PLO journey
Posted by Strukl
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PLO journey
Hi guys!
My name is Rok and I come from Slovenija, a small country in central Europe. I am 29 years old and finished Faculty of Law. I started playing poker about 5 years ago. I got a 50$ bonus on bwin and managed to grind it to 10k$. This was in a 2year period, but then I was geting close to finish school and get my degree, so I quit playing and cashed out. I haven't played serious since then.
But now in May i had 16$ on my PS account. I won a 3$ PLO tourney (actually we split three ways) and got 155$. Then I said let's give it a try and started playing PLO5 ZOOM. The rake is brutal but the players are very, very bad. So after about 25k hands at PLO$ ZOOM I now have around 275$ and want to see where this is going.
I have a job and not much free time, but still I want to play a little more serious so I will set myself some poker goals and try to achieve them.
[ ] play 20k hands per month, two tabling PLO5 ZOOM
[ ] be active on the forum as much as possible (hhs, comments, watching videos...)
[ ] become a gold member on PokerStars
[ ] build a BR and climb to PLO25
[ ] don't have any actually regarding poker, will play just for fun and try to stick to this plan and we'll see where this is going
- set a stop loss and quit for half an hour or more, if I loose 4BI, quit for the day If i losee 8
-try to think out loud when there is an important decision in a hand to be made, use timebank and don't just click buttons or autopilot
-keep a diary where I write reviews of my play and give bad notes if I don't follow my guidelines
Starting money: 275$
Starting limit: PLO5
PLO10-350$, move down to PLO5 if I reach 300$
PLO25-750$, move down to PLO10 if I reach 625$
I am writing this mainly for myself, but if you guys have any comments, ideas, suggestions about anything, please let me know. I hope you will crush at the tables.
Will start playing later this week. GG ang GL, Rok.
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Seem like sensible goals to me, although 20k hands could be tough only 2-tabling (probably 2hrs a day so super achievable, but equally it will require dedication). Either way, good luck moving up!
Good plan Rok!
2 PLO Zoom tables comes out at about 360 hands/hour. This means you need to play just under 56 hours a month on average. As Tom says, that's about 2 hours pr day. This should be quite doable unless you are very busy with other things. :)
However, I do feel a stop loss of 4 BIs is possibly a bit too conservative. Losing 4 BIs in a session is very likely at PLO.
At any rate, best of luck to you.
FWIW, I used a 4BI stop-loss for a while at PLO, although I have since gotten rid of it as I'm a little more used to the violent swings.
yeah it's not much but i am quite busy, job and other stuff so i hope i will be able to get the volume done. 4BI isn't much but i will quit for half an hour, just to clear my head, take a walk, chill and get back. total stop loss for the day is 8BI.
i also want to force myself to quit when i am losing because until now i always played and played when i was down, trying to get even, even though there were times i knew, i wasn't playing my best or at times was tilting and started spewing chips. my last 30k hands i had 77sessions, 62 were winning and only 15 losing. but my best session was up 7BI and my worst was down 13BI. yeah there were times when i got back in the green, but in the long run i think that this big losing sessions (although just a few) have massive impact on my winrate. and also the majority of my winning sessions last around 500hands, and losing sessions are normally 2k hands. so if you guys have any solid suggestions about how to fix that, please bring them on :)
yeah i have the exact situation :) will try to follow that :) and since i am new to this forum what is the norm here do i put my hands and results in this post or do i open a new thread for every hh?
i played 3 short sessions so far, 1400 hands total, up around 4BI, everything was pretty standard, there was one hand though where i was kinda lost and i posted it in the forum. so not much to say here, will play more this weekend and i hope there will be more to post :) gg and gl to all, rok
GL on the Journey, a small suggestion though, I would be more tempted to play regular 6m tables over the zoom games. I just took a peak at the lobby and noticed that the stars has the VPIP ~34% while every regular table has a higher VPIP. This will typically mean more weaker players and you can probably increase your winrate, and possibly your hourly.
