Poker Loop

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Poker Loop

Why poker loop?
Instead of focusing on month results, yearly goals etc, i want to put my attention on the "everyday things", those that i always should do and i skip for lazyness, lack of discipline, etc etc

What's my situation right now?
At the moment i'm working in a factory, i cut iron with a machine ( i found something similar online, i will post a pic later here), i have a wonderful wife and 2 top player kids (2 years old the first and 3 months the new one).
At the moment i aim to make some profit to help me pay the rent, the bigger picture is to play poker as primary job but i know is really hard, especially on the mindset part,

What's the goal of this new blog?
I'm slowing starting to eating better and do some workout so i want to keep myself accountable and have a daily journal and keep track of most of it.
I want to improve my poker routine, stop lazyness and before play i need to do at least 10/15 minutes of study to get better in the poker mindset (i know is the thing that helps me the most but i'm always skipping this part).

I'm goin to start right now: i really really want to play some, but instead i will go on some hands i marked.

See you tomorrow


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Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Yesterday was a complete day off. After passing the night playing some, feeding baby and changing diapers, i let go everything for one day.
Also, the older one went to the grandma for dinner and sleep so i had some free time with my wife, finally.
I also eat some shit ahahh.

The plan for today is to convince my wife for some sushi at lunch, build the new bike of the boy, and i also want to help a lot with the house, washing machine, clean the garage and other stuff.
My wife is having some problems at her knee, is pretty painfull sometimes when it bends. I will try to help at max.

Now i'm going for some stretching and at least 5/10 minutes workout that are better then nothing. They are all out for breakfast and i'm home with the new one that is sleeping.

Tonight i hope for some grind, since i'm not going to work today i think i will have some energy in the evening!

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Today i'm home from work, my wife is out for a doc visit and i'm with the baby. I've played some guitar and now some lunch.
The weekened was ok, we had good time as family, we went to the pool, we went to grandparents, out to see friends and i also played some.

Bad days for food thou, no workout and bad diet.

Today i will take it easy and then discipline, discipline discipline!

Last session, see ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Good morning!
Yesterday i had literally no time to update, after working i was with babies, then my wife leave for dinner with his father and the little one decided to not sleep and stay only in one position in my arms, so for 2 hours i cannot give full attention to the other one that was little bit upset and cannot sleep. At the end we all 3 fall asleep. Then the older decide to wake up around 3.30 so i stayed with him in his room near him on the carpet and i had 3 wonderful hours of sleep on the carpet but i was so tired that i didnt even realize it.

This is my last session

BanhMi 1 year, 8 months ago

GL mate, I read the other post and following this one now. Starting at NL10, hope to achieve NL50 by the end of the year. Let's see. GLGL

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

2.41 am, ready for a session. I'm going to review something as warm up first.
Not a great sleep before this thou: 2 hours on the carpet, and 2 sit on the couch with the baby in my arms. Now he is sleeping, if i will have variance on my side he will sleep till 5 or 6 am and then will be mommy turn for food and diaper.

Last 2 days was ok for workout, i started with the Thenx App (calisthenics) and from today i will go at work by bike, so 5 days a week i will do 50 minutes by bike, that is pretty good.

On the food side, i'm getting better but still eating some shit here and there. Still a lot of improvement to do.


Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

I should update more, during the day some nice things to write pops into my mind and then hours pass and when i sit down ready for update i have nothing to say!

The baby sleep finally so i can sit, organize my ideas, get into poker zone and play some.
I have to push myself to study some before and warm up.

I took a couple of days off, as the program suggest. I will return on the schedule on monday. I will do again week one cause i was not able to finish some of the workouts, they where too much for me.
I should add some cardio and i think going by bike at work is perfect: optimizing my time and listen some great podcast too in the meanwhile.

Ehm...yesterday was not the perfect day to use an euphemism.
But yesterday is gone and i have to eat clean today.

I'm mixing in some nl50, is not that much different from NL25 but i think i need to have a bigger bankroll and be more confident with my game to play it at the moment.
Let's see how is going.
Since i'm going to play some more i will post last hands graph later.

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Wednesday 12 of July, 2.36 am.
I put a long session together tonight, but was really caothic: i didn't take any break, i was tired, i did some big spew too.
But on the other side, i feel i'm getting stronger mentally, even after 5 buyins down in a row, i didnt' feel that pain that i usually feel, quite the opposite i was excited cause i was learning i was trying new things. In fact i did some questionable plays!

