Official Video Request Thread

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Official Video Request Thread

As requested, this thread is for you to post your requests and ideas for videos that you would like to see.  Our coaches will check this frequently for new topics to cover.


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patpatimagatt 11 years, 1 month ago

Please get some more 6max NLHE coaches guys. I love this site but finding it very hard to justify my $100 a month. Ivey league is your main competitor for $30 a month and they have a 6max NLHE video every couple of days from great coaches like Zaza, Apothesis, AEjones, TheEnd,  and more. 

If i was a mid/high stakes PLO player the content would be amazing but feels like im paying a lot for the occasional sauce/peterjennings video. Great nlhe content for the essential membership btw

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 1 month ago

A 6-max video of pros, and maybe RIO members, playing a session together. You can make seperate videos in which two pros look at different parts of the footage, so you don't get 6 reviews of the same footage.

500NL and 1K NL Zoom videos. Sucks that Ivey poker signed Apotheosis and Zaza, who'd be perfect for that.

A heads up NL specialist who only does heads up videos.

NLHE by Phil! PLO is great too, but NLHE is still the best poker game around, imo.

Shorthanded NL play, so 3-4 players. For people who want to start games.

Alex W. 11 years ago
All of his.  Particularly HU NL specialist videos.  Get Brian to do more of the live HH reviews as well--that's content that's very unique and doesn't exist anywhere else.
Arnaud Lafaurie 11 years, 1 month ago

MTT has already a dedicated thread, can we add MTT stuff here instead of the lost thread in MTT highstake section?

Tom M 11 years ago

It isn't lost :)

If you just click MTT instead of browsing by stakes, it's still one of the 10 newest threads in the whole MTT forum.

Browsing this way is a lot easier, too.

mplecki23 11 years, 1 month ago

6m is almost too boring, just going 3-4 handed and HU is much better. I know it's a lot harder to get those running, but those are the best. I personally enjoyed the 8 game vids, but doing one video for mixed game is much easier to learn. It's hard to learn stud8, razz, etc all at once in an hr video.

mike 11 years, 1 month ago

more NLH 6m, HU, theory please

on 10/40 videos out this month have been NLH and a few of these were part MTT

i get the appeal of adding more "other game content" but please don't do it at the expense of the core game i suspect most of your customers play and pay to learn more about

Mikey Stotz 11 years, 1 month ago

Thank you for the suggestions.  We are paying close attention to this and will be adjusting accordingly.  Please keep your thoughts coming.

Arnaud Lafaurie - either thread should work.  If you had an idea specifically for an MTT video, I'd suggest posting in the other thread, though posting it in both couldn't hurt.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 1 month ago

NL videos on how to play AQ/AK in 3-bet pots where you miss.
When to show down Ahigh in single raised pots. I often check back Ahighs on dry and c-bettable board, and I feel like I turn my hand face up, and get run over by aggressive players.

And again, NLHE by Phil.

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

Can you give me a specific OOP 3-betting range and a calling range for your opponent?

Then a few examples of boards/hands you have trouble with?

Chael Sonnen 11 years ago

Sorry, not on the fly.
Just a spot that bothers me a lot in general. I'll save some hand histories when I get into a nasty spot again.

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

Could you just give me a SB v Button 3betting range and calling range for your stakes?  Otherwise I'll just make some up that seem accurate.  I'd like to see if I can do this for you soon.

Chael Sonnen 11 years ago

My standard SB 3-bet range looks like: 22-AA, Axs, SCs 87s+, JTs+
I find that in 200NL Zoom, they call a different range than in 400NL regular (my two main games)
Let's say 22-99, AQ, A2s-A5s, ATs+, suited broadways, J9s/Q9s, 76s+.

The troublesome board are basically dry board than turn a ton of straight draws. Villian will pick up a lot of them, and jam rivers because he's at the bottom of his range.
964r, J56r, 872r, 884r. These seem like boards were showing down Ahigh is just good enough, but when the aggro regs start b-b-shoving, I don't think I can do much about it.

Dealt to Hero [Kh Ac]
X: folds
Y: folds
Z: folds 

Villian: raises $2.20 to $4.20
A: folds
Hero: raises $11.80 to $16
Villian: calls $11.80
*** FLOP *** [4c Th 5h]
Hero: checks
Villian: bets $18
Hero: calls $18
*** TURN *** [4c Th 5h] [9h]
Hero: checks
Villian: bets $45.54
Hero: folds

On that flop, there are very few worse hands that call, and I don't get better hands to fold. Once he bets the turn he can't have 88/A5s etc. anymore not even every Tx, but I still think that Villian picks up so many OEs and gutters, and then even on a blank river I'll be in a very marginal spot.
But betting AK here would pretty much be a bluff, even though it usually wins in a checked down pot. I guess a 1/33 pot bet makes a bit of sense, but there arer many boards where that wouldn't accomlish anything.

I also have problem as PFR in single raised pots.
Even on dry boards where I check down a stronger Ahigh, I see Villians betting connecting turn cards so often, and almost every river. Even if I'm ahead on the turn, I think that them realising their equity and being able to bluff fails me from playing that spot profitably.

Dealt to Hero [Ac 8s]

X: folds
Y: folds
Z: folds
Hero: raises $2 to $4
A: folds
Villian: calls $2
*** FLOP *** [2h Td 2c]
Villian: checks
Hero: checks
*** TURN *** [2h Td 2c] [9c]
Villian: bets $6
Hero: calls $6
*** RIVER *** [2h Td 2c 9c] [Qs]
Villian: bets $15
Hero: folds

Perhaps not the best hand examples.

Matt Heap 11 years, 1 month ago

I'd be interested in seeing how some of the top pro's use
HM2 to work on their game away from the table.  HM2 seems to be such a
powerful tool, and I can't help but feel like I'm only using it to 5% of
its capacity.

Trigger 11 years ago

Yea this is an awesome idea; I would love a few vids on this. Pt4 and plo preferably.

redvulture61 11 years ago

- It would be cool if Phil could could review some of his older most interesting  HHs against Phil Ivey and Isildur1.  

- RIO needs more 6max nl specialists  because Zaza and Apothesis at Iveypoker are currently the nuts when it comes to this content. 

Peter Jennings 11 years ago

I wouldn't be opposed to being a part of a dual commentary type video or of a video where I'm playing against other pros.

Zachary Freeman 10 years, 8 months ago

I would participate.  I saw you have a Bovada account. My network  options are limited. Could also do stars play money and settle via paypal or the like after. 

