Poker-related academic research study (cliffs included)

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Poker-related academic research study (cliffs included)

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Hey everyone,

I am a graduate psychology student conducting an internet-based research study on poker players’ emotion regulation strategies and mental health. I would greatly appreciate it if you could take some time and respond to the online survey linked below.

Take the survey!

Being a former professional poker player myself (~2M hands lifetime, mainly at 2/4 to 25/50 NL between 2006 and 2011 – these days I’m mostly splashing around the “safe” waters of .25/.50 PLO playing part-time), I was always curious to learn more about how fellow players deal with their emotions both on and off the tables. From my own experience, I have come to understand that playing poker full time leads to the adoption of a pretty unique lifestyle; one of great advantages in terms of freedom and, potentially, financial gains, and of great challenges when it comes to maintaining a balance between poker and real life stuff that truly matter, such as social life and relationships. As a graduate student in psychology at the University Mental Health Research Institute of Athens, I am given the opportunity to conduct a survey that will hopefully allow me to gain a better understanding of poker players’ unique perspective on emotion regulation and their levels of mental health.

To this date within the social sciences, there has been a limited number of studies on poker, a large percentage of which are mainly examining the game through the lens of gambling pathology. Fortunately, the last few years, there has been a number of publications of high quality poker related research studies, from a rather different perspective; one that treats poker as a game of skill (at least in the long run) that can be played both professionally and recreationally without it being either a cause or a symptom of a mental disorder such as gambling addiction. I am not denying that some poker players can develop a gambling addiction, however that does not mean that poker should be exclusively associated with such behavior.

This research project cannot be carried out without the participation of real poker players. That is why I am asking you, whether you are a poker enthusiast who plays micro stakes for fun or a full-time poker professional, to devote approximately 15 minutes of your time to take the survey (link below) and contribute to a greater and more in depth understanding of the mental life of us, poker players. It’s true that 15 minutes is definitely a large investment in terms of time, one that will not contribute anything to your winrate. What I can promise is to post a summary of the results, which will hopefully be of interest to most of you, once the study is over. As a symbolic way of showing my gratitude to everyone who participates, you are given the option to take part in a raffle where two $50 gift cards will be given away.

Take the survey!

Looking forward to getting your responses. Please do not hesitate to post or PM any comments or questions you may have.
Till then, see you at the tables.

Apostolos Oikonomidis

- Poker semi-retiree studies poker players’ emotion regulation and mental health.
- No commercial or policy making interests involved
- Need your help! Click the link above to complete the survey. Takes about 15’.
- Chance to win a $50 gift card
- Not just another gambling study

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