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hey there,

gonna start a pokerblog, the mainreason being my lack of disciplin and selfcontrol.
Posting after end of sessions/days. Starting roll at 1,5k. nl100 SH and HU at the start. lets go!


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ein Hund 6 years, 4 months ago

after 2 flips lost and 2 setups and a lot of rly bad spots i found myself at the nl400 and 600 tables again playing like a donk.... 1,5k down. cashed in 500 again. try to play it up.... just cant keep myself under control :(

ein Hund 6 years, 4 months ago

back over 1,2k now with nl100 HU megagrind. i banned myself now from higher limits o0

Bingo 123 6 years, 4 months ago

Nice to see! probably good idea to limit yourself from the higher stakes if you can't control playing them underolled. Do you have a good bankroll plan ? Could try to make one and just challenge yourself to keep to it : )

ein Hund 6 years, 4 months ago

up 200 and something, cashed out 200 (need that sometimes for my mindset, have to change the tires of my bmw, gonna pay a part of that so it feels like i earned something, dunno). BR a bit over 1,2k. finished for the day!

ein Hund 6 years, 4 months ago

end of the next day, played some HU and some SH. cashed out another 100bucks for some stuff i ordered online: beef jerkey and peanut butter for bulking :D
roll at 1,7k now (+300 cashed out) that means break even now since start of the blog. lets see how it goes on!

Bingo 123 6 years, 3 months ago

Better be some high quality peanut butter :P
Keep it going! fun to follow. Maybe you could make structured cashout plan like 25% weekly cashout or something. Just a suggestion but do whatever works for you!

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

hehe, we will see :D
hmmm, yeah, maybe that be a good idea. at the moment i just cash out whenever i feel like it. But i try not to cash out to much, cause when ur down it sucks and i hate to decrease my BR :D
thx for the following and comments so far!

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

end of the day, down, up, down up, and so on. break even whole day, then at the end of my last session two big deep pots. up 4 stacks+, roll now over 2,1k. maybe mixing in nl200 now a bit, or i guess i should wait a bit more for that.

came across a super funny dude on youtube, especially when ur into lifting/gym a little bit:

kalciis 6 years, 3 months ago

why you taking so agrro shots bakroll wise? I guess it's fine if you can afford to deposit again if u lose it. Anyway gl, looking for some giraffes ;p

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

hey, i guess ur right, im just not that patient, but gonna wait this time. heres the graph of this month (down 4k after losing the 1,5k at the start of the blog):

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

maybe also a reason why im taking those shots so early is cause it worked out very well in the past for me, like the last month f.e.:

but at the start of this month, like u see, it backfired pretty hard aswell. so i think im gonna take it slow again! also it changed my pokergame to a total gamble, which does not feel that great. i like this steady eddy-style more.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

well, couldnt resist to mix in nl200 and what happened serves me right.lost one and a half flips and ran with KK into AA. i even played a bit PLO200 HU now, got a beat then recovered, just my usual tilt-routine :D atleast i could stop now. BR back at 2k

kalciis 6 years, 3 months ago

With a bad brm, it's just matter of time when u bust your roll, even best players in a world experience big downswings. Best of luck tho ;p

Bingo 123 6 years, 3 months ago

True id also advice a solid BRM system where you have clear bankroll targets where you move up and down trough the stakes. And just withdrawal % wise per week/month. Don't have to go very nitty just what works for you per limit, depends on your edge too. This way odds of busting roll is really low. But you have to keep with it strictly so you never play too high. Really helps with mental game as well for me at least.

kalciis 6 years, 3 months ago

Yup, writing down ur brm strategy detail by detail helps to mental game alot, especially helps to get rid of fear to go on a downswing

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

didnt play allmost at all at the weekend, then today went back a bit to the grind, just a crazy day, check it out: start up 4 stacks, then down 4, at the end up 8.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

godfkingdamnit, just got a ticket for speeding. not sure if i should play today, allrdy tilt without poker :D

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

quick nl200 HU grind, and got the money back for the ticket ;)
still bad sign, have to stay calm. in the moment when i got stopped, i was rly close to punch that mofo cop in the face... took the ticket from him and threw it next to me and drove away like a maniac. have to work on my mindset jezuz christ.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

end of the session, yesterday a bit up, today around 2 stacks up.
Gonna cash out in the next time, have to buy 2 christmas presents for my brothers. If anyone has a kewl idea, ur more then welcome.
thinking about 1 ehter for each of them, so they can buy tokens or whatever, but seems kinda lame, and the cryptomarket does not look bright atm.
gonna post actual number of hands and euros won or lost at then end/beginning of each week.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

ok end of the week i guess, maybe can play tomorrow evening again a bit but i count that allrdy to the next week. here my graph for this week (ca. 800€ up. EV 1,2k):

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

heres the graph of my first week (before that week the first few days since start of the blog are missing), here (1,1k up EV 1k):

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

ok, that session just happened yesterday (nl200 included again o0). would not say that i was tiltet, but played in a mode that i dont like (insta decision-making etc.). now gotta safe the week.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

oh boy. the last two days i couldnt manage to get a profit, alltough i played very well, and i got kinda frustrated and cashed out to play on another site nl500 where i ran with JJ into QQ BU vs SB... well, i guess serves me right again XD.
dropped another 200 on the roulette tables out of bordness.
lets see how this goes on. 1,8 down the last 3 days o0

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

hey there Mancuso, i think a few stacks but not much. i know its embarassing. should have sticked to my NL100 games for now, result would be decent.

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

i just cant stop it... break even grind in two sessions with weak-ass spots all the time... then tried my luck again on another pokersite on nl500. this time luckily i won and im 500 up... i guess i will never have myself under control.
atleast i got allmost all of my christmas presents together for this year :)

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

played some hands today again, after the weekend (xmas-party on saturday and im still kinda wasted).... up +250. hope to get back to my routine again. i hate it when im hungover...

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

yeah managed to get hm2 running again and saving my HH.
a little bit up today. maybe i play one more session.
thinking about playing on a cryptosite called coinpoker for fun a bit. keep u guys updatet, not much happening during christmas i guess!

ein Hund 6 years, 3 months ago

played a session today and got so bored while playin. i think i stop this game now for a bit, just to bored atm.
after 20mins i allrdy want to stop....

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