I just recorded several varying game types and video types that will be released and I'll be eager to get feedback on what is liked and what is not. 

LetsSplash 11 years ago

3-4 Handed NL Midstakes + Devolping x/c-Ranges in 3bet-Pots

4 Entertainment All-Star HA Game or smth like that would be fun to watch

NocturnalX 11 years ago

PLO Zoom, low-stakes, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.25, 0.25-0.50 or just zoom at any stakes. Another idea could be a vid on PT4, which has already been mentioned in this thread. It would also be interesting if you had a couple of low-stakes winning regs who are familiar with the player pools on the before mentioned stakes. 

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

Team RIO is making sure to pass along all the requests to the pros who can best accommodate them.

I'm not an experienced enough HEM or PT4 user to make videos on them, but otherwise I feel like I can tackle a lot of things you guys would like.

What requests do you have specifically for me? (Or for anyone, but that you think I could do well)

Juan Copani 11 years ago

Id like to see a video about the effects on the construcion of our own ranges (cbets and check behind) when we change the size of our cbets. Im seeing cbetting 0.33x pot players like Kanu7 and Trueteller a lot. And i have hard time to understand the logic behind that in some boards.

Any math/theory video based on the things that we are seeing on High Stakes these days would be awesome. Theres a lot of midstakes content, id like to see something more advanced.

I don´t see too many NLH experts to talk in deep about these things right now.

Alex W. 11 years ago
Phil please continue making NLH videos.  Peter and Ben are doing a great job but there's really nothing like a top of the line Galfond NLH video.  I love your "thinking out loud" series, and would really enjoy seeing more NLH content from you like that.

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

Thanks, Alex.

I'll finish up my 2nd 'Thinking Out Loud' soon.  It's been sitting in Powerpoint for a while, and I've just been going back and forth on a few decisions for it.

I also am going to dedicate time to working on my NLHE game, so you can (hopefully) expect the quality of my NL videos to go up a bit.

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

@juan- I need to think more about the 1/3 pot bet and the consequences of them compared to larger bets.  I can think of many 'consequences' but I haven't thought through how it'll affect everything (the whole range, the future streets, etc).  I have played very little NL in the last few years and I want to fully wrap my head around a concept before I make a video about it.

I'll keep it in mind, but I don't think I could cover that topic on a high level just yet.

Maestrrro 11 years ago
It would be great to see more of your hand analysis/philosophy videos. It does not matter if you think your NL game is not on the level you want it to be. You have a unique way of explaining your thought proces and listening to your philosophy changes our game and makes us better, also in the subconcious way.

midori 11 years ago

Just off the top of my head, but how about a conceptual vid about when and why to (or not to) barrel turn in PLO, both IP and OOP?  I think you can make a similar vid as "raising the turn" series, which was excellent.  Thanks!

Phil Galfond 11 years ago

Nothing specific is popping into my head as an important point I'd like to get across here, but let me think on it.  I like the suggestion. Thanks!

Girevoy 11 years ago

I think it wouldnt hurt to see MTT concepts, I know everyone will say "you got that stuff out there allready" at other sources, but poker is everevolving and it would for sure be great series.

Me and my friend were talking about training sites the last time and we came up with an idea which was that it would be the greatest thing if we could get our hands on MTT overall strategy from 3 different type of players (very solid, TAG, LAG) and an extra on MTT math stuff, this would totally kill it imo,  it would give you everything you need to adjust since now you would know in more detail the strengths and weaknesses of each style so it would give you great knowledge in developing a style of "no style", where your style depends more on conditions that on being stubborn and doing "your" style everytime.

Rubiniho 11 years ago

As someone mentioned somewhere before, I would love to see a new version of your epic philosophy series Phil!

KingBBC 11 years ago

More HUNL/HUCAP/6max holdem CAP videos. And most MTT elite coaches are quite good but there are no really outstanding guys most of them were quite good a few yrs ago.

wigum 11 years ago

More and more Phil/Ben HUNL live session videos. Sauce v Syous was one of the best videos I've seen, keep up the good work guys!

strain 11 years ago

More 6max NLHE videos please.
There is a serious lack of them and it always seems to be a PLO or MTT video every day.
A sauce123 vs Lefort video would also be something special.

Imfish4u 11 years ago

i posted this already somewhere else but i guess this is the right thread for it!

I just watched James
Hudsons new video about finding leaks in HM2
( ) Even though I have
never really played NL Holdem online I think it was a great video and
there was so much useful info in it. Thank so much for it!

I thought it would be amazing
if one of the coaches could do a similiar video for low stakes PLO!!!
It would help so many players finding their own leaks, spots to improve
on and finding leaks from others that can be exploited!

Tom Coldwell 11 years ago
I haven't seen James' video yet, but I'm intending to watch having seen this mentioned already on the site. IF I think I can do the topic justice for PLO, I may give it a crack. No promises though given I've not seen the vid yet.

Love how many ideas there are in this thread though, keep 'em coming guys!

Gilgamesh 11 years ago

I second that. A video or series addressing the use of stats in PLO is conspicuously absent given the relatively large body of such material available for NL.

'Optimal' stat frequencies and the adjustments necessary vs an opponent's outlying stats, and general guidance in using HM2 for self and opponent analysis would be utile.

Thanks!  :)

Joao Leao 11 years ago
Maybe a bit off topic, but here it goes:

As an Essential member mostly interested in PLO, I miss Sam Lang’s videos. Any new content anytime soon?

Tom M 11 years ago

I'd like to see a concept video for MTT's where the instructor sets up a certain board/hand that could get tricky or marginal, however you want to phrase it ...

And then the instructor would go into which line he would take vs. different types of players but using the same exact hand as the model, if that makes sense.

Like, you could describe which line you'd take vs. a fish, TAG, LAG, top reg, etc. using the same stack size and board but not construct a simple enough hand where the answer becomes "fold" or "shove" vs. most villain types.

guljo 11 years ago

The recent James Hudson video on analyzing HEM database was great. Can you make more of this.

If possible a series where we at home would be working on our own databases and try to find leaks. If would be great to know where to look for, what the optimal is and how to fix leaks when we find them.