My wife started a diet too so is a couple of days that we are doing a great job, except for a couple of ice cream but that's all.

Tomorrow during the lunch break i will go to swim with a couple of co-workers. Is only one hour and an half during which we have to go there, shower, swim and return at the factory. Tomorrow will be the first test, if we can manage to do everything in time we will go twice a week for the next month.
This way i will do 40 minutes of biking from Monday to Friday and swimming twice a week, plus some workout here and there during the week.

Today will be pretty intense, i think i will sleep a couple of hours than babies, go to work by bike, work (these days the weather is pretty intense, is really really hot there), swim, work, ride at home, shower, kids, and then kindergarden for a little party with all the babies for the end of the year. Then at 22 we will have a group study session with the coach.

I would love to play some more but i need at least a couple of hours of sleep.

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Wednesday 13 July, 5.05 am

Yesterday was rough, i was falling asleep so much at work in the afternoon after go to swimming at lunch break. But it was awesome thou!
With this hot weather having such a relaxing and refreshing break is perfect!
But swimming and stay under the sun at noon is going to hit your energy a lot!

After work, in one hour we had to shower in 4 of us and get ready to the little party at the kindergarden, that hour was total chaos, my wife washing the younger, me trying to wash the older and getting ready but is just jumping and running around no stop!
Then we get ready in perfect time and leave.

On top of that i should have the group study session with coach at 22. I fell asleep on the floor next to my kid bed, wake up around1.30, move to bed, wake up at 3.30 for dipers and milk to the other. In the end i slept 6 hours! Good results, but i wanted to study with the others thou.

Bad note from yesterday after swimming i went for the ice cream, and at work i took a couple of twix. Friday we will go again and this time i will took only the money for the pool with me, so no ice cream or chocolate option for me.
Good note, i've lost 2 kg and it's good.

I'm going for a small session now, bye.
This week i've hitted the 50k hands mark since i started coaching.

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Friday, 3.42 am
3 hours of sleep yesterday and 3 tonight but i feel like writing here and play some. Last days i was in the mood of not playing so when i did i wasn't totally focused, kinda autopiloting and i didn't played that much.
I'm starting to be more aware of these type of days, so i just have to take free days from poker or just review and study if i don't feel to play. Poker is not my job so i've the fortune to take any break that i want without any pressure.

Overall i'm not happy with my effort for having a healtier life:
+ i'm doing good with being more active, i'm still going at work by bike, doing some exercises and we are going to the pool 3days a week with colleagues during lunch breakes
+ I'm still eating not clean at all and out of the time window that i set.

I shouldn't be too harsh with myself cause eating is my only guilty pleasure but i have really high cholesterol due to the last blood tests so i really need to fix this.

The 4th of August will be my first day of vacation and i will not work till the 28th of the same month, i'm pretty excited!

I was playing badly and running god so it ended up as a breakeven stretch. But overall i should admit that i'm happy to see some changes in my mindset.
I had this fear of losing in the past, losing some stacks would hit my mindset consciously or unconsciously. That was hitting my sessions and my poker overall in a really bad way.
Now i feel a shift in it. I see every stack that i lose as an opporunity to grow as a player, at least i can take a note ahahah.
Roughly i think poker is (at my limits at least): 35% mindset, 35% experience, 30% technical skills.
And these 3 things are correlated and work together: i need experience to get the max out of my skill but my skills are nothing if my mindset is shit and after a couple of stacks i spew 10 of them for example.
We need for them to balance at best to crush the limit we play.

These are the last sessions that 've played

Tasks for today:
+ Clean food! No ice cream, too much carbs, or industrial shitty junk food. Just follow the diet
+ 10 pull ups at work
+ Review some before to play
+ Watch some better player plan and explain before the session
+ Table select for higher winrate and less variance

See ya!

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Saturday 6.32 am
I just finished my early morning session. Woke up around 3.30 for feeding the baby and around 4.20 i sit at the computer

Tables were full fish and i'm going to make a database to track ratio fish/reg at the tables at certain hours.
I know that in the week end there will be more, less during week days, more evening and night and less afternoon but maybe keeping track i can see that some days are always more profitable and some are always full reg so i can schedule my days based on that.
I will optimize my sleep and i will play at better hours, increase winrate and less variance.

