PIO solver and CREV

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PIO solver and CREV

Hey guys im very new to GTO.whats the difference between these two programs?
is it necessary to buy both?

im hearing a lot about PIO solver


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cappsss 8 years ago

Hey there !

You dont need them both and Ive read positive and negatives about each one - starting from the solving solution offered, the User Interface or the hardware resources needed to run them properly.
All in all i think it`s just a matter of which one you accommodate faster with and suits you best.

My suggestion is to try both and don`t hesitate to check the RIO PIO/CREV videos as there are a bunch of them here ( within the Tools for Online Play video category from Learning Paths )

Salternator 7 years, 11 months ago

I would highly reccomend PIOsolver for studying poker situations.

Arnaud Lafaurie 7 years, 11 months ago

would be good to show us in a vid a process of studying with Pio. I mean running PIO that's OK but I think and it is less easy to do, it's to change some range where you think villain can use more or less. the way to change range is very difficult for the time being. as read in 2+2 post it could be improved in a futur update.

Dddogkillah 7 years, 11 months ago

I use to think same thing Arnaud, but the 'node locking' feature really grew on me and after a little bit of practice it becomes much easier to use. There are some awesome videos here on run it once on using that feature.

ZenFish 7 years, 11 months ago

PioSOLVER and it's not close. They both solve, but PioSOLVER has a much better interface for doing advanced work fast.

By that I don't mean solver speed (CREV is afaik faster), but how fast you can work through interesting problems. A lot of that time is spent setting up and interpreting simulations, and thinking about where to go next. PioSOLVER lends itself to that process much better than CREV.

mitchr1598 7 years, 11 months ago

Have to agree with ZenFish. The only reason you'd use CREV is if you were on a budget. It's much more annoying to use when trying to solve hands

I assume your question is in regards to which is the better solver

Cobra Kai 7 years, 11 months ago

You don't need pio or crev to be honest. You can just use equilab if you don't want to spend money and figure out the best ranges on your own. Some top players have told me they don't like Pio btw. Some like it some don't so its something you should try out first before you buy it.

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