Your card will be charged every month on the anniversary date of your first monthly payment, you don't have to do anything. We're also working on adding other payment options besides credit cards.
We are definitely working on this. I think Moneybookers is the first option that we will implement. No timetable for when it will be available but I am hoping soon.
Jesse_J0211 years, 11 months agoMoneybookers would be great! I have the same problem.... I am pretty interessted in the 9.99$ membership but I don´t have a CC. So I´ll have to wait :(
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Your card will be charged every month on the anniversary date of your first monthly payment, you don't have to do anything. We're also working on adding other payment options besides credit cards.
Can you please let me know when you will add any other payment options and especially Moneybookers if possible?
We are definitely working on this. I think Moneybookers is the first option that we will implement. No timetable for when it will be available but I am hoping soon.
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