At the end of the session i was falling asleep and i spew a couple of stacks here and there, i'm going to review them now, till someone will not wake up.
Today will be a busy day.

Tasks for today:
+ 100 push ups
+ 100 squats
+ No sugar and junk food
+ Be in the present, be the best husband and father
+ Enjoy the week end

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Sunday, 10.26 am
I need to apologize to myself, i did almost nothing of my daily tasks!
Except for be in the present and be a good husband and father, and watch some play and explain before playing.

Later i will have lunch with my family and my parents so it will be my last meal where i will eat everything i want, then i will start a 2 months challenge.
I know i know, all this stupid challenges, but is fun, is fun to start them, and is hard to keep going with them. Sometimes i feel like is stupid to try and try but most of the time i think is a good mindset. If i'm weak in something that's obv i will struggle, especially if there's some sort of mental stuff going on behind it, you need way more willing power.

For example i did years to try to quit smoking cigarettes, almost everyday i was saying: this is my last one, i will quit soon. i Will quit and eventually start again, over and over, failing and failing. Then i did it, i quit for 8 years, start for on year or so, and quit again.
All of the people that was saying to me: stop to say it, you will never stop smoking are still smoking now!
Same with alochol, is like 2 years i've drink something like 5 times and twice was for my wedding occasion.
Now i don't feel the will to smoke or drink even if people around me do it.

Last week for my bday, my present was to have a free smashing night with friends and sleep somewhere else to have a full night of sleep (i could do it everytime i want but i want to help my wife at night), instead i choose to not go out and drink cause i think is useless, is a bad way to manage my time and the next day, hangovered i will regret it, 100% sure.

I'm not perfect but i try, and people get mad sometimes to see you try over and over, maybe cause they are jelous, i don't know, they don't want for you to change and leave them where they are.

So at the moment my biggest struggle is with food, but i'm sure i will do it, i just have to keep trying, and getting better and better.

i'm having so much fun playing these days, i'm experimenting more aggression and see were it will lead me. Last 5k hands i'm playing 31/26/13.
I think i call too much vs people that don't bluff enough, i always think they can have bluff, cause in those spots i think i will find a lot of them in their shoes, but they dont pull the trigger enough, but i'm still calling them, so in fact i'm the one being exploited ahahahah
I'm experimenting also more 4betting, mostly with bluff or with the bottom of my calling range. I think people will overfold, dont 5bet shove enough so i will realize more equity and there's no preflop rake. I think the first step people do is to 3bet more, but not defending vs more 4betting, so there's some money to take there.
Maybe i just said a lot of bs, but i like to try out stuff.

I'm going to play some since the baby is sleeping and mommy and the older are out to find some relatives.

See ya, enjoy you sunday.

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Monday, 5.39 am
At 4am baby woke up and was my turn, so diper and milk for him.
Then around 4.50 i put him in bed and open some tables.
No recreational at nl50 but i sit anyway and start to play hu vs a reg that seem aggressive. I made a lot of bad plays for sure, like calling down like a station in certain spots but in other i think the call down was ok even if i was down 4 or 5 stacks.
The good thing is that mentally i was stronger, no fear to lose stack.
(here the older one wake up and my free time ended)

Monday, 8.39 pm (nice coincidence)
Though day, i couldn't go at work by bike, cause was raining, but we went anyway at the pool and we swim some. Today i push myself a little more and i'm here pretty tired.

Today is going to start my challenge with workout and diet. Workout will start mostly in September when i will start the kick boxing training, before that, i will go to work by bike, some swimming and some small workout at home.

Diet, i will try my best to eat clean. Today i did fine: i forgot my lunch so i took some cracker at the machine at work, not super healthy but not terrible since i've eat just some.
then some fruit in the afternoon and chicken and vegetables at home for dinner.
In this moment my wife bring a popsicle out and i really want one but would be an awful first day, so i will drink a couple of glass of water.

I'm going to study more, i will review a session before to do another one, i think in my situation i need it if i want to go up and play higher.

I'm ready to study some

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 8 months ago

Tuesday, 8.57 pm
Day is over, little one is sleeping, and my wife is with the older one that will fall asleep anytime soon.

