Ola Amunsgard - More vids?
Posted by Dolfski
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Run It Once Training
Ola Amunsgard - More vids?
Will Oddsen be making more videos anytime soon? I extremely value his unique style and thought process.
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We have been spoilt lately with PLO vids and new coaches, but I second this notion nonetheless. Oddsen's vids are the nuts.
Spoilt? Compared to the amount of videos we normally get yes, but compared to the amount of NLHE and MTT videos that go up we've be getting short changed for a while imo.
I agree, his and phil´s videos are second to none
after seeing oddsens videos i just stopped folding and it has worked out ;)
Hi Dolfski,
Ola is incredibly busy at the moment but we're hopeful to get some new stuff from him this summer. We'll be sure to update this thread when we get any new information.
Thnx for the update Dan I appreciate it.
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