews or only 5 star ones?

Would you be willing to share how many people have reviewed your courses, and if you have ever offered discounts on the programs for them?

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

I don't handle the reviews myself personally, but as far as I'm aware every review that was entered in the shop has been posted. They are posted exactly as given by students, and all students have been offered the opportunity to give a review. No reviewer ever received discounts in exchange for the review, and nobody ever will.

ArturBoruc1 7 years, 7 months ago

" A good poker player knows immediately from talking to another whether they know what they're talking about or not. No results required."

Completely disagree, the knowledge one acquires directly relates to results. And when your selling 10k a package i for sure want to know that the knowledge your selling has given you great results, which it hasn't.

ArturBoruc1 7 years, 7 months ago

" I love the game, but contrary to most players I'm not actually in poker for money. I'm in it for the love of the game"

you sell coaching packages for 10 grand

miami002 7 years, 7 months ago

I think we can all agree that for a player who isn`t capable of beating PLO500 the price for elite course is little bit too high. Still I respect Jonna for showing his results when asked to. Yes you can take things out of context, question and pick at everything he says forever but at the end of the day his results up to PLO200 are quite impressive. Its time to let it go and not to go too overboard with this and accept the fact that the man knows what he is doing. Everybody can now make their own choice whether they like the price or not.

tofurocks 7 years, 7 months ago

His graph is still cropped to end at February and has no by stake report, I wouldn't say that he has demonstrated impressive results up to 200.
That being said I do agree I don't need to go any further with this, I think the evidence speaks for itself.

Tom Chambers 7 years, 7 months ago

I have a couple things to say and then I'll leave the thread. Over time when such threads have appeared, I addressed the couple about me because it was necessary, but I've stayed out of the others, whether I thought the subject person or product was good, mediocre, bad, well-priced, overpriced. It's not worth the time to me, I prefer to keep my opinions to myself, especially negative ones - something about glass houses. That said.

In choosing to work with jonna, I never asked for a graph or about results. That doesn't make those things unimportant. What I found important was:

  • he is articulate and extremely absorbent of poker content. He's watched more videos and read more books than almost anyone I can think of. He understands poker and game theory and he explains things well. And he is very organized and good at presentation.
  • he is an exceptional programmer. During my poker hiatus 2012-2016 I worked with world class programmers. I am far from one but I know one when I see one. He would fit in in any CS context. I've seen code snippets and programs that answer questions that are not available publicly. Some of that was disseminated in the Elite course. What he does in terms of making the work public and how is up to him, and beyond what I've said I don't want to make my views known or to over or under sell it. So that's that.

But it is key to understand that these skills are orthogonal to playing results in a coach, and they have value too. This doesn't make playing results irrelevant, but it does explain why the well-packaged Fundamentals courses (the lower two) are valuable - he pulled everything that is/was out there together and presented it extremely well. He has many satisfied students from those courses.

Regarding Elite. It is expensive, but it is also a large program, 40-45 hours of course time (1.5-2 hours/week x twice/week x 12 weeks). If anything, for the students in the course, the question was not whether the hourly rate was reasonable, but whether the time was most efficiently used versus their other options. The first iteration left us with many thoughts on how to improve. We are working on that. We also understand that regardless of the rest, for such a price people will want pretty graphs too. So we intend to post pretty graphs before offering Elite again.

I hope this post is useful to those without already-set opinions.

Paid_To_Laid 7 years, 7 months ago

My feelings would be hurt if I were Jonna102.... I think we need to make another gay theory post about how Ike Haxton has been trolling us all along.

miami002 7 years, 7 months ago

People are allowed to ask questions. With this kind of price tag you shouldn`t be surprised at all. PLO University has just a perfect price and the best thing is that Jnandez is adding even more content to the course. I think its actually very smart to sell your products at a reasonable price. There are way more beginning and mid-stakes players ready to buy 1k package than players who could actually afford and are willing to spend 10k for a poker course.

