Official Video Request Thread (part 2)
Posted by Mikey Stotz
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Mikey Stotz
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Run It Once Training
Official Video Request Thread (part 2)
As you may have noticed, the first installment of our video request thread has grown to a size that makes it difficult to load and unwieldy to navigate for our pros searching for topics for upcoming videos. Please use this thread going forward for all video requests and ideas that you'd like to see covered. Thanks!
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Great. Looking more ideas for my next nlh videos.
Few suggestions:
1) An NLH theory video where the coach uses GTO+ instead of Pio as a solver to describe a certain concept. I believe the community would greatly benefit, since GTO+ is nowadays widely used by micro/lowstake players for study.
2) A theory video about blockbetting from theory/explo point of view. When it is appropriate to use a blockbet, which sizing, vs which opponents, how to react vs raises, etc. I could not find many useful infos about this topic.
3) How to play our strong but non-nutted (77-JJ, KQs, AQs, etc) part of the range IP/OOP vs 4bets when we play a 3bet/fold strategy. I play 50z/100z and personally struggle a lot with this topic, which makes it to a very expensive leak. Without a specific read I fold OOP often since 4bet ranges are heavily value orientated at these stakes. But IP I struggle then even more because I end up calling preflop to afterwards fold a lot OTF. My redline suffers then a lot from these missplays. Pretty sure a lot of people at lowstakes are struggling in this area.
Hope there are some useful ideas for the coaches!
Great suggestions Pape_Sux , thanks. I would be especially interested in #2 myself.
2 and 3 both sound interesting to me.
I personally would love to see some Theory Videos from the Legend Phil Galfond for the Essential members. Currently only 1 listed from 2014. Even just allowing a couple of the previous videos to be accessed to Essential members would be nice. For example i watched the Sample Video of "Designing an Exploitative Game plan" on the RIO YouTube Channel and found this Video very interesting.
I think this video could help players on the lower stakes since its the main Style people need to play for Micro's and even most Small stake games.
Just my 2 Cents.
I think it would be great if someone could explain the whole process of analyzing a hand in HRC. There is a video that only covers basic ICM spots, but I'm struggling with analyzing hands including flatcalls and 3bets, maybe someone here is willing to go over an advanced hand analysis in HRC.
Is the one that you've already watched by Stephen Chidwick?
A PLO video by Sauce123.
Second to that as NO1 on wish list :-)
I would like to see a video on how pre flop ranges change when there is a straddle, or in a game with an ante. A way of working out how to adjust based on how big the ante is or how many straddles.
As a fairly new member and micro stakes novice, I would love some content geared toward foundational mistakes - especially post flop. GTO stuff is really interesting, but doesn't seem very applicable at micro.
Perhaps some proview videos at Nl2, where Hero makes some quite large mistakes.
I would really like seeing a video on playing a short stack while you have a bounty on your head. and how having a bounty on your head will change which ranges villans will call your shoves with.
Have you checked out Pedro Madeira's Comparing Ranges - Freezeout vs. PKO series? I would imagine that it would answer some of the questions that you have.
Id also like more Theory videos in general. game play and reviews are entertaining and all but the site needs more theory especially in the MTT section.
It seems like short-deck/6+ hold 'em is probably here to stay, so some materials on that game would be appreciated!
I have some preliminary thoughts on how one would adjust to the removed cards and changed hand ranking (though the latter is yet to be universally standardized, I guess), but I'd love to hear from some of the RIO pros (maybe even a new specialist to the roster, just for this?)!
hey can some coach talk about play 3 bet oop? Thx.
It will be nice to have a series of videos that contain information on how to play each stage of a tournament, early, mid and late-stage. Maybe it's somewhat redundant to ask for this since most of Mtt's videos teach this kind of thing. But I think I emphasize the theoretical with some practical examples.
For example the size of the bet having an effective stack of 100bb +. Usually, a bet of 30% in dry boards is made, maybe it would be good to make it maybe 40 to 45% of the pot since the opponent could continue in the pot with weaker hands when his stack allows it.
Another example would be how the late game changes when the total number of players is 300.1000, 2000, 5000+. Would you play the same way for each field size? What do we need to take in consideration about the variance?
When is it better to survive the bubble than to risk having a decent hand like 55-77 in early position? Do it depend on the buy-in, field size, prize pool?
Just some examples to express my idea.
A video about beating PLO 10-25 without any stats ( mostly anonymous players as you can change names all the time and software is not allowed). How tight should you play considering
size of the game and 20-25 % rakeback(Unibet).
Or can you advice a video which deals with this topic?
A video that's worth watching that covers the effects of rake is this video by Tyler Forrester. It's NL rather than PLO but the concepts regarding rake should still apply.
As far as small stakes PLO, I would check out some videos from Nick Johnson here.
Could I request a video for 6mx cash that focuses on villans raising /check raising your flop or turn bets please?
