PIO Solver Raising Range EV Difference that I don't understand

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PIO Solver Raising Range EV Difference that I don't understand


I just solved a 3BetPot spot as the Defender with PIO Solver.

It said that on a board of 3c2h4s a 2.5x check/raise vs a 55%PS Cbet is way more profitable with AdJx than with e.g. AsJd or AcJd. The difference is 0.663->0.038 in EV. Can anybody explain me why that is? Why is that Ad blocker so important?

Btw. I let it run to 0.1785% exploitability of the pot, so it shouldn't be very likely that this is due to unprecise calculations.

Maybe you need the Range I gave the Preflop Agressor: AA-QQ,AKo,AKs,A5s-A2s,[25]AJo,KQo,ATs-A6s,KJs-K8s,K5s,K3s,QJs-Q9s,JTs,T9s[/25],[75]JJ,AQo,AQs[/75],[50]TT,AJs[/50],[15]99,ATo-A9o,K7s-K6s,K4s,K2s,Q8s,J9s,T8s,97s,86s,75s,64s[/15],[33]KQs,98s,87s,76s,65s,54s[/33] (It's in the format for Flopzilla)

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