Population Exploits

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Population Exploits

What are the largest exploits found through Mass Database Analysis?

Perhaps broken down by specific pool conditions.

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Colin252 5 years, 9 months ago

EYV (first repsonse) has added a lot and shown how clever they are by laughing at you. I'm sure that, like me, you are in awe of how incredibly smart they must be.
Or not.

This is a very good question Vegas777. You would actually be silly not to ask.
It's such a good question, that nobody who knows the answer will tell you (for free).

What you need to do, is figure out a way to do some MDA for yourself.
Whilst this may not be something you're used to, breaking through barriers like that is a requirement for growth, which is why you are here :-)
Go for the low hanging fruit.
Say we open btn, BB calls, we're HU to the flop IP. I chose this as it happens relatively often compared with other situatuions, so even a smallish sample will yield insight.
Whats your cb success?
Whats your delayed cb success?

Now that we have these two numbers...

What can you infer from these two numbers?

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