Pokerstars bank withdrawals/Help with the support team please read
Posted by leninisgod
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Pokerstars bank withdrawals/Help with the support team please read
Hello I am a guy from Norway in my late 30s I have been playing poker since 2005 of and on, been a member here since pretty much it started. I am a 25nl break even more or less player, who plays MTT`s for some variance from time to time.
I am literally crying cause I am so depressed and sad with the treatment I have received from pokerstars, security,suport and paymentservices dept.
I made it big in a 11USD tourney managed 3rd ;) My biggest win of the year, and decided I wanted to treat my son with this new xbox machine for his Birthday. I live in Norway, so the only methods available for me for withdrawal is muchbetter or bank transfers (minimum 550USD)
So Since I just had a good score I whitdrew 550USD for my economy that's a if not huge win a good win!
This was the 13th of September. They told me they sent my payment to the provider 17th of September. When no money arrived in September I got in touch and was asked to upload all transactions docs from my bank proving I had indeed not got my winnings, then I waited until the middle of October, and they told me to again upload a fresh batch of docs cause the payment provider needed this to find my transaction. I did follow all procedures. I waited until last weekend before contacting again, And was told they would email them and tell them to fix it marked urgent.
Today I got this email, I was so happy finally a response...
Hello Thomas,
Please note that the payment processor replied as follows:
"Unfortunately we do not have a way of providing any further payment confirmations. We have interrupted service with our payment provider for NOK".
Sorry we cannot be of more help in this situation.
Diego R.
Anti-Fraud Team
I do not even know what this means, they stopped sending NOK I have been asking for a month to have it refunded credited back to my acc.
They cant just lose the money? Sorry we canot help you :(
I am so sad, I had promised my son he had his Birthday today, and I told him he would get an xbox as soon as dad just get his money from the bank, but he is a kid.. uff he was so disapointed :(
If anyone in here by chance have a good relation with anyone at Stars that could maybe have a little clout, I just been rollovered and most of the time I got no response whatsoever, My son and I would be truly truly gratefull for any help anyone could assist with.
I have all corespondance if needed.
Someone please help me
Thomas Sol
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