PastyWhiteDonkey 7 years, 7 months ago

I have had a change of heart. I apologize for calling Jonna102 a scammer. I have had the chance to play with him recently at 100z and after seeing his game firsthand I think he should be allowed to sell his coaching packages... because that is the only way to keep him in these games :)

500zreg 7 years, 7 months ago

This is the most cutting edge exploitative Nash strategy to generate theoretical edge against assumptive population tendencies. This hand will be explored in depth using state of the art artificial learning network and deep neural intelligence running on a proprietary blockchain developed exclusively for Elite course offered at for the bargain basement price of €9600.

PastyWhiteDonkey 7 years, 7 months ago

From reading 500zreg's post I can tell he is articulate and extremely absorbent of poker content. He's watched more videos and read more books than almost anyone I can think of. He understands poker and game theory and he explains things well. And he is very organized and good at presentation.

Cory Mikesell 7 years, 7 months ago

Okay first of all, I'm not coming to this thread to personally defend Jonna. He was actually rather cruel to me seemingly out of nowhere after I had thought we had developed somewhat of a friendship. That being said, I find it staggering that no one has considered a justification for this play. I'm not even saying this is the correct hand to use to exploit the population imbalance in this spot (I personally think its not), but how has no one considered what he is saying with his shove? I can guarantee that the population is cbetting above an optimal frequency in this spot and may be 3Bing too wide pre. When you combine those factors and the potential that players are overfolding vs a x/shove, might it be possible that shoving any four shows an auto profit?

I'm not accusing the posting player of having these leaks, but the fact that everyone reacts with "what a fish" instead of "I wonder what this says about me or the population" is a bad sign.

tofurocks 7 years, 7 months ago

You're right reStacks, I'm sure everyone at 100 is snap folding to shoves in 3b pots every time when it's basically all-in to call, and Jonna is a max exploit master who knows something we don't. Way to bring us back to reality.

chipsandsalsa 7 years, 7 months ago

Population tendencies in zoom100: 3beting too much and betfolding in 3bet pots with spr=3 ? I doubt it. Would be amazed if you get a fold more than 20% in this specific spot given blockers.

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

These are my latest 500 or so stack-off situations. I had one slight slip-up, and you guys fall all over yourselves to snap post it in your desperate search for something to hate on.

I know players who rage tilt when they lose 10 stack-offs in a row. This graph shows my performance after being 80 BI behind EV over two weeks. Under those circumstances I can forgive myself if I make less than one mistake per 100 stack-offs.

I can go back several years and show a similar graph. There is just no foundation at all for the mindless hate that you guys are spreading. There is a word for posters who behave like that. It's really embarrassing to see so many of you have such disregard for source control.

Now let's see if you guys are prepared to back up your words with your own stack-off graphs that so obviously humble my results.

500zreg 7 years, 7 months ago

I consider EV adjusted winnings to be a close to useless metric anyway

Post 500 hands graphs running below EV with an extremely high variance filter. Blame tilt on 80 BI behind EV in two weeks.

socialismhahaok 7 years, 7 months ago

Jonna taught me PLO. I went from PLO5 retarddonk and now I'm putting myself thru uni, it doesn't cost anything in Sweden to go, but you have to pay rent, books and all that stuff. I've been able get an average of ~$1800(15k SEK) each month (since Aug 2016) playing on Svenska spel. And since I'm an idiot who goes on tilt for the most stupid things I think that's decent.

Just ignore Jonna if you think he's a bad? Stalk Jonna and win all the money. If he scams people I think we'll hear about it? "This guy is charging $800 and he doesn't know shit!!", post like that would surface really quick. I'm really happy with his coaching, I've won back what the coaching cost and more.

I don't have any graphs atm because I'm home on summerbreak. I can post them late september when I move back to my Uni town and get access to my stationary computer.

Pic of username + a recording of coaching with Jonna to prove I've had contact with hen (genderneutral swedish pronoun). No matter how I try phrase this message it looks sketchy, w/e,. take it or leave it.
inb4 jonnas 11th acc

this website is terrible from a userexperience perspective, cant embed img.

