Poker warm up techniques?
Posted by Joe Tonkin
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Joe Tonkin
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Gen. Poker
Poker warm up techniques?
I am just wondering does anyone here have a poker warm up technique?
I am noticing that I lose 2/3 buyins at the very beginning of a session and I don't start to make a profit until around 30/45 mins into a session. I think this could be due to the fact that it takes awhile for me to focus fully on my play.
Does anyone else here have that issue?
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I try to do things that put me in the poker mindset. Review a previous session. Watch a short video. Read an article. Sometimes music or meditation. Depends a bit on my mood.
Sometimes I'll also play a satellite or just 1 or 2 micros tables for a little while. By playing just one or two tables, it helps me start focusing on the little details while still having most decisions be automatic and easy. After a little while I'm up to speed, and can pick up the small nuances on more and more tables.
Hope this helps, and good luck to you.
I usually warm up by reviewing my previous session before I sit down to play. Clears the mind and reminds me of things I want to get better at.
+1 on Adam's food advice. A light meal before sessions and healthy snack (fruit, veggies, nuts and such) during, if i play long.
perhaps you should start off before a session with 10-20 minutes reviewing your previous session and going over hand histories. not only should this get you more focused before you start playing and in a poker mindset, but will also help to improve your game
i also have an annoying habit of losing plenty of buy ins in my first couple k hands then spend the rest of the sesh trying to get evens. now i just dont look. i have a set routine and it is what it is. i will only quit if my mind is not right.
Seriously though, I have to admit I don't really have any pre-game routine. I make sure I'm not hungry, that I don't need to use the bathroom and that I have some water or tea to drink. That's about it. However, I think what the happy bunch are saying is good advice. Review some trouble hands, get into the mindset. Heck, even just observe two tables before you play. Also, even if it feels silly, do some pushups or situps or some jumping jacks before you play to get the blood flowing :)
If things are going well in a session i try and stay put as long as possible, otherwise just regular cups of tea breaks for me in between sessions :P
Yea that's right, I'm English if you had not guessed :)
1 Hour of excercise
30 minutes of meditation or yoga before session
At first I was doing quick overview of previous sessions in HM.
Then, after I read the book from Jared Tendler, I created an XML file in google docs.
And the last and final step was when I discovered how comfortable is, I just put in all my variables there: my leaks and my tilt triggers and distracting factors, my mantra, etc and now every single session starts with this routine. Its like a pre-game check list, reminder from poker coach, and a session timer all together.
And it's free!
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