I would like to see more final tables with cards face up, either PokerStars and WSOP video.
I would also like to see more Pro View videos where there is a conversation between the reviewer and player, as in the Ryan Martin HeyMona series.
Would be awesome to see a Sauce vs Phil G HA series. Play a few hours and both players could review both games.
Would be interested in a video or series going over certain flops, and solver recommendations on how to play various hands on them as raiser or caller. Am interested in recommendations, not detailed analysis.
I would like to see a vid concerning facing shortstackers in NL cash. How to construct the preflop against them.
Its been done before but its exciting and extremely helpful. As a HU player i would love to see a RIO coach break down a replay of high stakes HU (or short handed) action between the best players in the world. We've seen video playbavk of matches analyzed by Tyler and KRab but i think a mash up of interesting hands between top pros would make my heart sing. Maybe a little solver intertwined too
As a NLHE HU player, there is a dwindling amount of content for NLHE HU on the site at the moment. Would be great to see more of that.
Any news with HU content? Now Krab is producing 6m stuff, Sauce isnt doing HU, Xraiser has stopped making videos so we are left with nothing...
I'm working on it Wazzo :)
+1.Every time I see Krab doing 6-max or Sauce doing fusion or staking or anything that's not playing HU or shorthanded at nosebleeds I'm severely disappointed.
Great news, thanks man.
I'd love to see some videos toying with solvers.
Using crazy node locks in order to show some theory stuff.
How about videos on new games, such as short deck NLHE and PLO and drawmaha. Also, more and better content on badeucey and badacy.
Have you checked out Sauce's recent series on Fusion here?
I will take a look. I didn't know what it was. I did a search and it seems like it was just introduced a month or so ago on Stars. I only play the US version of Stars, so probably not much Fusion action there.
Been another few weeks and still nothing. I know a decent sized part of the HU community that are considering terminating their subs for RIO as the content has just completely dried up. Some already have. Hope you guys can address this.
Completely agree with wazzo. Run it once is seriously lacking good HU content, krab is pretty much the only heads up coach producing quality content and even he hasnt produced anything related to HU in past few weeks. Nuno was good, but he has stopped producing There should be at least one more coach producing HU content every week. You guys should seriously try to do something about this as soon as possible :)
I promise you that we're working on this at the moment guys. I'm hopeful that we can have more HU content available soon.
Nuno is back as of today producing HU content for you guys just in case you missed it. First video is here.
6+ hold'em (short deck NLHE) would be very interesting to see
Working on it :)
Might want to keep an eye on tomorrow's videos...
Thanks man, cancelled my sub in the end but if there is more content will come back. Was kinda hoping for more Krab, sauce or possibly new coaches but will keep an eye on what is coming out. Thanks for keeping us updated.
No problem. There should definitely be some new Krab HU content soon and we'll see what we can do about Sauce. Hope to see you back with us soon...
I'm also eagerly awaiting some new highstakes content NL or PLO.
Would like to see some lower stakes NL play. An essential pro playing NL10z or NL25z would be fantastic value, especially if they talk about population tendencies that can be exploited. There's a lot of videos of pros playing NL50 and NL100, not so many even lower stakes. Thanks!
(i) Live PLO MTT (buy in 1,100 - 2,500)
(ii) BETTING LINES: what do they typically mean?
NLHE (tourney or cash)
in position and out of position...
eg what does villain oop check/call, check/call, lead river betting line usually mean.
eg what does villain ip bet, check, bet line usually mean
(iii) NLHE MTT EP/MP Facing a Short Stack Shove
ie utg or utg+1 shoves and we are next to act or second next to act. ive had trouble (ie run into a monster) when raising something like TT and when flatting seem to get shipped on too often. about half the time i've had the better hand in the second scenario.
(iv) FINAL TABLE PLAY (NLHE or PLO): as a Large Stack, Medium Stack, Short Stack
Hero raises in position. One of the blinds calls. On two tone flop betting goes Check Call... Turn brings third card of a suit and betting goes Check Check... then Villain leads river... I recently played a series where most of the buy-ins were 1,100 and I ran into this fairly common spot after raising in EP with AA.... on river on something like a Qc8c2x6cAx board.
The guy hadn't played many hands in 4-5hrs and was unknown. It wasn't for my tourney. I had him covered. He wasn't all in. I didn't have the Ac. If he didn't have a flush I had him beat but I struggled to put him on anything other than fl d. I tank called. I was pretty disappointed with my play. It wreaked of one of those danger spots where a card makes a set but gives opponent a straight or whatever.
(vi) BU or SB SHIPPING on short stack(s) when folded to. I don't like folding here when I have 50+BB and opponent(s) have less than 12. My cards have to be atrocious.
(vii) Playing AA/KK when we have been very active.
(viii) Donk betting v Check raising on flop when called a raise
in blinds
(ix) Playing as a short stack in live PLO/Combatting short stackers in Live PLO
5/10 game with buy in between 300-1,000
A video on adjustments to make in splashed pots please!!
