P/S account Hacked!!

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P/S account Hacked!!

My P/S account was hacked into yesterday.
my entire Bankroll was withdrawn including use of all star coins for cash I have saved up this year to a bank account that is not mine nor in the same country.
Stars Support team is currently investigating the concern and the support staff and me have taken extra measures to make sure it doesn't happen again.
I just wanted to let everyone know and give them a heads up - maybe change your account password and or the 6 digit pin code.


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ZenFish 8 years, 6 months ago

There's a RSA security token (one-time pin generator that you use for every login) to be bought in the PS shop. Buy it.

Taunto_88 8 years, 6 months ago

yes I already have.
sad part is my Bankroll will not be re-embursted until they can confirm 100% that I have no affiliation with the bank account to which the money was with drawn to.
Shows that it is a bank in Romania. Hopefully things work them selves out.

ZenFish 8 years, 6 months ago

Do you have any clue as to what might have happened? I have assumed the RSA token provides very strong security. Is there a way around it, other than getting one's hands on it?

GL with the process and I hope it all works out well.

Taunto_88 8 years, 6 months ago

My bad - i was probably not clear enough.
I never had the RSA Token until now. Been E-mailing stars support back and forth all day today - they were kind enough to refund me my purchase of the RSA Token due to the situation that happened.
So I should hopefully have the Token thing here in the next week or so.
No banks are currently open right now so i half to wait till monday/Tuesday To get confirmation... Shit happens i guess.

Taunto_88 8 years, 5 months ago

Ah yes, Sorry,
They verified that i live in Canada, and have no coloration with the bank in Romania that the money was sent to. They also agreed to refund me my money and Star coins.
That being said - I have yet to receive the money back. I have e-mailed them multiple times and i continue to get the same response as, " We are currently still working on ur claim - sorry for any inconvenience"

At this point I'm not counting on that money being returned - if it does then that's great, if not then oh well, Partially my fault for not having my account secured properly i guess. Got myself a RSA token tho which helps alot

Quido 8 years, 5 months ago

Holy shit, that is one of the nightmare situations to every poker player. At least be glad it happened on Stars because they have a topnotch reliability. Hope everything goes well.

pkchampion 8 years, 4 months ago

Hope you can get ur money back.

Taunto_88 8 years, 4 months ago

Thank u for the wishes but i haven't seen anything in return yet.
I keep e-mailing them at least 3 times a week but nothing yet...
if i get it, great, if not then it is what it is, got myself a RKA Token - Change my password every 2 weeks, ...... Cut my losses and move on i guess

Kaizen 8 years, 1 month ago

sick has it a relation with the 2+2 forum that has been hacked recently ? how much did you had in your account ?

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