'sup J

jonna102 7 years, 7 months ago

Thank you P, and thank you also to David C, limpinski and Tom Chambers, for being civil and sharing a tempered and unbiased view. Especially also reStacks, who may have had less reason to speak up than the others. While I regrettably can't go back and change the past, I do appreciate the post.

These are the only posters who have had any contact with me in relation to the PLO Fundamentals courses.

miami002 7 years, 7 months ago

Now let's see if you guys are prepared to back up your words with your own stack-off graphs that so obviously humble my results.

Again, people who post here don`t need to prove sh*t. They are not the ones taking other peoples money. As a coach you are only one who needs to show that you are actually competent enough to justify the price you are asking for your products. People have their doubts. Your only goal should be to prove them wrong not to compare yourself to them.

Deactivated User 7 years, 7 months ago

High priced poker coaching is just the garbage business idea of fraud players. 95% of high priced coaches are losing players or have virtually no winning online. The list is Tri Nguyen, Gordon Gekko, Jon Beaupreaz, Splitsuit, Nick Howard etc. All bums trying to make a buck off stupid peasants who play poker.

mike 7 years, 7 months ago

I don't know about everyone on your list(also don't really care) but the list of losing players charging money to coach is WAY longer :)

Caveat emptor

Mikey Stotz 7 years, 7 months ago

Jonna is a mod at RIO because he has been a loyal member willing to help, who's made great posts and helped us improve our forum participation for years.

Mod-ship is not an endorsement from RIO about his abilities as a coach (nor is it the opposite). Reviews of the coaching offered are welcome, but the personal attacks have crossed the line. Please keep the conversation civil going forward.

Aleksandra ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

Mikey Stotz said: personal attacks have crossed the line

Copernicus said crook and a fraud. Others expressed their opinions also in variety of ways, but, at bottom of it all, that is TRUTH and nothing is personal in truth, except truth is what it is, sometimes very harsh and painful, unforgiving and occasionally very offensive because in its core, truth cant chose to be mannered polite and distorted , softened just so people dont get offended.

In a way you are somewhat right in thing being personal, because to extent it is. Someone among us distorted truth,misrepresented himself and as that is not enough, clearly and unmistakably falsified results to gain credits he is not due for, and most of all , to lure people into buying rather expensive products that he as a poker player cant stand with results behind at all.

You refer to him as loyal member willing to help, who's made great posts and helped us improve our forum participation for years., and he clearly did use RIO as a platform of his fabricated lies (see his thread Experiment: Starting with $100) where he is clearly fabricating evidence since his posted results for 2013 for micro stakes clearly show that he was losing over large sample -7.9 bb/100 ( unless you want us plo or nl players, to start believing that reg table loser is zoom winner, might as well believe in santa@! )_ and having a MOD status @ RIO, indeed though does not make you endorser of his coaching , but makes you in a subtle way enabler, and i hope that you come to a realisation that you should take it personally too!!!! because that reflects community you created, in which you as site do have responsibility for us to feel SAFE from fraud lies and intentional deceit.

I believe people are kind and good in their core, no one here wishes anyone anything bad, we dont want people and coaches to fail or lose, but still , everyone does occasionally lose and fail, people then are NOT entitled to know it because it is usually no ones elses business, but when it becomes business like selling people products , then it is their business and their losing and failure is on DISPLAY, not because people are mean, but because they want to protect themselves from such, and by extension, community they are a part of.

It is not pleasant to be involved in debunking a fraud and a cheat, and everyone decent usually stays away since its rather unpleasant to roll in the mud and pithole of humanity, but sometimes, it needs to be said, and you, as site , should be grateful for people coming forward with TRUTH, and stand by your people and not Jonnas of the world, because we need to know that you are standing there trying for this things NOT to happen, and when they do, debunk them with admirable velocity ,,,

Love to RIO but not today

Aleksandra ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

PS - Also, not sure if this is clear enough, its not about coaches and people losing some at some point of their lives, not playing for couple of years but stil have valuable thoughts to offer, sometimes it is totally transparent sometimes not, but in this case it is obvious clear misrepresentation of always losing micro - player who fabricated and falsified results in public and found his predatory way in this community .