I'll see what I can do :)
Thx for the input matmat
Splash The Pot: Exploits and Fundamentals
Apotheosis HU PLO series with joint commentary from Sauce.
Can we get some more railbirding with Tyler Forrester videos please :) First one was prob my favourite video so far!
Tyler Forrester a request has been made :)
i don´t know if it´s possible or not, but i´ve watched the hole dadabase review series by Steve Paul the last days and i really enjoyed it. So maybe it´s possible to make one(or a few) like that?
I guess it´s a nice variety and also the series is about 2-4 years old, so get it in 2019 with exploids to these days micros, i would really appreciate. :)
It would be great to see a theory video about NL strategy adjustments to make when deep
I think Tyler and Juan Copani both have such videos
Thanks, I couldn't find such a video from Tyler, but I saw Juan's videos about deep play.
Jason Koon - multi part series on short deck poker, covering:
playing pocket pairs (especially with a raise preflop), offsuit and suited AK, AQ, AJ, AT, smaller connectors offsuit and suited, playing Arag suited pre flop and on a low board with one/two of your suit, various heads up equities with a large number of hands - both pre flop and on various flops, playing a limp raise strategy/countering a limp raise strat, bluffing low boards, calling with small cards multi-way preflop when there should be tons of live small cards, bluffing high boards/monotone boards, bluffing in general, whatever else...
I'd love it if we could get some more PLO8 content.
I think Chris Pimmer should do some sort of mental game series where he teaches one of his students (if he has any). Would be very interesting to see what the mental side can do for a players winrate, volume and life/poker balance.
I can expand the idea further if he is interested.
I am interested, I had something of the likes in the planning, but I would like to hear your ideas and what you are interested in seeing. Thank you for the suggestion
My idea is basicaly this:
Have the student talk about his goals (long and short term) and what his motivations are for playing (a lot of players are struggling with this).
Then go on and use your old videos as a baseline and have the student implement a concept or two every week/ two weeks.
Use the actuall videos to talk about what the student learns and what benefits he sees, and also obv talk about what he struggles with etc.
Seeing an example of someone actually implementing your videos in his game/life would be very interesting to see, and an eye opener to a lot of players i think.
Also have the student keep a journal here at RIO :)
I will open this idea up to maybe 2 Rio members that want to try this out in a video or series with me. Just PM me
Hello people, i'm planning my next vid and i'm lacking a bit of ideas..
What would you like to see?
I would love to see more of these videos where you go into one specific part of the game. Either a theory concept or a situation that come up often.
Is What I would like to see.
I love your vids!
Would love to see a theory concept video about check/raising. Some ideas:
- How to construct check/raising ranges in different positions (maybe BvB spot as an example)
- Which parameters (EV, EQ, EQR) to look for when trying to study with solvers
- When to deviate from theory and take an exploitative line vs regs/fish
I couldn´t find any theoritical video regarding check/raising and how to study this part of the game. Almost every second theory video on the site is regarding Cbetting strategies or some kind of live play. Imo the RIO coaches should also focus on other aspects of the game to provide valuable content to the subscribers. Would therefore really appreciate something new.
deep analyses of 1 hand in solver( x/R situation, 3bet situation, sb/bb ...). Can use some unusual spot and go from GTO approach to max exploit vs population.
I’m also looking for HU footage from a RIO Elite member that wants me to review it for a video. Ideally 100NL or above. Can only take good quality recordings (if two tables they have to be side by side, good video resolution etc)
Feel free to PM me if you’re interested.
Theres a youtube video replaying a recent hu match between Linus and Trueteller. I think it would be a great and popular idea to review that match and evaluate the play of the best technical player vs the best exploitative player. Sounds like popcorn material to me.
Yeah, thanks for the suggestion. I already have that on my radar hehe. Only reason I haven’t reviewed that yet is because I’m far from an expert at 250bb deep poker.
Also stay tuned for a video in the next weeks covering a few hands of another very famous HU match ;)
Postflop play from SB vs BB call would be a nice topic, havent seen much of that here on rio
Likely has a lot to do w/ it being an incredibly difficult/annoying spot to model (especially for tournaments w/ so many different stack sizes).
Because of this I think many people tend to focus their solver work more towards spots they have a lot more 'visibility' around/that they can be more confident in their solver outputs for
That said...because it's so hard to study + because ranges are wide I think it's a spot that there's a lot of EV to be had in playing them better than everyone else and max exploiting different player tendencies/profiles.
It would be awesome to see a video or series of videos reviewing some hands from the Trueteller vs. LLinusLLove 40kNL HU battles. There is a playlist of these hands here:
It would be amazing to see a HU expert like Sauce or KRab review some of the big pots.
