Poker Mental Block

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Poker Mental Block

Hey everyone,

recently i have realised that even though i am putting in time to learning and watching videos and understanding the game, i'm just not applying it at the table. Away from the table i feel like i can read a HH and discuss it well but in game, i simply see cards and click buttons and this poker brain is just not being utilised to capacity.

It's got to the point where i feel like this game isn't for me.

Now i'm at the point where i need help more than just coaching. I need help to unlock my brain and be able to use it and get over this mental block i experience at tables.

Books, tips, strategies, anything. Any advice is welcome.



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fitzroy 12 years, 2 months ago
Play only 1-2 tables at least a couple times a week and really focus on deep reads. I find when I multi-table too much, I go on autop-pilot too easily.
Aleksandra ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
i have same problem , what i found works for me as getting rid of habit of clicking butons, is play 1 or 2 tables at most same time, and constrain yourself to use time till time bank at least before u click bitton and try think before yu click it.
Just try to use a time til time bank at least, first as a must even if u dont think of anything~ something as MUST til you get in habit to think of every hand you are playing through every street
John Shamwoww 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks for your responses.

I am now 2 tabling and feels very slow lol. I think Zoom will be good for me while i adjust to less tables.

Any tips for when your sitting at the tables? Mental thoughts etc?
mike 12 years, 2 months ago
less table always helps when you are working on your game. in your case mental game

i would pick 3 very specific things to work on each session and review how you did in these 3 areas after each session as a way to focus a bit better
Valuelol 12 years, 2 months ago
I am having same problem and i have been working a decent bit on it, maybe try as aleks said to take a few sec before any decision, but also remeber urself frequently that any mistakes matters. also u might try a so called mental coach, like jared tendler etc to get aware of uncontious patterns u are having
z0fman 12 years, 2 months ago
yea play less tables and try to apply 1 concept at a time...until u master it and then try more things u have learned....too much information can be overwhelming sometimes if u dont take the time to absorb it
vanity02 12 years, 2 months ago
I find it hard to hand read every single hand, and only really hand read when facing a tough spot. Alot of plays are fairly standard preflop/flop and some turns. Only when I get wierd turn and all river plays do I focus on my hand reading. Generally will just look at the line both sides take to create a range for villain and what I am repping as well. Not sure if it's good to play like this, but it helps with not burning out.
ZenFish 12 years, 2 months ago
Try dedicated learning sessions mixed with your regular sessions:

First, get in the right mindset. Give up any notion you have about making money. Make learning your only goal for the session. Look forward to all the mistakes you'll make. You want to identify them and eliminate them, and before that can happen, you have to be aware that you're doing them. Making mistakes is good for you!

Play one table for 1-2 hours. Take your time to think in every non-trivial spot. Use the HUD to the full extent. Take notes in-play. Verbalize your decisions ("I raise here because ...", "I fold here because ..."). Mark every interesting hand and review all of them after.

Then do it again, then again, then again. You will get better.
John Shamwoww 12 years, 2 months ago
Thanks a lot everyone.

Zenfish, i really like your idea of writing down my thoughts during a hand. If i can translate my approach to reading a HH in hindsight (something i think i do well) and get that thought process to translate to my play live then i think i will rapidly move up.

Need to get Tendlers book too. Heard so many positive things about it. I'm losing money not reading it really.

Also, if anyone else is experiencing the same thing as i am please write down how you noticed it's affecting you also.
Playing for Pennies 12 years ago
Listen to what these guys are saying. It seems that most people on here agree that you should play less tables while taking your time before each and every decision. I have to agree with that as well. I am fully confident that once you learn how to master your own patience and discipline that you will be able to crush the games as good as any top pros out there.

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