ZenFish 11 years ago

PLO 6-max/Phil:

Exploiting small edges in tough games. Where to look for leaks in good regulars.

winter fox 11 years ago

for PLO, much less zoom and more play on sites other than Stars/FTP.
more live play+live commentary vids.
more concept videos like BTN vs BB, BB vs BTN play, 3betting OOP etc

Piper420 11 years ago

I would like some proview type videos of pros reviewing microstakes nlhe, preferably on US facing sites and preferably done by James Hudson.

Sikas 11 years ago

Could you do a 6max Cash (100-400nl) video about flatting 4bets in+out of position, its something i have next to a zero range in my game, (almost exclusively 5bet shove/fold).... id like to know a better players opinion, of when it (seems) correct to do so vs 'villain' i.e. what stat criteria we should look for in villain, our hand/positions/stack depth/game dynamic etc....

sojo 11 years ago

I would appreciate a NLHE concept video talking about the NSDW and how they should look like when trying to develop a more balanced play.

Thanks for asking!

redvulture61 11 years ago

Phil Ivey vs Phil galfond Headsup4sites! They can play 1 table of 50/100 stud, another of PLO, and another of NL so they both get to play their most prefered games. Only kidding about the sites part but it would be great to watch. 

Jamie Hallam 11 years ago

Would most love to see a 6max NLHE video with 6 RIO pros all of which make a video each so we can see hands from all of their perspectives

Arnaud Lafaurie 11 years ago

a full hand review from Sam Greenwood with deep investigation of key hands and/or hands where we not only speak about the hand but the range in each situation taking into account stack size, opponents ect ect...and the EV of different lines we can take OR a live sweat with different tourney stage where we can see the live thought process.

Arnaud Lafaurie 11 years ago

more MTT from Brian Yoon, Jason Koon, also Nick Rampone after his great hand review I'd like him to make MTT concepts vids, and looking forward to Fedor Holz next vids

Arnaud Lafaurie 11 years ago

MTT leaks finding on your own, some guidelines to proceed after session, what to do that is really important, tools to use, key parameters to check in HM2/PT4 especially for MTT.

Jason Jaxon 11 years ago

Hi Ben,

I have an Elite Pro membership on Run It Once and would love to see a video of you playing something like 50/100, 100/200 or 200/400 NLH against the likes of Katya, Forhayley, Kanu, Fish2013, Ike etc.

If you could bare this in mind for future video creations that would be great :)


Sauce123 11 years ago

I'll bear it in mind, but it's fairly unlikely.

There's 3 main reasons why I find it hard to justify doing this.

1) People sometimes explicitly ask me not to record them playing
2) There's a ton of competition at the highest stakes, and I try to exploit a few things I think my regular opponents are doing wrong.  I think it's dishonest (if it's even possible) for me to hide those reads in a video, and I don't want to make dishonest videos.
3) Unless you're already one of the top 50 nl players in the world, I don't think you'll be learning substantially more from watching me play big than watching me play small.  So I think the educational payoff from sharing my nosebleed reads is pretty small.  I get that a high stakes vid would be entertaining though and maybe I'll use old footage sometime if people want.

Peter Jennings 11 years ago

Something I would be interested in is to see Phil or Ben take a look at some footage between some of the top NL players at the highest stakes.  I don't mean footage of Phil or Ben actually playing, just random footage of the matches from a railbird type perspective.  

Obviously we wouldn't be able to know a lot of the hole cards, but what I'd like to see is the speculation of what some of these top players might be doing or trying to accomplish with their choices in bet sizing in certain spots, or speculation of what they might be holding in certain spots and why.  And of course analysis about what you think about the hands that do get to showdown and what types of implications those things might have for those players' overall gameplan and strategies.

Sauce123 11 years ago
Good idea Peter, I'll try to do this at some point.  If people have a hand history (or series of hand histories) they want looked at, post ITT or shoot me a pm. 

Peter Jennings 11 years ago

We'd just need somebody to record the footage on Stars or FTP and submit that.  I live only in the states so I have no access to those games but I'm sure there would be plenty of guys who would be able to record that footage and send it to us.

mplecki23 11 years ago

Tbh, I thought sauce reviewing the snowie/gtobots was good and all, but compared to HU vs syuos and his latest 1/2 zoom and 2knl, it's almost a waste. Personally, I learned a ton from the recent few and not a terrible amount of practical stuff from the snowie vid. Maybe I'm just bad :P

Rapha Nogueira 11 years ago

In terms of MTT I think a video of re-stealing spots, specially from early position, considering stack sizes, HUD statistics would be great. Also, how to respond (and balance the responses) to decisions when players take to long (time bank+) playing cash and mtt games. 

Jason Jaxon 11 years ago

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the reply, appreciated.

Yeah I understand totally why it would be hard for you to make such a video for the reasons you mentioned. Also, I'm under no illusion that educationally I wouldn't get a lot out of it, I have a tough time understanding some of Phil's range building videos with all the maths explained. But as you alluded, to it would be for pure entertainment, for me anyway. 

Sro238 11 years ago

After watching the latest thinking out lout(episode 2) some more videos that emphasize sheer math would be appreciated.

Chael Sonnen 11 years ago

A video on which pairs in your range to c-bet OOP on the flop, or check-decide.
When to check-call middle pair no kicker, good kicker. When to check-call top pair, monsters etc.

doncrombie 11 years ago

Would be great to have one or two mentor series. Someone like Sauce or Phil helping s player up the ranks. Watching vids of you guys play is great but seeing how you would mould "x random player" to play in the way you would want him/her too would likely be incredible value for the viewers. 

ftorres1980 11 years ago

I would like to see some top players come together and provide a 1 hour video that helps SSNL players, who know some basics have their ABC profitable games, but are looking to take their game to the next level.

Say you had to start over as a successful player now at highstakes, you could play a few hours every day, but you only could study for 1 hour a day, what would this hour consist off, what would the ingredients be, would you spend this whole hour going over your own game and working on balance and where you aren't playing well, would this be 30mins that and 30mins looking at your opponents and analyzing them looking to where you can set up your range better to play better against them? I am just looking for some kind of structured approach, you hear everywhere study, analyze, watch videos, sure but what would you think work most efficient towards a great poker player if he had only 1 hour to spend on studying each day. 

This would be a great 1 hour video!

Chael Sonnen 11 years ago

Pre-flop 4-betting and 5-betting math in NL, how to play against shortstacks.
Theory on overbetting on flop and turn.