Damn it. I’m gonna give it a shot. I’m not an expert at deepstack poker but I think the footage is too good to pass on and I’m pretty sure I can navigate quite well most of the spots so... stay tunned!
Multiway Pot Video Lessons!!!
Modern multiway pot theory has grown and there should be a section for multiway pot videos in the RIO Learning Paths section.
Are there Essentials videos dehvoted to teaching multiway pot play, hopefully theory, spots & examples?
Are there Elite videos devoted to teaching multiway pot play, hopefully theory, spots & examples?
If yes, how can I find these videos?
Hey vegas777 thanks for the suggestion. I agree that it would be a great addition to the learning paths to have a selection of systematic videos on how to approach multiway pots. I've started reaching out to some of our pros and hope that we can offer some great new videos on multiway pots soon.
+1 to another railing with Tyler Forrester video!
The in depth hand history analysis videos by Paul Atwal, Patrick Sekinger, Nuno Alvarez etc have been really good. More of that would be awesome.
Thanks Kalupso!
Some Pio focused video on turn play after flop XR from BB would be interesting. It's a quite important spot with the small cbet at high frequency meta we see in a lot of games. As far as I know it has not been covered much here.
Pleeeasseee give us more Uri Peleg videos. His first vid was epic!!!!!
Also maybe some Sauce HS live vids. I might be being a bit greedy :D
Uri's next video should be coming out soon and we'll see what we can do about some HS action from Sauce.
Multiways. Don't have to be monker video because it is probably too hard but maybe some theory concepts
I've posted a short reference about multiway pots a bit above but happy to updated that one of our Elite Pros is currently working on multiway pot content. On that note, thx for your suggestions Jeff_ , vegas777 and anyone who might have mentioned this before, I'm sure many more members felt the same way
I'm sure many of you have already noticed the video but wanted to post it here as a direct reference too
Intro to Multiway Pot Theory (Francesco Lacriola)
Thanks again for the suggestions and we hope to keep the ball rolling on that topic so that the RIO library will fill with more multiway pot content soon
As for HU content, what would you guys like to see? I have a couple video ideas in the works but I’m always open to hear whatever topics you’d like me to cover.
Multiways :O
On a serious note, some spots coverage. Paired boards; monotone; low connected (456, 356, 568);
Maybe looking at spots you misplayed and let other learn from your mistakes.
Good suggestions. Thanks Jeff_
Would love to see an mtt video on postflop adjustments based on our stack size (ex 20,30,50 bb effective). Mainly from co/btn or playing 3/4 handed at final tables.
Think this is actually a really good idea and I'll do what I can to get it out in the next few videos of mine
This is a great suggestion and we're looking forward to see Ryan approach this in detail in a video soon.
I just stumbled across this and while I know it's not exactly what you were suggesting I could imagine it has some value for you:
Stack Sizes: Actions and Opportunities (Owen Shiels) - Essential MTT
Maybe a video about live poker etiquette would be interessting. How to be make the experience more pleasent for the recs, so they comeback more often.
Really interesting idea.
Specially now that the topic is a little hyped still, with vogelsang hoodie and things like that
I posted few suggestions for future content in Saulo Ribeiro´s debut video. As you can see in the picture below the post got many likes, so I assume that the RIO community is heavily interested in some of these topics as well.
Would be really nice if some of the coaches could cover these topics. There is a demand imo.
Pepe - really great suggestions and I know that a few coaches have already mentioned seeing the post. We will absolutely get a few of these topics converted to videos. As my colleague James Hudson has mentioned in the past, the time from video idea to live on the site can sometimes a month or so, perhaps even longer depending on the coach and what is going on outside of video making. Will see what I can do to expedite things here!
I would love to see a theory video about constructing a strong NL preflop strategy. Such a video could be an overview of the different solvers and software tools (e.g. Snowie) that can be used to develop preflop strats, and could discuss the pros and cons of each one. Then the video could explain how to effectively use these tools to construct preflop ranges and could show a couple examples of constructing ranges for certain spots in order to show the best process. There are tons of theory videos about postflop play, but no good recent videos about constructing preflop ranges.
SB limping strategy .... nobody covers that some years now.
Could very old "elite" videos become "essential" now ??
Would love to see Vids from Ian Salter again!!!
1) Any more GTO+ content @ the Essential level at all would be great....
2) Specifically something focused on using CREV and GTO+ together (if people actually use these together?)
3) Either/both of the above by Peter Clarke.
(1) search results that include whether the coach is elite or essential would be very useful to essential members
(2) live satellites to main events
(3) adjusting to/shedding a weak/passive image... I feel like I get played back at a lot and need to do some work on this
The second dropdown in daily releases lets you choose {all plans, free, essential, elite} so just choose essential.
I do that radtupperware but when i use the search function (search icon next to "run it once poker; top right hand corner of page) the search results didn't include whether coach elite or essential. Sent email and Mikey replied that they had added this. All good!