PaulW 7 years, 7 months ago

I took the first iteration of the Elite PLO course ran by Jonna102 and Tom. I don't care to comment on how they are as actual PLO players, frankly I've never played a hand with either, but what they both are is great teachers and the Elite course was of great benefit to me and my PLO game. It's clear Jonna is very math/game theory based heavy in his approach to PLO. It may not translate well into his own play(?), but as a recipient of his knowledge and the work he put into the Elite course it has without a doubt made me much more verse in game theory and how it applies/should be applied to PLO. No doubt it was a ton of work for both Jonna and Tom to construct the course, it was also a ton of work for me to get the most out of the course, and months after it finished I'm still chipping away at the mountain of work the course allowed me to discover about PLO. It's a fucking big game after all.

I wouldn't normally get involved in petty troll threads like this (made a new anonymous account to post this) but the level of abuse Jonna is receiving is an absolute piss take. You may not think he's a great or even profitable player but I'm telling you he is a very good coach. You get hundreds of hours worth of pre-work from the guys in the Elite course on top of the actual coaching sessions. $/hour wise is pretty good value.

Happy to answer any more questions people may have about Jonna (specifically as a coach) and the course itself.

Deactivated User 7 years, 7 months ago

If you wanted to be chess grandmaster, you wouldn't get coaching from someone who wasn't a grandmaster. If you wanted to score 98-99 percentile on a standardized exam to get into a most selective university, you wouldnt get tutoring from someone who scored in the 75th percentile. For mid/high stakes PLO, it would be incredibly foolish to get coaching from anyone who isn't a big winner over a statistically significant sample size online at high stakes PLO. For $9600, you could likely get coaching from Jeans89 or Sauce123 or other nosebleed players. To hire anyone else for that amount of money would be silly.

Cory Mikesell 7 years, 7 months ago

I have actually gotten opening analysis and recommendations from a 1900 player who was an expert on the Kalashnikov Sicilian. Hikaru Nakamura also has a 2200 player as his second. So basically yes is the answer to your question under the right circumstances.

Aleksandra ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

A little reflection on this post that seems to have some argumentation going on in regards to - is it important to be a winner to coach poker or not.

Most would say it is, but some claim it is not obligatory.
Maybe it is not , maybe trusting someone is good is good enough, but im not sure how can anyone possibly trust someone who blatantly lies and forges!!! results in order to gain peoples trust.

Bottom line, Liar and Forger :

Jonna102: With the graphs out of the way... mediocre micros player? Anyone can
have a crazy run over a small hand sample, but for it to happen
consistently over 250k hands that is fairly unlikely. I think I
deserve credit for being a good player.

What to comment there, fake forged graph, or claim of being a good player???

The math on the PTR graph shows a player losing 3 years in a row. 2013-2015, playing mostly 10plo (average stake calculated from $ loss and bb/100) and not improving, actually dropping stakes. PLaying almost million hands like this!

Posing as "expert" during this time. (his Poker Theory Explained articles + was coaching other micro players at the time) and disguising his recreational, losing micro play by claiming to "researching the state of the games" to anyone who asks. 2 years later selling coaching for $10k.

Being somewhat transparent and truthful would be in place.

Like - "Hey , Im struggling and losing quiet a bit, but im really great with theory, if you want you can try my coaching package for 1, 2 ,10 or 100 k" . and advertise with SOME facts, omit some,

OK, Truth can and maybe streched to extent,

Like - "Hey , I played quiet a bit of volume this year and im selling coaching packages, im good with theory",..... yes, thats stretching it, but VALID and can hold somewhat


lie in public , forge results and actually take money for it, because people made decisions based on written statements and claims on reputable site , like purchasing said product, it is close to criminal act , in which victims will probably not come forward because - it implies they are stupid and silly, so it is better to defend their decision to buy whatever they want, in regards to which MIKE is right, it is customers own responsability to check what he/she is buying, but that is also a reason why we are having THIS THREAD, so people can have more accurate information to make decision.