Jean-Christophe St-Pierre 11 years ago

id had playing NL CAP HU match. theres none and its always good to get some input on how you would play your ranges 20bb deep. It would be very interesting even if I dont really play those games (theory-wise)

Ps: all your NL vids are awesome!!!! (i dont play PLO so cant comment on them)

MB 11 years ago

With WSOP fast approaching I'd love to see some concept or HH review of live full ring PLO, and the adjustments needed in these games coming from an online background. 

Arnaud Lafaurie 11 years ago

I'd like to see more concept vids as already mentionned in MTT thread not only by me. essential vids are only HH review based, and recently elite as well. Overall approach to MTT, strategy, ranges, opponents, working on MTT outside table, key concepts, CB or not regarding turn cards, tools to use, flopzilla, range construction, Blind defense, build image, hand reading I don't want to put all the ideas already mentionned in the MTT thread but there are a lot. would be good to see some implemented on essential as well as on elite membership


Hawksforlife 11 years ago

I would love to see a video series that revolves around a philosophy of how RIO pros go about studying their game. What is your process? How much time do you spend learning theory? How much time do you spend reviewing your own hands? How much time do you spend studying in comparison to playing?

Basically, I'd like to get an idea of RIO pros' mindset when it comes to improving. I believe this will help to empower us members to go out and study on our own with a refined focus.


Hawksforlife 11 years ago

I also very much agree with John-Christophe Saint-Pierre about HUNL Cap videos. A video series on 30bb HUNL would be very useful. I don't think I've ever seen a HUNL Cap training video.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 11 months ago

what about a RIO MTT School serie where each of the RIO pro essential & elite will bring a topic and make a vid on it, I don't know like a serie in 10 parts that will bring the ten most important concept to master in MTT. 

strain 10 years, 11 months ago
More 6max NLHE videos please. 
There is a serious lack of them and it always seems to be a PLO or MTT video every day

Thanks for listening RIO.
I will definitely consider signing up for an Elite membership now as a low stakes player.
The new and more frequent NLHE cash game additions look fantastic. It is completely blowing every other site out of the water.

However, it would have been nice if one of the new additions could have been added to the "Essential" rooster. Right now the Essential NLHE content is extremely poor (excluding Felipe).

Could the Essential members possibly get a choice of 1-2 Elite videos a month other than Phils/sauce?
This would make me really happy and I wouldn't be able to find a reason to ever cancel my subscription again.

50onred 10 years, 11 months ago

more mtt hh reviews with 2 coaches commentating/discussing , like the ones with phil+jkoon or rampone+fedor holz, i think those are one of the best mttvids here

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 11 months ago

I'd like to see something on reacting to 3-BET specifically for MTT especially calling ranges, I watched some video in this topics for cash game but I don't see too much on MTT. in a more general topics I'd like to see something on blind attack & defense by stealing/restealing  (non shove or shove). strategy vs position/stack size, constructing range and make some calculation dedicated for MTT 


JollyboyJayy 10 years, 11 months ago

I'd like to see some sessions played on Anonymous tables and also one on building your game from the ground up. ie what it takes to break into small/mid stakes.

Just want to agree with everyone above that RIO is def the best site around.


1followu 10 years, 11 months ago

me and many other members would like to see a NLHE video with spots/strategies after calling a 3bet OOP. (prefered midstakes + hands)

also i see a highstakes zoom plo vid coming like every 2nd day, maybe the master could for once jump in nlhe zoom for the fans.

Max Lober 10 years, 11 months ago

If possible for us essential members, is there anyway Tom Coldwell, or any of the pros for that matter do a Heads-Up Series? Or even just a single video.

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 11 months ago
I don't play HU so wouldn't be able to make anything good. I feel like Sam Lang might have done some vids on it in the past, but I could be completely wrong here.

Max Lober 10 years, 11 months ago

Okay, thanks for the honesty Tom! I just wish there was a essential HU Pro, but a lot of the hand reading stuff relates to HU anyways.

Getready2rokk 10 years, 11 months ago

A video purely about oop play bvb in singleraised pots.

When to barrel, when to give up.

like A4 on KJx what turns can we barrel and TJ on 42A etc. Would like it to be purely about these annoying spots when its close. We all know to barrel turned FD's etc

mplecki23 10 years, 11 months ago

Can we have some 2/4+ vids non zoom? NL and/or PLO. Zoom is so boring with being more gto standard crap. More real poker involving reads and adjustments. The stakes don't matter to me so if some 500 zoom guy just does a multiparter at 50nl and just give reads and adjustments on regs as play progresses

Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 11 months ago

Something I think it is missing at MTT videos is how to approach satellites, even hyper-turbo ones or usual tournaments and how to change the general MTT strategy to it.

NoHubris 10 years, 11 months ago

I think a series of videos where a seasoned pro teaches another pro a new game or game type would be very interesting. The player learning could ask questions that every beginner has in mind, and it could spark very interesting conversations, aswell as underline key concepts while learning the new game.

Something along the lines of the Whitelime videos P. Galfond and Selbst used to do on another training site back in the day (DC/BFP), where they would teach Whitelime/Emil P., an NLHE specialist, how to make the transition to PLO.

However, instead of reviewing sessions, it could be done live (I'm not sure how much harder it would be to make an instructional video live).

It wouldn't have to necessarily be PLO, but it could be HUNL, HUPLO, 6-max PLO, razz, stud, 2-7 draw, etc.

NoHubris 10 years, 11 months ago

On another note, HUNL videos are always welcome.

Interesting topics could be leak-finding against regulars, or any HUNL video from Ben (Sauce) or PhilG.

cmac 10 years, 11 months ago

i find that one of the problems i have with nlhe hand review vids is that i find myself agreeing with whoever the pro is w/o fully thinking through what he/she is saying... Is it possible that we could have an essential nlhe video where the pro posts the hands in a thread beforehand for us to jot down our thoughts prior to hearing his/her thought proccess

dablancninja 10 years, 10 months ago

What about a recording of a members live sweat and the coach commenting on this? Rather than the pro commenting on his own play? Could be interesting. Happy to be the guinea pig for MTT vid :)

JulianR 10 years, 10 months ago

I'd like to see an elite video with some guidelines on building continuing ranges (fold, x/c, x/r) when OOP for flops in wide range situations.  Like BB v BTN.  For a few different flop textures.