The most random ridiculous suggestion I can think of - consideration of huge royal flush jackpot (40,000x BB) when playing suited broadway cards in nlhe cash. Solve that...
1) How to do population tendency analysis for our player pool (and/or adjustments for the findings?)
2) How to Run/Use Aggregration reports and best study them
3) How to improve at poker in 2019 (what should the daily/weekly routine ideally be like)
1) Julian Kopanskiy has done a few videos on player pool analysis and adjustments. Here's the first from that series.
2) Here's a video from Seth Davies that deals turn probes using aggregation reports. These two videos from Elusivemark also cover the topic: Sb vs Btn 3 Bet Pot Play and BTN vs BB play. Lastly, this video on C-betting your entire range by Diego Ramirez might be helpful too.
3) This one is a little vague so I'll let someone else grab the answer for this one.
A MTT Video of Sauce in collaboration with one of the MTT Crushers would be nice. Maybe a 2- or 3-part series where they review some live MTT footage or just the classic online deep run. I am sure the chosen MTT coach would be quite happy about that aswell... :-)
More live play MTT esp (NLHE main events; and PLO) vids would be great for those who can't play online. I mean there is so much online content... I skip a ton of it. Don't think I can justify elite membership without more live content.
I don't care too much about live MTTs per say, but more live videos gets an upvote for me. Especially videos with people thinking about exploits in live poker -- the live MTTs tend to end up pretty similar to online, since we're online watching the best players play.
More stuff like YoH ViRal's would be good. I also just generally enjoy the live cash game streams with commentary. Fun to watch.
agree about the live games with commentary, thought processes in the moment, are great. i guess i also agree re live cash, NLHE and PLO (but MTT's my fav form of poker). living in a place where we can't play online really blows... can only watch so many vids with huds.
i'm also wondering if some kind of quiz format vids might be useful. we get dealt xx in pos y, there may or may not be an open in front, do we A or B or C? the flop is xxx, do we A or B or C.... etc
Good suggestions guys. We'll see what we can do.
5cd PLO HI please
more videos on mental part of poker
We have Chris Pimmer hard at work on his next videos and I just finished chatting with Leszek who is looking for ideas on his mental game videos coming up. Do you have specific suggestions on video types you'd like to see?
Have you checked out the A-Game Poker Masterclass? This could be just what you're looking for as well.
As you know Jeff, I will be doing some more on motivation and finding some mental leaks in the process of playing. But it will take a little longer as I am currently on a travel trip. Sorry about the big delay !!
I got your back
There is a replay of the WCOOP 2019 10k FT HR here:
There is a lot of pretty wild and interesting hands, would be great if one of the MTT coaches (maybe someone who does not play online much anymore these days) could review it.
short deck videos, and satellite videos
updated theory on prefop 3bets, 4bets vs villains with variety defending stats, and how we shoud defend vs 3bets, 4bets also based on various statistics
This isn't exactly what you're looking for but you might want to check out today's Patrick Cronin video on 4-bet pots.
ante zoom poker or party(not sure it have it now)
Pretty interesting game format, even though it doesn't seems nice from rake standpoint
I could be completely inept and not seeing this, but is there a place to submit footage for the PRO view series?
Hey @99overall. Do you mean where you can submit footage which then one of our coaches might use to review in a video?
If so, what games are you playing and which footage would you like to submit? There's no official place to submit footage but there's a good chance that one of our coaches would be up for creating a video for this. You can of course also just PM me here on the site about this
Yes that was my question. Currently playing $200PLO mostly fast-fold. If someone would be able to take some to review that would be awesome. Maybe you could see if anyone is up for it?
Okey awesome! I'll check in with our PLO coaches if we can make this happen :)
Database analysis for population tendencies using Hand2Note for stack size in MTTs. This would work well as a compare/contrast with sims: what is the theory, what are people actually doing. Can be done pre and post flop. Cheers
Where is Patrick Cronin ? :/
Toy games explaining how adding raising as a strategic option changes the equilibrium. Games to understand raising better and the role of raising and position together.Starting with River only and then perhaps turn and flop gets more complex. some hands to illustrate with sims or even pure dry theory is fine. Krystof has some videos of this nature, great if he does it.
A video about how to play vs recreational players with extremely high VPIPs (50%+). These are the most profitable spots in poker but I'm not sure there's any content on specifically this topic. Good things to cover:
How to adjust preflop based on whether they are on your left or on your right. I think when they are on your left you have to play a lot tighter due to high likelihood of being squeezed by a reg looking to isolate the weaker player and also a high likelihood of playing a pot OOP. But not sure the exact extent of which to adjust - I would imagine it's probably quite extreme?
How their 3bet % affects your preflop adjustments vs them, and to what extent.
Whether to increase betsizing preflop to try to isolate them? Downside is it's more costly to fold vs squeeze, but if we are playing a tighter range preflop (e.g. whale is to our direct left) we can play more often vs squeeze. Also higher equity in a bigger pot if called and less likely to be overcalled by a reg. I'm thinking 3x or maybe even higher might be good in some circumstances?