I nice little program that I have been using is table ninja 2, it has a free trial and I actual have it set that all my tables are stacked (so I can fast fold them). As I commit money to the pot the table moves to the side and I can easily tile six tables on a 24" monitor(one PF stack, 5 post flop tiled tables). This program should help you get in more hands/hour at normal table and most tables are better (ATM the reg table have an Average pot size ~$2, VPIP ~50%, while zoom is have the pot size 30% VPIP).
Thanks a lot for this tip arukidinkme, will try tn in the near future
well i played only 2k hands till now but i managed to win a little over 10BI at PLO5 + a little on the side playing NLHE. i was obviously running very well and now have exactly 350$ so will try PLO10 next. will take a 5BI shot and move back to PLO5 if i fall below 300. but first i have some of tom coldwells videos to watch :) gg guys and i hope you are all crushing
Good luck at PLO10!
Good luck climbing the stakes! I'm currently trying to do the same myself.
Hi guys :) it's the last of july and i'm not gonna play anymore today so it's time for my first update.
1. Number of hands: 6434
My goal was to play 20k hands per month and since i started playing on July 15th i should played 10k hands. so i came a little short but i am still happy with this. there was a session or two, where i could have played longer, but was tired or didn't feel like playing anymore and i rather quit. i think this was more +EV.
2. Stop loss and BR management:
There was one session where i was down almost 5BI and i didn't quit. i played for a while, sucked out once and come back a little but then realized that it was -EV to play more and quit. One other time i was down a little less than 4BI and quit right after i lost another BI. so all in all i am more than happy with my discipline and also with BR management. i started PLO10 with 350$and am now hanging in there with around 370ish$-
3. Graphs:
PLOjuly combined:
I also post a loot of hands on the PLO forum, some of them are probably very standard but anyways, have to learn :) to bad i cant post my biggest winner and loser here (or can I?)
Fell free to comment, advise and criticize :) hope you are crushing, Rok :)
GL on the Journey, only really standard advice that I can give you is that as you move up less pots are multiway which will allow for more steal opportunities (which looks like you are working into your game with the difference in redline although it's a small sample size.
Also don't worry about if a post seems standard or complex. It's more often the very standard decisions that create the biggest gains/leaks (to cbet or not, value bet or not, etc..). More foolish to not ask a question than to ask a foolish question IMO.
I am pretty sure it just a matter of time and volume until you are at 25PLO.
Hi guys! I have played 10k hands total so it's time for another update and short review.
1. Number of hands: 10003
PLO5 - 1886
PLO10 - 8117
PLO5 was just a short warmup, made 10BI and started with PLO10 when i reached 350$. PLO10 is very very fun :) i am playing 28/22 with a 10% 3bet. So far I made 26BI and got a 10$ bonus so I have a little over 600$ on my account now. I am behind schedule because I am very busy and is very hard to get any decent volume. I think 20k hands per month was a little too optimistic for me, but I am still happy with the progress.
2. Graphs
Net won/Ev graph -
Showdown winnings graph -
I am reviewing hands after my sessions, posting them on forum a lot and I would like to thank everyone for their help, you are great. Keep it up, Rok.
Time for another update.
1. Number of hands: 17534
PLO5 - 1886
PLO10 - 15648
Today I achieved my first medium term goal. I started with 275$, made a little over 10BI playing PLO5 and now 42BI playing PLO10. I also bought a 10$ bonus (have points for more, just didn't bought them yet) and reached 750$. I haven't made up my mind yet if I will start with PLO25 now or wait until 800$.
2. Graphs:
Net won/Ev graph -
Showdown winnings graph -
I haven't been posting much lately but I played more poker instead. I need to collect a little less than 400 points on PS to achieve gold level. I have 7 days left so I think this will be easy.
Good luck to everybody, Rok.
Heey guys just a short update. I have played a little over 20k hands and I am happy to say that I achieved both medium term goals I have set to myself.
I became gold member on PS and i have enough BR to take a shot at PLO25. My plan was to take a shot when I have 750$ but I postponed it a little, cleared a bonus and ran my BR to a little over than 900$.