I was already failing with my diet, i was going to buy some icecream, but i decided not.
Today i was ok, i rate myself a 6
Lunch: pasta al ragù
Dinner: fish with vegetables and some bread
Bad note: i had a Monster after work :(

New Poker Plan
As i said yesterday i'm going to study more, so i will review 10bb+ losing pots before play another session.
Then i will take a lot of notes while playing and be present to think deeply in game.
Also i will avoid hu with regs to start tables and i will table selectin more.

Now i'm going to study some. Yesterday i stayed one hour on one hand and i didn't even go that deep in the breakdown.

Tomorrow will be a long day: work, swim, work, family, study, "sleep", repeat ahah

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Saturday, 2.18 am
Just finished a long session at zoom tables. Played 4x, i had fun thou.

i will not comment, almost no healthy food in the last 3 days :(

I've studied some and i feel more confident at the tables. Still, this game is so complex, i think my strategy is still full of randomness, mistakes etc, i will try to slowly improve.
But i'm really happy that fear disappear, and instead there's a big will to improve also through mistakes.

Have a nice week end, see ya

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Sunday, 5.08 am
Baby change and food around 3.30 then it took some time to fall asleep again and i keep him in my arms to get him full asleep
Then i started to study some even if i really want to return to bed, is already 5 am so i prefer to do something even if i will be tired earlier tonight.
I want to play but i need to review hands first or at least go deep in one.

I also want to go out for a quick walk and do some meditation and exercise. I really need to find time for healthy stuff and most of all, i need to make myself accountable.
I need to keep my word when i say i will workout and eat healthy, also for my kids they will learn so fast from us and imitate our behavior.
I need to be a good guide for them.

So after a fake shitty start with food challenge, this is it, this is another new starting point, but i feel this is different.
My goal is to be better, and be the guy that keep his word even in the areas where i he struggle the most.

Where i feel i need to improve the most:
- Food
This is the first and most important. My level of cholesterol was really high and i need to eat clean to lower it. Plus, obv, i want to treat my body well, give it the right fuel to work properly and like in poker i have to do all the things in my control to preserve it, for the rest let's hope in good variance!

  • Relationships in the family
    I'm surprised i'm putting this here but i think i need to. I want to become a better father and husband. Not that i don't think i'm bad, but there's always to improve.
    Is really hard after days of hard work, when you are tired, maybe you just argue with your wife and your son express his emotion in some way is not fitting in the moment, or throw thing around, to stay calm and act in the +ev way.
    Or be a good listener with your wife for example.
    So many things i can do better.

  • Workout
    Def i need to improve in this. I'm happy cause i start doing something at least: i go to work by bike, plus, when there, during brakes i'm doing some pushups, pull ups, squats too.
    We went swimming some too (tomorrow will be our last days cause in August we will have working holidays for 3 weeks).
    I want it to be more structured and consistend thou. Also i need it to be more challenging and harder.

  • Meditation
    Once i said i had no time for meditation and someone said to me that people that say have no time for it are the ones that need it the most.
    Come on, we all have at least 5 minutes to dedicate to ourself, i can do it now, i can do it at work during breakes, i can do it before or after my shower, time is just an excuse in this case.
    Of course if i'm goint to tell i dont have time to train golfing 5 hours a days that so true but 5 minutes? come on!
    I will start now after finishing this post!

So much to do!

I'm going to stop here and do another steps toward being better in something.

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Hey, long time not seeing you!
I took a break from poker during the first 2 weeks of my holidays. Plus we get covid again, and we are not having the best time these days, especially the little one that have high fever for 2 days, but now he is ok. Me and my wife too, we are slitgly sick now and recovering.

The plan is to start again with some poker, prioritizing quality poker and healthy lifestyle (hard tasks ahaha

We are also having some financial struggle. Basically i inherited the small houses of my grandparents, and since it was too small to live in 3 (4 planned when it happened) we decided to sell it also cause it have high yearly expenses for an old apartament. So i planned to use those money (around 20k euros net) as another income since we decided for my wife to not work till the second one will be 1 year old and to be a mom only (well not only, is such a stressfull and important job, it deserve more recognition imho).
But, with italian new laws we need to fix some stuff with municipality. When you sell old houses now you have to be sure that the old project that are deposited in the municipality are like the real house plan, if not you have to pay and fix it with a surveyor. but the guy told me in some months would be done one year and is not done, so i was planning to use those money that didn't arrive, plus i have expenses for that house too. Now i'm little bit worried that it will takes more months and more expenses.