How specific postflop tendencies affect your ranges postflop and preflop.
Adjustments vs players going nuts using big betsizes like pot and overbet frequently.
Think it's a cool idea for a video and I'd imagine there are some huge adjustments required preflop and postflop given how far players like this deviate from optimal play.
Apologies for the re-post; just noticed that I posted on an old thread.
I'd like a PLO series that could be called "Deviants" focussing specifically on the most important spots where human players deviate from GTO. Phil Galfond often touches on this, and it would be great to delve into this with more detail, so we can better grasp the spots where we may be misapplying solver-based knowledge. As a predominantly live player, this is very important to me. On that note, I would also like more material on multiway pots.
Thx for the suggestion brainer
It's a great idea and we'll see if one of our PLO coaches is interested to bring this to life!
Same goes for your request for multiway pot videos. This comes up more frequently but it's a nice bump to see if we can add some new content on this topic over the next few weeks as well!
Idea for a video, either cash or MTT: go into your database and review a few hands that were contested multi-way, such as to the turn at least 3 ways. Because solvers have not been able to do as much effectively in analyzing multi-way pots, it seems that many coaches avoid discussing those spots. But they are interesting and important. Maybe we can't gain as much insight as to what a solver might do, but we as students could stand to benefit a lot from a coach's insights and methods of handling multi-way pots.
Great suggestion! I agree that I regularly find those spots toughest to study when I marked them in a session. I will drop some video suggestions below that came to mind for me, but that is not to say that other coaches should not jump on this topic to build up more diversity for multiway content. I think it's a fair point that we could use more of this content and the format you described sounds easy to execute for coaches.
Francesco Lacriola 3-part series on Multiway Pots:
Intro to Multiwa Pot Theory
Multiway Pots - From Theory to Practice
Multiway Pot Theory: Positions & Range Interactions
Shaun Pauwels standalone video:
Hello. Would like you to have some database review videos in HM3. How to approach learning and finding leaks. What hand samples are sufficient for some stats and how to look and interpret them.
Thanks for the suggestion Pokerica 52 we might have someone who will execute your suggestion in a video in the coming weeks. Would you be interested in potentially providing your own database to be reviewed in the video? If so, shoot me a PM!
Eldora I'm more than interested. I've sent you a PM!
Hey Djoksi - I briefly wanted to let you know that Francesco Lacriola just launched a new series evolving around database reviews. The first part is already live on the site. This series came to live based on your suggestion! Just wanted to thank you again for dropping your thoughts here and I hope that you'll enjoy the video!
Database Review 101 (Francesco Lacriola)
(I've upgraded your account to Elite for the next 7 days so that you can check it out)
Really enjoyed Gary Chappel's recent "Daily Grind" video where he showed what was a normal session for him, including discussion on how he sees his hourly in different games etc.
Would be interested in this format for other coaches. Essentially a full "day in the life" but poker-style. This is from a CG player perspective for me personally as I imagine tournament players have a simpler time. Answering questions like:
That kind of thing. Really interested in the routines and habits these pros use to make it to, and stay at, the top of the game- particularly during periods of time where they made a great "jump"/"leap forward" in their game.
My thought is that even if it's just occasionally, it would be nice to give essential subscribers some exposure to the mixed games that are covered on elite. What I had in mind was seeing some cash play of PLO8, and maybe some mixed game tournament play, HORSE, etc.
When can we expect the "Session Reviews" for Phil's This is PLO course? Looking forward to the as I've just finished working through the rest of the material.
Hi chimpraiser
Phil is working on these session reviews and some other videos right now. In looking at our schedule behind the scenes it looks like some other additional content featuring a special guest is going to come out first and the timeline for those videos is a couple weeks or so from now and the session reviews are currently scheduled for 4-6 weeks from now. Sorry for the delay but they're actively being worked on. Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.
Another request for the "This is PLO" course. A video about donking the river on board changing cards. Sometimes it feels natural and obvious but when ranges are wide and boards are dynamic, it's not always clear when or why OOP should lead when straights and/or flushes hit. I know this might not fit cleanly into any section of the course so far, but I think it's an interesting topic and I would appreciate a video on it. Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback and video idea chimpraiser we have shared it with Phil and maybe the idea will come to life and will be added to the course.
Making some mixed game content available to essential members would be greatly appreciated. Right now there are literally zero videos available (unless I’m filtering incorrectly).
Hey AWF314 thanks for bringing up the suggestion! Nope, you did everything correctly we indeed have kept all mixed game content exclusive to Elite until now because we've never had an Essential coach for Mixed Games. But we'll make sure to discuss your suggestion in team and see if there's something that we can do!
However, I expect that for the most part it will likely remain a natural split that most Mixed Game content will be released at the Elite level.
