PioSolver optimize study time
Posted by Antonio Miranda
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Antonio Miranda
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Gen. Poker
PioSolver optimize study time
hi guys
i´m new at pio and i want know how you use it for study
i´ll start working in spots, for example 3bet pot bb vs sb
and then i pick 15-20 flops with some dynamic or static turns/rivers
and then write on excel mi plan for any board and what hands y should bet/check etc... something like:
board , equity, 1/3 freq , 60% freq , 150% freq, and what hands go in each range
in theory seem a good plan for me but i feel like im wasting too much time ( obviously study spot for spot requires much time)
but i would apreciate some feed back or another plans
gl at the tables!
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i prefer using one bet size (66%), i find more balance applying my range to my betsize rather then doing pure guesswork. EV differences between [x betsize] compared to [xyz betsize] is on average very small. (ofc some exceptions)
if u want to optimize study time i have two ideas: 1. sort in excel for equity realization in aggregated reports: look at the solutions and write down how pio changes strats giving eq/ev. 2. look at range explorer and write down hand strenghts of both players and what pio is doing as a results, what patterns can u identify?
Here are a few considerations:
There is an extremely wide range of strategies that work well in NLHE and you don't have to play the exact strategy PIO spits out. Try to look for overall patters and range composition, and test different strategies by locking them with node lock tool.
Try to learn ways to make better decisions when you study with PIO. It's easy to get fascinated by all the small details like bluffing more of one suit OTF although they seem identical and using multiple bet sizes etc. Things like that is difficult to implement and will not help you make better decisions without an enormous amount of work. Use PIO for finding factors that can help you make decisions instead. Things like how easy is it to find bluffs, how must villain play flop and turn to have enough bluffs OTR, how does the turn card interact with both players ranges and how should my strategy shift compared to a neutral card?
Remember that the most difficult thing to do in 2017 is not to find the correct strategy, build heuristics and understand theory, but to implement strategies and consistently play well over and over again. Therefore you should pick a small number of spots that is most important to work on and practice them until you can execute effortlessly at the tables.
Ty both guys
Any good videos that utilize piosolver? l am a totally new to it other than watching the YouTube tutorial
that should be helpfull
Thank you sir
678 sites :D
Ton of good videos here on PIO essential and elite. Sauces lateest PIO video was fire, Nick Howards as well.
exactly what i was looking for but links are dead :(
I think he quit the affiliate business.
Hi guys, any stduty tips with PIO ? Aggregate report is good, but Its pratical ? any spreadsheets, graphs or notes to remember and fix the learnigs stuffs ? I did some randows work, review hands from tourneys and cash zoom but I didint learn the max I think. Then I try to do a lot of repetitions, like BTN vs BB with big and a little SPR, 50BB stacks, 30, and 20BB effective, same positions and a lot of boards, and again BTN vs CO, UTG vs BTN and so on, note things like cbet flushdraws and backdoors nuts but not backdoors non nuts on flops x y and z, cbet more vs non check raises spots and so on, but still a little to learning! Any method to use ? note docs or excel spreedsheets to learning more ?
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