Aleksandra ZenFish 7 years, 7 months ago

And when losing for (at least) the 3 years tracked in PTR, this is also unacceptable:

Jonna102: I can go back several years and show a similar graph.

when boasting a (obviusly forged) winning graph.

sweet16 7 years, 7 months ago

Good post..

@Artur I mean scroll up, I called him out litterally first comment in the thread. For unknown reasons people still decided to defend him.

antihero 7 years, 6 months ago

I wonder... Does nobody from RIO check someone's rPTR before hiring them? That should really be part of the vetting process imo. I feel that RIO could be a bit more self-critical in this case and be thankful that people outed this borderline scamming.

antihero 7 years, 6 months ago

Ah I see, my bad. I assumed he made videos as well, cause of the avatar thing.

Still, saying in this thread that he's made great posts and contributed a lot to the forum discussion feels wrong to me, when a good portion of this posts were misleading or outright lies.

fergusoncurly 7 years, 6 months ago

Seeing threads like this make me incredibly wary to hire any kind of coach. Major trust issues now. I am surprised RIO keeps the endorsement of him.

Paid_To_Laid 7 years, 6 months ago

what he isn't doing that bad....At least I think his $1,000 coaching is worth it, give him a break, he only lost 1 training course over 1million hands doing research

Paid_To_Laid 7 years, 6 months ago

not all hands are going to be recorded just so we are aware, obviously we already know that, but good to have a disclaimer lol. he actually might be loosing worse than this lmao

Quido 7 years, 6 months ago

Thanks, I mean it is not that bad, certainly made some money after rakeback. Is there a possibility to isolate his 2016 stats only?

midori 7 years, 6 months ago

Looks like I'm late to this thread, but wow, somebody can get away with this?

I don't have problems with a micro reg coaching high stakers, after all it's all dictated by supply and demand, but lying about and forging results is just beyond me. So is chalking it up to "I'm doing this for the love of this game" when you are charging your students a huge chunk of money while deliberately hiding or lying about your results as a player.

Dude, wake up. I mean, wake the hell up!

miami002 7 years, 6 months ago

Sry guys but to me Nick Howard is in the same boat. No proof of winning graphs, crazy expensive packages, winning student graphs could easily be forged. Help me understand how is his situation any different, maybe I have missed something. I`m very suspicious.

Quido 7 years, 6 months ago

I think there are numerous differences:

1) Nick has not been caught forging graphs
2) It makes sense that Nick has not played many hands on PS when PS does not run in the USA
3) Even in the old unimpressive graph he was not a losing microstakes player like Jonna102, he was a small winner at 100NL zoom and a small loser at 200NL zoom and most certainly a small winner at 200NL zoom post rakeback.

I am still kind of disappointed with Nick's disappearance from RIO after being called out. Still hoping he is going to come back and clear his name of all rumors.

ZenFish 7 years, 6 months ago

1) Nick has been vetted as a coach by RIO, Jonna102 has not

2) Nick has always been open about his mediocre "MadAgenda" results, Jonna102 has been working very hard to hide the fact that he's always been a losing micro rec.

3) For both cases, price is irrelevant, since it's supply and demand, and afaik, both have offered a money-back option for dissatisfied customers.

What is on trial in this thread is integrity, not PokerStars results or price of packages. Jonna102 has misled his customers, Nick has not.

RalphWaldoEmerson 7 years, 5 months ago

I am still kind of disappointed with Nick's disappearance from RIO after being called out.

could someone point me to this NH thread (assuming I'm understanding correctly that there is one). ty.

miami002 7 years, 6 months ago

Lets be honest here. He was a losing player. And all this was back in the day when rake wasnt so crazy high and players got a lot of rakeback. Now tell me what kind of chance do his students have nowadays if even expensive coach like him was barely a winning player back when it was way easier to beat the games? I would say chances of him making lot of winning players are very-very slim.