At the moment with 4 person we are spending around 3.3k euros month (but as i said we are not good in saving so we are spending way more than we should and also the kindergarden was very expensive, 300 euros/month.)
Our net income now is around 2.4k (paycheck + children bonus etc). Plus some poker here and there and also my family helps with paying the car (im really greatfull for this).
So we are finishing every month with negative results and saving will finish fi we will continue like this and the problems with the house will continue.
But i have hope cause it seems that in 2/3 months all the stuff with municipality will be resolved.

The plan here is to start saving more and do some sacrifice and be able to say no: say no when you dont feel to cook and want to eat at the restourant, say no to things that are not essential, or things that it seems you need but in reality you don't.
Also i will sell stuff that are in the garage but we dont use. Thats too +ev to sell stuff that being there is giving you zero money plus using space, and that in x years you will throw away, versus selling them (even below cost it doesent matter).
I have to check better but i think that i can make something like 500/600 euros extra.

Also i can be more consistent with poker and make little money with it too.
Then around march/april next year my wife will return to work and i think we will struggle less.


i reched 60k hands since the second half of April, so 15k hands/month, that is not too much but can be also a good number with a job and 2 kids ahahah

lately i've played pretty poorly to be honest, but thats part of our journey so more focus now and more quality study and play.

This are the results:

Now the plan is to fully recovery from covid and enjoy the last days of holidays with my family.

let's go! see ya

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Due to a little cashout i did and poor play i did in the last 10/15k hands i find my bankroll at 60 euros, so i'm playing some nl10 and update here a little new challenge.
Yesterday i started with 60 bucks and in 2024 i will start playing nl50 stadly.
This morning was awesome, i managed to had a workout, cold shower and i feel great, too much without it!

So let's see how this challenge will lead me, go!

Now i'm reviewing a Bvb hand and today i hope to find 1 or 2 hours to play some.

Have a great sunday!

Zeneka 1 year, 7 months ago

I feel you, had very poor financials for a while and it takes it toll. But it seems like you are doing what you can to fix it. Is it possible to rent out the appartment until you can sell it?

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Hey! Is little more complicated cause theres already someone inside, we signed already a sales precontract and she already gave my 30% of final price, we used those money for the agent, the guy for municipality etc. But contract is going to end start of october, so some other variables in the story ahahaha i simplified a little cause my english is already messy.
But at the beginning i decided to not rent out cause since we dont have much liquidity i cannot affort if somthink would broke and need repair, or find people that dont pay rent or expenses etc
I could not risk that, too many people that dont care about other people stuff, or take advantage etc
Is hard to find trustfull people imho il

Indifference 1 year, 7 months ago

Hey guys, new plot twist as usual!
I had this new idea today: the next 2 months till the end of October i will primarly focus on study the game and my strategy.
Since i want to focus on improve in better relationship, heatlhy food and workout, i don't want to put too many things on the fire (i don't know if in english this is something you say).
At the moment, even on vacation, is hard to play seriously, so i'm going to wait to sell this house, be more stable in general and have a stronger routine with everything.
I think it will be easier to play when i will have more energy, i will have a better study routine, i will have more confidence at the tables.
I don't think i will not play at all thou, cause when you study a lot the desire to play is at his peak ahahahah, so i will choose the perfect moments to play, when i will be alone at home for example, stuff like this. At the end a ratio of 80/90% study and play the rest.

Now i'm going to think how to organize everything, but i think i will go deeper with the topics i had less confidence and mostly late position related. BB play, BvB, 3BP oop, etcetc

Plus i can breakdown my strategy, and see where i have no clue what to do. I think at the moment my overall strategy is pretty poor, i mean, i can make some money, i'm not a losing player, but this game is so complex (not only for the game itself that is hypercomplex, but with all the variables, mindset, money managment, the costant battle with yourself etc).

I don't want to say something stupid but i think to master poker you need to master this 3 things in same %: experience, mindset and skill. (maybe i've already wrote this up here, not sure)

So the next days i will start to study and try to figure out how to maximize this. I think i will buy one month of wizard, cause i want to try the new custom feature since i give my pio basic license to a friend that start his journey with a CFP and he need it more than me.
Is still not the same cause you cannot node lock ranges on different streets like in PIO at the moment, but still a good tool if used in the right way.