With the risk of coming across like a joke.. "how to play like a nit"
I made 2 threads (I was a bit enthousiastic about the topic):
Because... everybody always says you need to play tight to beat the rake, but I missed a clear understanding why. Now comes the how.
At RIO we get very clear thinking explained about poker but I really could use some help in how to play tight, both pre flop and post flop. So no "going for thin value" or, "this is thin but a nice spot to check raise as a bluf versus a polarized range". It would really help me to see what tight play actually looks like both pre flop and post flop.
This can be done with HH review where the coach explains pre flop how he raised a certain hand on the CO but should be a fold pre flop and why,
but also a live session would be cool
I always learned not chase certain stats but I would really love to see how a 20/17 player approach the game (or a 18/16 whatever)
Hey emsterdad thaks for the suggestion! The first video that really jumps to mind for me here is a past video from Tyler Forrester titled Rake Effects at Small Stakes (Tyler Forrester).
The main take-away from the video is two-fold:
1) High-rake environments can have quite strong effects on optimal preflop strategies. This mostly includes things like:
- whether you should play a 3-bet only (no flatting) strategy from various positions, which applies to all poker rooms that don't rake pre-flop pots (GGPoker is the exception here).
- how wide you can optimally the BB versus different sizings
- which hands you can profitably defend versus a 3-bet (note that in higher rake environments that don't have pre-flop rake you will likely do more 4-betting instead of flatting vs 3bets)
- which hands you can profitably open-raise from different positions
In many videos you'll hear coaches say that they'll deviate their strategy and fold this hand because of the high rake environment and if you check out some preflop ranges at different rake environemnts you will quickly find what they mean by that. Suddenly 54s might not be a pure open from the button anymore whereas all 500z regs likely open that hand.
2) Post-flop strategy. And this is where it becomes interesting: Tyler dived into the question if our post-flop strategy should drastically deviate based on the rake (with the example of c-betting flops) and he found that the post-flop strategy was nearly not affected at all. While it is true that you will make fewer money even post-flop in high-rake environments the strategic changes are minimal - instead it mostly causes both players to make less money but it doesn't impact the overall strategy. Also note that in most solver solutions rake is already modeled accordingly. So when seeing a check-raising strategy in a solver output that accounts for rake - this will already calculate the amount of money that you will lose to the site. Tightening up even further would be an over-adjustment.
Based on these takeaways I would believe that it is highly risky to start value-betting less thinly or not check-raising as much just because you are in a higher rake environment.
There might still be a nice place for a video that evolves around the topic of rake and how to adjust to it based on different criteria but my initial assumption is that you will give up way more money by playing 'too tight of a style' just to avoid paying rake. So it might be ill-advised post-flop.
Note that this was mostly my personal take-away from Tyler's video and I might be wrong about some of the above!
Awesome post! I do wonder how this than co-exists with the video of Luke Johnson, where he actually says at lower stakes you should play the range you want to play (200nl for example). You probably know this video too. And he can't be / probably isn't work. So a balance is to be found to not nit it up too much perhaps?
For example, a 21/17 type of game might still be very profitable at 500nl, but a 28/25 type of style will get killed because of rake at lowerstakes?
I don't think that's a good assumption. The rake will shift a bunch of hands from breakeven/slightly +EV to slightly -EV/breakeven, but that's solver vs solver. In reality if you are a winning player you will make up some of that edge because your opponents will generally play worse than you. I think the idea behind Luke's suggestion is that it makes more sense to learn to play good ranges now instead of having to relearn every time you want to move up in stakes. Maybe you give up a tiny bit of EV playing too many hands (and maybe you fold some edge cases due to rake) but it's not like no one could be a winner playing 28/25 at the micros.
yah thats what he said in the vid actually. That you might give up a bit of EV.
Shouldnt there be a treshhold where a certain VPIP/PFR just isnt profitable anymore considering the rake?
I don't think that question is worth considering. Like could Linus beat 25nl with a 40vpip? No clue, maybe. But if 23/20 is optimal at some stake due to rake it's not like if you play 28/23 you can't be a winner - there are a lot of hands that are worth very close to 0 in solverland
Hi Steve Paul , aren’t “being able to beat the microstakes at a higher vpip” and “you need to play tight to beat the rake” two different things?
On this forum, and in the links above, and in several videos it states that you need to play a lot tighter to beat the rake. I am sure that one of the top coaches with an extreme edge can beat is with a high vpip.
Here is one example that hopefully helps. Compare BB facing BTN 2.5x open at 500 and 50NL:
BB folds 4.5% more often at 50NL because of the higher rake, that's a pretty big difference and you see similar effects vs openers from all positions. So solver will play a significantly lower VPIP from the BB at 50 compared to 500 due to the higher rake.