Cobra Kai 10 years, 10 months ago

how to play against weird lines used by fish. I try to use your concepts and try to work bluffs but a lot of the times they don't work. ANd sometimes its kind of hard to figure out how the opponent is thinking. And sometimes you don't hit hands and these fish just keep calling and calling. And when you have a hand your getting coolered. Its almost like your not going to beat them because of the variance. I usually beat them but sometimes I run into a player and hes so odd I can't pick up on what hes doing. constantly donk min betting and you raise he either calls or re raises. ANd its really awkward spots. I would like to see a video against it doesn't even have to be a fish but just a very unorthodox player your having a hard time getting a read on.  I don't see as much standard play anymore I see a lot weird stuff these days that I don't see in the poker videos very often. I saw one on another poker site and that was it. Its cool to learn how to play regs but we seen so many videos on them I would like to see some against different fish. They are tough to play when variance is not going your way.

mplecki23 10 years, 10 months ago

Can we please get non zoom PLO? We've had solely zoom content for 3mos+ now. The last non zoom/hu I've seen was Isildroon playing 3/6 deep which is awesome, but he gives specific reads on the two regs he's playing against. This kinda sucks bc A. It probably really hurts Isildroon to give those reads in the long run and B. we didn't see how those reads are formed. I know firing up some zoom is easy, but it'd really like to see a low stakes non zoom multiparter where we can develop reads and try to play a very exploitive style. This solves both A and B.

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 10 months ago

Good to know, I'm always looking for video ideas and low-stakes regular tables are certainly doable. Will keep this idea in mind for the future (no promises though).

NocturnalX 10 years, 10 months ago

Isn't there a pro who would be able to do a vid about PokerTracker 4 and all the cool things you can do with it? I only recently purchased it and I feel like I've only scratched the surface of all of the functions. Please. 

Emanuel Cardenas 10 years, 10 months ago

HU Zoom NLHE and HUSNG, maybe something related to the differences between then, the adjustments on constructing our ranges when playing 100bb cash vs 75bb reg/turbo speed and 25bb deep on hypers or superturbos. 

PanickSucks 10 years, 10 months ago

I would like to see more micro stakes videos for essential members. Not like 2nl but more in the range of 10 to 25nl. Ether full ring or 6max is fine. 

Would be nice to compare the difference of Nl10 and Nl25 cause it seems  to be the biggest gap in skills.

Thank you :)

gidenmax 10 years, 10 months ago

You often hear RIO PLO instructors saying "this is very close" or "I think I can widen my range against this specific opponent by x %". What about making a video series about adjusting PLO ranges to specific opponents? Load it with math and PPT, and show why specific ranges should do x. Would be great, if you could make it with out hole cards. For instance look at a preflop situation where 30/20/8 CO opens, and you are BTN. Make ranges for fold, call and 3b. Then make ranges again OTF etc. Afterwards take the same situation with deeper stacks, different stats, aggro blinds etc.

Chael Sonnen 10 years, 10 months ago

Some concept/play videos on how to build ranges OOP and how to play marginal value hands.
Also, building a gameplan with the little leading strategy that's been getting used a lot lately.

withmytoe 10 years, 10 months ago

Would like some 180 man MMTSNGs or smaller field tournaments like 500 cap 1000 caps.

Also, more smaller to mid stakes MTT's would be great!

Zoty79 10 years, 10 months ago

I would like a Video, where EV Calculations are shown, in all areas, how to calculate, when a bet is more profitable than a check, or how to calculate, if a 4bet is profitable(Villains folds enough, or folding and shovingrange kombined etc), if a shove is more profitable than a call and so on.

flash2717 10 years, 10 months ago

I know there has been some interest expressed in some Bovada content.  I play on Bovada and would love to see some videos of like 100NL 6mx and 200NL 6max.  Since the tables are anonymous you are playing in more of a vacuum so I would be interest to see how the pros adjust and what their advice would be as far as playing on the site to maximize your earning potential.

You can only play a max of 4 tables cash so I would also be interested to hear what they would say as far as BRM on there.  COuld you be a little more aggressive if you had the discipline to move down or what?  I play with around a 30BI BR on there but it does seem one could be very aggressive with their BR and make very good money very quickly but on the flip side they would have to be disciplined enough to move down when that shot at the next limit didnt work.  

Id love to make a BR challenge on there from $1500(50NL) which is where Im at now and run it up to

10k which would be my shot time at 400NL.  I think this would be awesome to do and who cares how long it took  to do because the whole point would be to have an audience to keep you from imploding the BR and grinding it up for the community.  Maybe donate something to charity if I did it in a certain time RIO?  

Anyway, I just think these are good ideas because they would benefit the US state of online poker currently.  Plus its the softest site on earth I think    :)

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 10 months ago

-turbo MTT strategy

-Following Realizing your equity Lucas Greenwood vid by examples

-MTT post flop play vs Stack, bet sizing vs stack (CB)

- developing method to be good while playing for hand reading or identying quickly lines-tips & examples

- profiling opponents beyond hud stat which are most of the time in MTT not big. which kind of things to consider-note taking

- Step by step database analysis and leak finding for MTT

- Stealing/blind defense (3b, flat, ...)

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 10 months ago

I like the idea of home work like sam Greenwood end of last 2 vids. would be interesting to have a vids with like 5-10 hands to focus on a topic and then let people think about it and then make an "answer vids with details analysis or how to proceed to make it)

Nipun Java 10 years, 10 months ago

General list of suggestions for training videos:

I don't know if this has been brought up before, but for a while I've been thinking about this. Most training videos that are 50 mins long can really be condensed to 5-15 mins of actual worth. Not that I don't appreciate the elaborate thought process, but I feel that as an middle to advanced MTT reg, most videos should be done after the presenter has actuallly has made a script of what he has to say.  Think of it as a commercial, not a lord of the rings trilogy.

Here is what an ideal format of a training video would look like to me.

a) Presenter has an already written script of the video (basically means he created 5 versions of video before this) and finally edited it down to one if necessary.
b) Video has a clear theme, which is laid out at the beginning at the video. Eg of themes: Preflop analysis, Hand history of Big $162.
c) No rambling or dwelling on the same points again and again. Saying the same thing 5 times, does not add any value. THis is very closely linked to a) If you did multiple versions of the same video and then selected the final version, it will have 10x impact.
d) Time is of the essence. There is so much content available to all subscribers, that as one, I want to find the best use of my time, and even if the content is dense, I rather 3x watch a 15 minute dense video (because every subsequent watch makes the content more permanent in memory), than watch once a 45 min rambling version (which has good content but in spurts and not all of it is good.

I want to say again that I'm very grateful for all the presenters/trainers/coaches doing what they are for us. These are only suggestions as to what I personally like stylistically.