I also find a guy that is playing nl2 that was writing on a poker channel on discord, and he seems pretty much into improving so i decided to help him for free, at least for what i can, to reach faster nl10. I'm not a crusher but i think i can help him. He really liked the idea.
Maybe i will update his journey here too.

This morning i also find some time for a workout and a "cold" shower. Well is really hot here and pretty impossible to have a cold shower.
Then i spend all my day with kids, helping my wife that had a lot of things to do.

Now they are sleeping and i can study some.

Maybe without the rush of play whenever i find time i will update more often the blog and find more time to do +ev choices.

Have a great week, see ya!

Indifference 1 year, 6 months ago

Last days i tried different approach and i also bought Wiz premium sub and started to play with it a little.
This is how i'm going to structure my approach to poker next month:
-30 minutes play nl50, normal tables, table selcting 2x/3x max. Since i'm going to play short sessions table selecting, and study a lot i think theres no need to lose time at nl10. but let's see how it goes. I will put 1k roll on stars and go back at nl25 if under 500 euros
- review all pots over 10bb and go deep where i think there something i can learn more from or if they are good for the topic i want to see closer.

Ok time for some study cause the baby is sleeping and the older one is at grandmother's house.

See ya

Indifference 1 year, 6 months ago

After the last post i took couple days off from poker cause on Wednesday i get back at work, sadly.
Is a couple of days i do some stretching before sleep and in the morning and i already feel it, this morning i also started with a cold shower before leaving for work by bike. Just a quick shower to do something uncomfortable and start the day with the right mindset.

Pokerwise i decided to play nl25 only cause since our financial situation is not great i don't feel comfortable, i think i will not play at my best knowing that if i play bad or run bad or both usually i will put too much pressure on me to not lose those money.
I have 40 BI for nl25, and no pressure on me. I'm sure that i will not swing 40 BI playing 30 minutes sessions, at normal tables, table selecting in the Italian pool.

Time to sleep some, see ya!

Indifference 1 year, 6 months ago

Long time without any update, as usual life was busy, so much to do, and no time to do everything.
Today was pretty heavy but a couple of coffee are keeping me awake, now is 00.45.
Woke up at 5.30 cause the older one is waking up pretty early (now i'm going to use this as an advantage, cause i always struggle with wakin up and this is perfect, while he is drinkin his milk i can do some stretching and little warm up workout), stay with kids till 7.30, my wife return from the gym and i went to work. Work, break, stay with kids, work, do everything with my wife, and stay with kids at evening cause my wife was at a course where they explain how to safe people when they are chocking expecially kids: that's my nightmare, so many little things at home that they can eat and get stuck in their throat. So tomorrow she will explain everything to me too.

I also decided for another plot twist: i was up for table selecting, playing normal tables etc but...i don't have time, i need to maximise the little time i spend at the tables, so i'm going with zoom again.

Plus i'm going to do another challenge till the 31st of December.
70k hands and at least 8 bb/100 and top goal of 16 bb/100.
Just for fun, in 70k hands everything is possible, but the most likely scenario is that i'm tired, i play when i don't feel that much, i spew here and there and i find myself running 3 bb/100, that's a classic.

The funny part i will not look at any results, no graphs no nothing, just my spider sense and the cashier ahahahah

See ya, time to grind some

Indifference 1 year, 6 months ago

6278/70000 Hands.

Is a couple of evenings i can barely keep my eyes open. On Monday i tried to play some but i was falling asleep here and there while playing, so i went to wash my face with cold water and go on the floor to stretch some. Obv i fell asleep and my wife leave me there cause was impossible to wake me up.
Yesterday same story, i fall asleep on the floor and wake up when the baby start crying, milk for him and then some sleep, at 5 am already awake for the second one.
Today i tried to play more with him and keep him awake till 22/22.30 to see if he will sleep more tomorrow morning.
Tonight i was again falling asleep, plus bad play, plus bad run, but i manage do not spew as usual, i'm pretty happy about it. Instead i try to eat one lemon and guess what, it wakes me up, in fact after being sleepy all evening now i could play some more but i will go to bed anyway.

I need to be more serious with my routine and taking breakes and focus while playing.
With food i'm going slightly better but i can do much more.
Workout, i started to play tennis with a friend plus going at work by bike, for now i cannot do more timewise.

See ya

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