But what is the EV difference of playing the 500 strat at 50? Very little. There are a few hands (T5s, 95s, T8o) that are very slightly -EV, the rest you'll just be moving from mixed strats to pure (eg J9o) but not losing any EV. And that's in solverland, presumably you are a stronger player than your opponents and will slightly outperform the EV numbers you see there.
Those marginal hands tend to be more difficult to play, and you'll often put yourself in tough spots. You can see that as a negative (just play a little tighter and avoid those) or as a positive (tough situations force you to think, make mistakes and give an opportunity to better understand the game.)
Steve Paul Thanks, you just gave me the permission I needed to become the 28/25 LAG I always wanted to be :-)
ha, just don't blame me if it doesn't work :)
I am requesting for mystery bounty content plz
Thanks for the suggestion Principle! We'll try to put a focus on that over the coming weeks.
I second this. Mystery bounty tournaments are getting popular and I will like to see more content relating to this.
I am requesting PT4 datebase analysis for tournaments, what stats are good to have? general use and setup of pt4 in terms of hud and and how tor review hands properly. thanks
Great suggestion thx Principle! We'll see if we can add a new video covering this shortly. I'll also take a look and post here in case I can find something in the library that might already help as a start.
A tutorial/walkthrough of Rocket Solver's features would be great - I'm sure a lot of the MSNL+ coaches have been putting in some work with it.
I feel like this inherently would be asking for flame by posting; but if I didn't post about it, I would be missing out.
In a lot of the videos I watch, I hear a very common line "this spot is really really close". Which means - to me - the difference between choice A and choice B at this spot is very minimal in overall EV.
If that is true, and there is a minimal difference between the two options, then why focus on these spots? Wouldn't it be of more benefit to say "here's a spot that seems close but actually isn't. Here's why." or..... "here's a spot that seems really obvious, but here's why its a close spot"
Lopping off spots where my EV loss is significantly magnified would be a much more valuable video series/process compared with watching a video where spots are always "close".
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for the feedback Hawkish. I'll pass this along.
Great ideas.
I've got a couple of thoughts/ideas:
I get poker has got more technical over the years so the (top) players/instructors had to follow suit. Having said that I don't enjoy looking @ solver outputs. I don't enjoy that type of content. I find it a turn off.
Why can't an elite instructor talk about poker in a more simpler way? (If that makes sense!) Why can't they make videos that are simpler/that strip away a lot of the complexity of studying?
If you're a rec player with an interest in spending time studying poker there's more than 1 rio instructor who you'd give no action to @ the table and pay no interest in on the site.
It may not be any1 on the roster currently but I'd like you guys to consider we all learn in different ways, we all like different things so there might be some poker theorists or instructors with a different presentation style than the community have got used to where if they were on rio, if they were involved in the community they may be much more popular than you'd think!
This is an old post of mine edited:
Could we get a resident poker theory coach? We could get some theoretical presentations across 1 of the many aspects of poker (to give 1 suggestion: the topic of bankroll management). We see some graphs, get presented with some numbers, maybe ASK SOME RUNITONCE INSTRUCTORS FOR INPUT, ask runitonce instructors with experience (with numbers!!!) for advice/nuggets of wisdom, get a conversation going in the comments thread etc etc. Obviously you've got the standard poker maths. And it's all important and essential to know for a reason but my suggestion is slightly larger than equating poker theory to poker maths.
To follow up on the point of the last post: I want accurate material/info but fun!!!
Also: I'd like to see more poker concept videos. (AKA poker theory videos.)
I have a hypothesis I want to share: towards the end of sauce's video career with runitonce he was criminally wasted.
I'm following on this line of thought from the previous 2 posts:
That guy had so much experience in the game. He had so much knowledge and yet time after time he made zoom 500nl live play vids.
[Head explode gif]
Look. Ben's gone. Possibly to never return and make videos for the site again.
All I'm saying is if he did or if the site hired some1 of a similar stature in the community: maybe try to direct them into the type of vid that will be timeless eg Phil Galfond's Philosophy series, Haseeb Qureshi's Dogisheadsup series etc etc.
(Alternative line of argument: direct legendary poker player/instructor (if they are working with the site willing to make vids) to make vids on subjects/in a style that people who don't play 500nl zoom/who don't enjoy 500nl zoom vids can appreciate and get the maximum out of!)
A random runitonce instructor guest hosts the show every week/makes the video when it's their turn.
The audience sends in poker related questions. The player/instructor answers them.
Eg take Seth Davies. I don't know the guy, he doesn't play the poker format I am currently interested in but I am aware he's a high stakes mtt player.
I'd love the opportunity to ask him any question and see the answer in a video format. And the question could be about his diet/preparation for a tournament series/super basic poker concept that he can't believe anybody doesn't understand in this day and age/whatever.
It comes back to my earlier point: we all learn in different ways!
Can I throw out some potential video topics for Sam Forde?
Alright give me a bit of time
Chris Pimmer was my guy
Maybe you can be going forward ��
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