Phil Galfond 10 years, 10 months ago

Hey guys, 

To address a couple points:

Non-Zoom videos are tough for me personally, as non-zoom doesn't run at higher stakes.  I prefer to play higher stakes in my videos because when I sit lower, everyone knows I'm recording a video and I feel that it affects the dynamic.

Bovada - I don't play on Bovada, so jumping into a game there is something I could do, but I would not have any insight into how people play, and I don't think it would be of any more value than me just playing on Pokerstars.

Do you disagree?

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 10 months ago
Just a thought Phil: If you don't have a s/n on Bovada, it would give you a chance to play some anonymous poker which might be interesting - obv you wouldn't have the player reads, but you would also not have the dynamic issue you have on Stars etc. if you play lower. You'd prolly also learn a bit about the player pool reasonably quickly (I would think, I've never played there) so could add something there. It might have to be that you make 4 vids or so before releasing one to avoid outing yourself, but it could be cool. I'm spit-balling here though, so maybe not (or maybe it's not considered okay to sit in unknown in the games you'd play on there, but I don't see why that would be).

Peter Jennings 10 years, 10 months ago

I'd be willing to make some mid stakes live videos on Bovada but I wouldn't really wanna make videos on high stakes since those are the games I play in every day.

Phil Galfond 10 years, 10 months ago

Thanks Peter & Tom.

I think maybe I will setup an account and grind a little bit to get a feel for the games.

What stakes do people want to see?  And do you want PLO or NL?

Teddy 10 years, 10 months ago

If you play HU PLO50 Zoom or just some randoms at PLO50, then I don't think most of them will know you are making a video ? Alternatively you could make a new screenname at one of the smaller sites.

Either way it would be nice to see you play max exploitively against some people who take a lot of odd/bad lines. As you face c-c c-c donk etc. a lot more at those stakes.

I think concept replayer videos would  be nice too.

Fx. Just taking your last 20 3-bet pots in and out of position, including folds preflop and on the flop, so you don't miss the really standard spots, that obviously will add up if missplayed.

Congrats on the Scoop btw :)

LaxxedMedia 10 years, 10 months ago

I would love to see some 4card PLO8, (there isn't a single vid  i can find covering this game despite regular cash game traffic on all sites and daily/weekly mtts on most sites.)

ibey33 10 years, 10 months ago

I'd like to see a replayer vid of tough/close folds in mid size/ bigger pots. Something like 5-10 hands where your in a tough spot w a bluff catcher and you break down which button To click. In mistakes nlhe

AcefromSpace 10 years, 10 months ago

I'd really like to see a concept PLO video where you cover a lot of the preflop stuff, playing against 3bettors in and out of Position. Calling 3bets, 4bet/calling, 4bet/folding, troublehands vs tight guys, hands that you rather take flops with etc. and how you would adjust between fairly active 3bettors and nitty 3bettors.

Phil, I think from your videos we can learn a lot about 3betting and being in the aggressive role, but theres some room for teaching the passive one, that is reacting to 3bets. IN your live videos, whenever theres the option to talk about it you do and you come up with a perfect solution, so I'm sure you know a lot about that stuff, so It would be great to have a lot of these thoughts in one video. If you don't have the time for it atm maybe you can encourage one of the other good coaches to talk about this topic, as a Plan B? :-)

Iggyfly 10 years, 10 months ago

5 card PLO is insanely fun, to me at least - maybe jump into a game of it on stars and pick out some of the best/funniest hands to review? Might be interesting to look at how the concepts from NLHE and PLO carry over to this game. 

Would also be interested if you have already tried 5/6 card PLO and whether you think it has much of a chance of gaining popularity in the future or if there are some major drawbacks that I'm not aware of.

Awesome site btw!! :)

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 10 months ago

All these posts asking for the cool Omaha variants make me wish I had played them more. As a viewer, I +1 all of them: PLO8, NLO8, 5O, 6O etc. would be awesome!

Green_in_Colour 10 years, 10 months ago

I know Chael mentioned it at the beginning of the thread, but just wanted to mention it again: Shorthanded NL play - HU and 3/4-Handed. Starting tables is a good thing.

Also - a video on an instructor's thoughts about having an open-limping strategy in the small blind perhaps? Positives, negatives, when it can be a viable option, etc. (Doesn't need to be super long and go into tons of detail, but it sounds/looks like a very interesting style to have).

Love the site.

buinic 10 years, 10 months ago

A video on ante up NLHE tournaments. These tournaments are really soft, because most of the players don't know how to adjust to the format. So a video on how to exploit players, who don't adjust to the format correctly, would greatly benefit the members greatly.

Andreas Nyberg 10 years, 10 months ago

I think the last 10 videos has been Zoom PLO, i would love to see something else then  Zoom videos . HH reviews, live session watching someone else play, HU PLO  anything but ZOOM

JimmyGlass 10 years, 10 months ago

I came to the thread with the same idea that Andreas expressed. vast majority of latest plo\elite videos are zoom and I'm not sure, but its unlikely that there are more zoom vs regular tables regs.

HH reviews or any non-live analysis would be great. 

so yeah, anything but zoom, pls  

soulfire 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey guys, a lot of us would be coming to Vegas for the first time for the series..would be great to have a video on preparing mentally for the long grind for first timers..some Dos/donts...first time etc Thanks

joe_totale 10 years, 9 months ago

Some NL25 or NL50 Six Max content would be nice for the Essential Membership oiks. There is quite the dearth at present. I don't expect there to be a perponderance of such videos, but keeping in mind the Essential Membership is a mere 10 of your fine (but unsecured)  American Dollars, and this being a fraction of a single buy in at the aforementioned levels of the No Limit Holdems I think the absence of such video content is conspicuous. If there's no plans to include such videos then perhaps an explanation would be fitting. Thank you and good health.

Darley_Arabian 10 years, 9 months ago

I would appreciate some essential videos on playing 3 bet pots in 6 max PLO, which concentrate on postflop, both in and out of position. I understand this is a wide topic and may take a few videos. But I think it would be beneficial to the essential members, as 3 betting is becoming increasingly frequent at the lower stakes.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 9 months ago

an idea that just pass through my brain :)

a MTT masterclass where 5 essential pro+5 elite pro make each one a vid on a topic that they consider important to master in MTT. each vids can be a start to go deeper on our side.

