Potential RIO T-shirt / Hoodie etc design idea
Posted by deadgambino
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Run It Once Training
Potential RIO T-shirt / Hoodie etc design idea
I think these would make for some really good t-shirts / hoodies
Its obviously the run dmc design - im not 100% sure if there would be any sort of copyright infringement but I doubt I would be an issue. Tried to make one design that had the full "RUN IT ONCE" name but I wasn't able to render it good enough. I'm sure its doable though and would look great too. What do you guys think?
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a little aggressive and doesn't really match the softer monochromatic theme the site currently employs. Just my humble opinion.
I just thought it would be a nice shirt idea. wasn't suggesting for it to be the new logo. As for monochromatic.. I see more than one color on this site as well as the logo so I dont understand that point tbh
ROFL ! now thats monochromatic :D
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