pocket 2s

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pocket 2s

I know Doyle Brunson thinks they beat AK so why are they so far behind in hand ranges on equilab. I don't get how the hand range thing works because hands like Q5o and J7o are ahead of 2s in the hand ranges, yet behind when you run them against each other. Can anyone explain please?


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NoHubris 10 years, 5 months ago

I'm not sure I completely understood your question, but I think this is the best way to answer it.

If you go all in preflop with 22 against AK you will win 52% of the time in the long run. It has nothing to do with whether Brunson thinks they beat AK or not, it's a fact.

However, when you're constructing preflop ranges, 22 is a hand that is very easily dominated by any pair, and in the best case scenario, you're flipping. Because of that, it's sometimes more profitable to add Qx to your range or Jx and avoid playing 22. 

Hope this helped.

mrpompos 10 years, 5 months ago

Thanks yeah I agree and its also the postflop playability unless you hit a 2 they're all overcards. I still think though it depends on the many other factors including implied odds of hitting a 2 and if you're being 3-bet frequently.

Deactivated User 10 years, 5 months ago

This kind of thing started to make sense to me when I began examining and studying combinations. When you begin thinking of hands not just in terms of equity and outs, but also in terms of combinations, you see why a hand like AKo dominates a hand like 22 in the long run. 22 simply has a 52% equity heads up because it's already a made hand. The actual chances of it holding up through the flop, turn, and river though are definitely not 52%. 

There is a mountain of information on the subject of combinations and combinatorics in poker out there on the internet and the vast majority is free, accessible material. I'm by no means an expert on the subject yet but it's a regular, active part of my study and it's definitely maturing me as a poker player. 

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