KingoftheNorth 10 years, 9 months ago

More "how to study" off the tables with PLO.
Preferably something similar to what Sauce did with his Toy-gaming series, or Leforts theory videos.
Also more in depth odds oracle videos.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 9 months ago

agree, as well for MTT, but in general How to study would be good. I was in front of my database and was wondering where to start to review how I play since the begining of the and if I can leaks by myself

Csaba 10 years, 9 months ago

I'd like to see some videos focusing on Flopzilla.  I've had the programme for ages and I've barely used it so something explaining how to get the best out of it would be good.

LaxxedMedia 10 years, 9 months ago

The MTT roster needs some help. There have been heaps of cash game players added recently but tourney players need some too. players crushing 2013/2014 that people are going to be excited to hear from. also, more content from the existing sickos would be nice. Maybe a 6 table prerecorded scoop/sunday review from Jakoon. i think he only has single table reviews so far. maybe some more mix game stuff from stevie and james. HU/shorthanded play, defending the bb vs diff positions at diff stack depths, 3b pots ip vs oop and adjusting strategies vs diff sizings. more duel commentaries, more examination of specific spots and less general review that sometimes ends with comments like, well not much happened that hour.

     The addition of subtitles to the videos, while it may be difficult, could help alot of things too. I think sam greenwood makes really good theory vids but some people skip them because they cant understand him (especially people with english as a second language). Theory vids from some other MTT guys would be a nice blend too.

arizonabay 10 years, 9 months ago

OK - I am just going to be greedy here and give a kind of "wish list"

Ben Sulsky - any type of theory videos he would be willing to do.

Phil Galfond - also any type of theory videos he would be able to do.

Peter Jennings - more Proviews! or session reviews.

Dear Parker Muir could you please do a few more ProViews? More theory vids would be cool also - that Calling 4bets OOP was excellent.

Tyler Forrester - Any crEV vids!

Nick Howard - A deep range construction video for playing OOP as the pre-flop 3 better. Or a ProView from you would probably be very cool.

Well I suppose that is enough for now! As you guys can probably tell - I really dig the ProViews and Theory vids. Anyways this is just a wish list and you guys are doing a great job of putting out videos that improve my game regardless of the format. Thanks for all you do!

arigold 10 years, 9 months ago

Almost 2 months since a Phil Galfond essential vid? :/

I think I read somewhere on the forums, from a RIO staff member, that supposedly There should be 1 Phil Galfond video for essential per. month? .... miss his videos, so mindblowing every time.

FRABB 10 years, 8 months ago

More HU material in general, both for essential and elite. HUSNG/cap material would be great. If RIO add a good HUSNG coach for elite I'll probably reinvest in it.

Phil Galfond 10 years, 8 months ago

Sorry about the delay guys.  I recorded three months worth of elite videos before the WSOP because I'm never able to find time to make videos during the hectic summers here.

I forgot to do the same for essential vids, but I just finished one before playing day 1 of the $50k PPC.  It should be out shortly.

Sorry again.... I'm always busy, but summers take it to another level.

Tom Willetts 10 years, 8 months ago

A HU series with focus on range construction away from the tables, and how to go about doing this independently.  Cbetting ranges on different flop textures and a 4betting range vs an opponent who flats 4bets with a wide range would be good examples and we can discuss the frequency and types of future cards where our particular choice of construction gives either us or the opponent a significant range advantage.  I personally struggle to model these situations, so would find a framework for doing so extremely helpful.

Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day and all that.

arizonabay 10 years, 8 months ago

I would like to see more theory videos in general from all the coaches. I know I made a "wish list" above but I would like to make one request that would make me the happiest RIO member on the planet: A Nick Howard Theory video (on any subject) but if I got to pick it would probably be on overbetting as this is something I would like to have be a bigger part of my game but currently is something I rarely use. And if that doesn't work for the Powers That Be at RIO then I would also really enjoy a video on Playing the Flop OOP as the PFR or 3 better. 

Owen Shiels 10 years, 8 months ago

Hey guys. I'm looking to review some user submitted footage for my next series. If you guys have any tournaments you went deep in, preferably final tabled that would be great. If you would like to submit your hand history please either PM me here or e-mail and let them know the hand history is for me. Cheers guys.

Cobra Kai 10 years, 8 months ago

I must be losing value 3b these type of hands like j9s when I am getting laid a
good price to call to min raise.  Would be interesting if you could make
a video on facing  min raise and 3x pre and how you adjust your 3b
range and calling range based on there raise sizing. I get confused
sometimes when its more value to just call based on their smaller

themightyjim 10 years, 8 months ago

defending the blinds in PLO.  Range construction in terms of flatting and 3betting from the SB, ditto for the BB.  Constructing leading and x/r'ing ranges postflop.  Opening ranges from the SB, and 3bet ranges from the BB vs the SB.

Csaba 10 years, 8 months ago

I'd like to see a lot more videos focusing on regular speed cash games.

Most stuff seem to be concentrating on Zoom.

Sro238 10 years, 8 months ago

Unless it's already been done I think the community as a whole would really benefit from a series that just shows how to use Odds Oracle efficiently.  Also, need... moar... HUPLO!

FRABB 10 years, 7 months ago

It would be awesome to add a mental game coach to the roster, maybe a player that have overcome big tilt issues etc.

doncamatic 10 years, 7 months ago

I'd love to see a hand history review focusing on playing vs squeezes. Both as the initial raiser and the cold caller. I struggle with this spot as I'm sure a lot of poker players do as well.

Zak Dingle 10 years, 7 months ago

Would love to see some 1k/2k nl reg tables, I know its hard to keep actin going to maybe have 1/2 tables of zoom on the side?

Also more HH review or theory vids, anything but 500 zoom from everyone

jlzlt 10 years, 7 months ago

Would be awesome to see some more content similar to Koon/Galfond reviewing MTT session. One of the best videos I've seen here. It works because there is one person who is very good poker player but might not know all the dynamics of MTT, and on the other side there is experienced MTT reg. This allows for very interesting natural discussion and good questions :).

arizonabay 10 years, 7 months ago

Everyone seems to really love that Galfond/Koon series. TBH, I haven't watched because I rarely play MTT's anymore but I have seen videos where 2 pros work together and it is always very, very good.