Quido 7 years, 6 months ago

1) He posted graphs from an untracked site, as far as I know, none of the American sites are tracked by 'whotfru'. Of course, these graphs can be forged but that is another story.
2) What? Nick has streamed quite a lot, in fact, I am not aware of a single RIO coach who has streamed more than Nick.
3) Honest? The screenshot clearly showed Nick to be a 1bb winner at 100NL and a -0.8bb loser at 200NL before rakeback. After rakeback he probably was around a 3bb winner at 100NL and a 1bb winner at 200NL. Unimpressive? Sure, but you are not a losing player if you are making money.

I can't speak for his students, but Nick claims that his game was very weak back then and that he got significantly better since he started working with PIO. I have no stake in this and I have no need to defend him and yes maybe he is lying, but his results weren't anywhere as bad as Jonna102's.

Paid_To_Laid 7 years, 6 months ago

I don't know what Jonna's content is, but I have watched a good bit of Nick's videos, and some of his videos are absolutely good as fuck! Hopefully the moderator doesn't ban me for saying fuck

miami002 7 years, 6 months ago

Zenfish theres two different things - theres honesty and theres reality. If I want to improve my game I want to learn from the best and we all know they are not even close to that level. Those prices are ridiculous. Im just worried that people might be little bit misinformed and all I know is that I for sure don`t like scammers.

p0ker_n00b 7 years, 5 months ago

I have a dragon in my garage

I hope I don't have to explain why this video is relevant and the first thing I began thinking about once I read the defensive posts from the accused. This is my first post, yes.

I am a piano teacher. I don't have a degree. If someone asks me what my background and education is, I don't tell them I don't have a degree in piano performance. But I do say that I have enrolled students into achievement program adjudications and they all received at least a score of 80. These are young children and the program is very serious. The judges do not care what age they are. There are 40 year old adults and 5 year old children taking the same tests. A score of 80 at a level 2 examination by a 5 year old is really quite remarkable! They have to memorize their music, play scales, etc.

I also posted videos on my website of my play. If the parents ask me to play something for them, I happily sit down at my piano and perform a small piece of work. I also have reviews online from other parents saying nice things about my methods and style of teaching.

If someone asked me to "prove" I was a capable pianist or teacher and I said "There is no way to prove it, I broke all the fingers in both my hands years ago" - and they asked for videos of me before my fingers broke and I said "I never recorded myself playing" and someone asked me for the # of another family who could vouch their children are developing at a nice rate and I said "Sorry I protect the privacy of other families"

You would rightfully conclude I am a fraud until proven otherwise.

If you then saw a video of me playing the C major scale and I kept making mistakes, you would then have proof I was a fraud, rather than an educated and rational assumption.

I think this proof has been given.

That is all I wish to write.

Also what site, software did you use to data mine 800,000 hand history???

Paid_To_Laid 6 years, 11 months ago

out of the last 3 years, this has certainly been the most entertaining and fun thread hahaha, i love rereading it now, it's beautiful

Aleksandra ZenFish 6 years, 11 months ago

All elements of greek drama / tragedy present in here :) so cant fault a guy for rereading it, i think there is a name for it:
Catharsis (from Greek κάθαρσις katharsis meaning "purification" or "cleansing") is the purification and purgation of emotions—particularly pity and fear—through art[1] or any extreme change in emotion that results in renewal and restoration.[2][3] It is a metaphor originally used by Aristotle in the Poetics, comparing the effects of tragedy on the mind of a spectator to the effect of a cathartic on the body.
Amusement , as bad as it is, is still amusement, :-) but yes lets show some restraint, and bury this one in past and let the new times and winds come :) for all, Jonna102 hopefully too.
Spring time :D!

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