I played my first two sessions of PLO25 today and have to say I was a little timid (in real life, in game i still 3b a lot :)) because everything is kinda new. Higher limit, BI is 2,5times what it used to be, new numbers regarding bet sizes, etc. I was up 2BI so it was a great start nevertheless.
I have to set some new goals, so if anyone has any ideas, suggestions or just wants to say something, please comment.
I hope you are crushing and I wish you all good luck at the tables.
sounds like a solid micro PLO start. keep it up. its fun to read
thanks man, will do
Played a little over 27k hands. PLO25 started super well but then variance started to kick in. Had three losing sessions with -15BI combined. I have a stop loss of 5BI now that I am playing PLO25 and I am following this rule (for now:) ). I am still up a little over 10BI @PLO25 and BR is healthy with a little over 50BI so no worries yet. I am running very well AIEV, but not so got regarding coolers. A lot of nuts vs. second nuts in 3b/4b pots and set against set scenarios. I could save my self a few BI where i thought that I made an OK play but then reviewed my hands and saw that it was spew but other than that I am still happy with my overall play. I really enjoy PLO but unfortunately don't have a lot of time to play. Will try to put in as much volume as possible in the future to maintain Gold level on PS.
Here are my net graph and my showdown winnings:
Have fun, Rok.
Wow nice posts.
Do you always start with a warm up session?
Also, do you use a HUD on the zoom tables?
The reason why I ask about a HUD is because I'm thinking about grinding in zoom but I use a macbook and I can't use a pt4 HUD on zoom tables when using a Mac.
Thanks ;)
Hey man!
I don't start with a warm up session, but I do play more short sessions.
I use HUD but only for basics (VPIP,PFR,3b,agg).
Just wanted to mention that HEM Cloud is available, which will likely work on mac. worth a look. Its a service currently free to HM2 owners.
@ontopic I'm currently playing PLO zoom micros too, i'l be keeping an eye out for your progress !
Heey guys what's up!
Long time since i posted. I am playing more this month because I am trying to achieve platinum level. So far it's going great, I'm ahead of schedule. The downside is i play 4tables ZOOM and i know my decisions are not optimal. Will cut down to 2 when i'm platinum.
I played some PLO25, run badly and moved down to PLO10 again. I'm still running terrible, this month I'm 30BI below EV. But it doesn't even matter, in august i ran hotter than the sun so it all evens out :) I still have a lot more than 100BI for PLO10 and also playing some PLO25 depending on the mood :) when I reach platinum level I will buy some bonuses, hope that will run better, play more PLO25 and maybe even try PLO50.
GG, Rok
It's the end of October and here is my update. Have played a lot this month and with a little help from friendly NLHE achieved platinum level.
Here are my results:
all PLO:
I have a short breakeven stretch but the important thing is that EV is going in the right direction. If i reduce 4tables ZOOM to 2tables I think my winrate (should) improve a little more. Don't know if i will try to maintain platinum level in the November or reduce the number of tables.
Another thing is my decreasing red line. I checked some filters and my aggression (agg and AF) is slightly dropping every month. There were no major changes in my game (that i know of) but the graph shows otherwise. Will try to c/fold more on the flop instead of c/call flop and c/fold turn :)
I have another goal for November - be more active in the forums again and post and comment more hands. Will have to do more work off the tables also. And again, if you have any interesting comments, ideas, links, etc., just share :)
And also play well and crush :)
Reminder to myself:
this game really is soooooo swingy :) 4k hands and 25BI below ev :) but something tells me this is nothing :) and i love this game even more now :)
It's the end of the year and the end of this PLO journey. I am leaving stars and moving to another site. I finished the year with a total of 97444 hands. Net won was 524$ and 1330$ with all the bonuses. Along with 275$ that i started with and 25$ that i won in a monthly gold level tournament that's a little over 1,6k. I was almost at the 2k mark where i thought i could try some PLO50, but got buthcered in my last couple of thousands hands. I am very sad at the moment but what can you do. This variance is really enormous and maybe i was also tilting a little in the end so i think this change will help me to stay focused.
I achieved all my goals that i set myself and it is time for another challenge and new thread.
I wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year.
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