On my way to join the 1M$ Profit Club

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On my way to join the 1M$ Profit Club

Hey guys, my name is Oscar I am 28 years old, and I am from Peru, I have been on poker for around 8-9 years, I have focused on sngs at the beginning of my career, but nowadays I am playing a mix between MTTs from 50-530s, and sngs turbos all the stakes that can run but at least 60$ or higher.

This is my graph lifetime across all sites, altho my favorite site would always be pokerstars <3


-Move up in stakes.

-Reach the 1mill lifetime profit.

-Ez game.

And my goal for this blog is to charter my path to $1M and all the challenges that I would face to achieve it! I would write more in depth about my career and also talk about mindset and all the areas I have improved to still be profitable after so many years, so see you guys in the second post and thanks for reading!


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N0sferatvPD 3 years, 4 months ago


So even if at first glance my graph looks quite solid, and that variance is a myth, there’s a big moment of my career where all the leaks I was dragging finally got me.
And this is 2019-end of 2020.

And the main leaks I could spot that took me to this point were:

• Being too micro at my PIO studies.

• Even when I studied macro, I didn’t followed my conclusions.

• Lack of organization to study complex spots.

• Bad habits/mental game in general.

For me it’s a surprise that I didn’t lost more, so you might be wondering how did I overcome this?

Well, So I decided to ask a reg that I look up to, Die Ventura, and he told me about Pokerdetox, a stable completely oriented on MDA strategies (Mass data analysis on population tendencies), that could help me to fix leaks that I was unable to fix on my own, and even would cover mental game as well.
So I applied I signed a 1 ½ years contract, since I have so much to tell about my experience there, I would dedicate a post to it, so thanks for reading and GL in the tables!

N0sferatvPD 3 years, 4 months ago

PART III - Pokerdetox

So after I joined the team, I realized that the MDA were more than simple recommendation, it was a completely different game style and strategies built around the mass data, wich at first for a GTO fan boy was quite a big challenge to adapt to, I took some weeks to completely adapt/understand it, but eventually everything started to make sense, and you can even get to the same conclusions playing around with node locking and data, I also decided to take a coach inside the team, wich accelerated my progress, I was mixing MTTs and SNGs(where my new strategy just completely crushed), and then something happened…

I had my biggest score by winning the Sunday million PKO edition, after that I was in the best financial spot I ever was in my life, I had a good team around me, and I was ready to crush.
But I realized it was time to deal with my other issues since everything else was already covered, and this was my mental leaks, just to enumerate some those were:

  • Overthinking things, wich sometimes leads me to not take the max EV decision (risk adverse archetype).

  • Dealing bad with mistakes, basically just trying to fix a mistake with other mistakes.

  • Having more of a reactive aproach rather than a preventive one, trying to fix thing after they happened.

  • Acting way too fast in some big spots.

Luckily in the team I meet a hypnotherapist, wich offered a 50% discount to the games from the team, I snapped and started to work with him, with very good results, I would say that 3 out of 4 issues from the list I have overcome, but I realize that every change requires time so I am not rushing it.

Btw, one of my biggest leaks, game wise, was to not adapt correctly to big fields tournaments like 1k people+, I was a big loser in those games, so I would tell how I manage to improve in this area in my next post!

N0sferatvPD 3 years, 3 months ago

Hello, how’s going guys? First of all, sorry for taking so long in the next post, I plan to do about 3-4 post per month.

PART IV- Perfectionism

In today's post I would like to talk about one of the leaks that has cost me the most to overcome, and that is perfectionism, whatever his origin, childhood, common belief, etc., perfectionism is frequently associated with the problem of not being able to let go of mistakes, but let's analyze perfectionism from a conscious and mechanical point of view.


Many times we have the belief that perfectionism is the way to reach the highest level, and we see many very successful people in their field as perfectionists, and although it may work for some people, the reality is that, while setting realistic high standards, it is Importantly, expecting perfection in whatever we do will not only be impossible but also frustrating.

From what we know about the "flow state"(the peak of human performance), is that optimal performance appears when the challenge makes the individual strive to achieve an achievable goal just above their current peak, setting unrealistically high goals has proven detrimental to reaching these states.

Another point that I would like to talk about is the common mistake of judging ourselves harshly after a mistake, if we were someone's coach and he made a mistake in a tournament, probably what we would do would be to make him see the mistake so it doesn’t happen again, but seek to give him confidence to continue focus in the tournament, we would not use words like, what an idiot you were! Why the hell did you do that? How do you hope to win playing like this! because clearly these expressions are not only unnecessary, but They are also destructive and will not help you at all, so how could it be okay for us to talk to each other like this after a mistake?

Since the post was longer than I expected, I will do a second part on this topic, tell me what you think, greetings and good luck at the tables!

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