How many people on RIO would love to see a 6 Max No Limit series w/ 2 of RIO's top pros? I am guessing almost everyone that plays 6 max nl. It could be anything from Hand History reviews to session reviews where both pro's give their ideas and opinions. It really seems to make for a very creative environment and would be so sweet to see. Just imagine Tyler Forrester and Ben Sulsky working together, Peter Jennings and Nick Howard, Phil Galfond and the MIA Parker Muir, and the list of potential pairings goes on and on. I realize it would probably be hard to get the guys to link up as they are probably all in different time zones but I think it would be worth the price of admission!

themightyjim 10 years, 7 months ago

double post that was in response to PG's question for new PLO content in the comments section of his new video:

I'd love to see a series on range construction for particular plays preflop or on the flop.  IE how we should construct a range when flatting a flop cbet
OOP from the blinds.  Start with the general premise (building an +EV
exploitable OR conversely trying to build an unexploitable range) for a
particular spot (say from the BB against a BTN open OR on the BTN as a
CCer vs an EP open) and then breakdown some strategy and philosophy that
guides your decision making (taking into consideration player type
etc).  Then find some hands that help illustrate this analysis and go
through them in a replayer at the end of the video.  Similar to
Jnandez's series on playing postflop as a preflop aggressor.  Each
video could be a different common preflop or postflop spot. 

would even
be interested to see you team up with all of the elite and essential
PLO coaches and kind of game plan how to attack all of the most commons
spots in the game.  Divy up the video making series and make it one
giant continuing series.  Even better would be if at certain end points
of the process (ie after the final preflop video was made) you had all
of the coaches get together on a 25-30 minute skype open discussion to
address questions brought up in the forums as well as thoughts on each
others videos.

this would be an unbelievable video series imo.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 7 months ago

inspired by last Phil video, would be good to get concept follow up by examples type video for MTT.

- facing 3 bet IP/OOP with different effective stack size, constructing range

- 4 bet light

- steal/resteal

- Blind defence, flat, 3 bet...

- CB or not range and planning turn

- shallow stack after money bubble (raise/fold, 3B light 3B all in or not) .

- range vs type of flop; constructing CB, double barrel vs vilain range, flopzilla type vid.

- call shove

- cold 4bet best condition

- squeeze

- thinking process tips in online condition, what to look for in 20 secondes.

- efficient note taking, color coding to react

- HUD usage 

...... and many stuff that have already been proposed in the MTT thread as well as this one

Regularblue 10 years, 7 months ago

In depth analysis of constructing c-betting/checking ranges OOP in HU pots (6max), Utilising CREV and Flopzilla.

E.G. SB opens 3x BB flats, 12 different textures, consideration of turn cards etc. generic assumptions when facing different example player types, i.e LAG, standard TAG

I would be very interested in seeing how the RIO elite pro's approach their off the table study in regards to constructing their own betting/checking ranges OOP.


in other words a rundown of how you approach this subject, I am not asking for any indepth analysis of any specific hand, but rather a detailed explanation of how you use different software and the methods you use within the software to produce your strategies. 

Insilicio 10 years, 7 months ago

I would like this as well, and I would want to add that I would appreciate it if we follow all the steps step by step from the beginning of the tree so I can pause the video and follow the steps myself. So often I see videos where the entire tree is shown which is informative but I fail to enter it myself then with CREV. I realize this might be a bit boring for advanced users but I would really appreciate it if I see how pros enter it. Like I already have trouble entering exactly what hands I would to bet. (lets say Ax with the Ax bdfd). If this was a essential video that would obviously also be fine. Like i watched the James Hudson video which was fine but it didnt cover how to make a game tree exactly. Like sure I know how to enter TPTK in CREV but with some hands I have just trouble entering it into the software. Combine that with some range construction and I would be very happy.


Cliffs: CREV videos where we see step by step how to enter the ranges in CREV.

Edit: a hand like this, sums up perfectly what I have trouble with:

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 7 months ago


I really like the idea to have vids divided in 2 part, with concept introduction (deep introduction :)) + x hands to illustrate the concept.

is it something that RIO community would like to see? is it something the pro would like to do?

let's put in this thread just to start 5 keywords ideas by response ok?

so I start.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 7 months ago

For MTT but it can be also for Cash, except may be shallow stack stuff

1- 4B bluffing- Cold 4 Bet

2- effective stacks 15-30BB possible moves

3- Resteal range-squeezing

4- defending blinds.

5- facing a 3-bet, contructing range: flatting in MTT.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 7 months ago

6- hand reading vs flop texture vs type of players

7-HM2/PT4 full review and leak finding methods

8-Risk aversion in MTT 

9-Construction CB and flop/Turn decision

10- Block theory/chip utility theory, taking risk to chip up or slow down

SPrince 10 years, 7 months ago

^Are you saying there`s no 100NL guys that would make videos if offered good $?

What`s the point of having coaches that play 200-500NL, teaching microstakes guys poker.Sure you`ll learn something from each one, but there`s no comparing to the value of the coach that plays lower stakes.There`s a much smaller difference in the ways games from 25-100NL play, compared to ones from 200-500.

Chael Sonnen 10 years, 7 months ago

You learn way more from low/midstakes coaches teaching their own stakes than learning from small stakes players.

They may know how to beat those games, but they still lack serious fundamentals, and I don't think they should be coaching.

SPrince 10 years, 7 months ago

Chael -->You`re right, to an extent.What i meant to say was that i`d like to see more play at lower stakes, like Lipe did in his moving up series and see the adjustments the coaches make.But since they don`t really play/don`t have samples on too many players i thought it would`v been beneficial to have one 100NL guy in the roster who plays at those games regularly.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 7 months ago

With all keywords ideas I put in this thread, they will be work for pro till the end of the year. I hope sometimes that will be take into account. Hey fellow MTT pro, do you read this post :)? and all the post from my MTT colleague ?

dablancninja 10 years, 7 months ago

What about a member (me :)) recording a session (preferablly MTTs :)) and the pro watching it back, pausing and commenting on their observations?

moll_web 10 years, 7 months ago

MTT: The mental game in the late stages of a tournament. Some of the struggles that pro's have had before having build a sufficient bankroll, when the $ ment the world to them, and how to cope with that while playing :)

Regularblue 10 years, 6 months ago

For the most part this is not something that can be taught. Strong Emotions and increased adrenaline are a natural result, produced by the body and mind when involved in what is percieved to be a high pressure situation.

Personally what helped me, was to firstly realise that this is not the only time in my life I will make a final table, so even if this one doesnt work out, I still have plenty more opportunities in the future, life is not a race afterall.

Refraining from checking the lobby every few minutes to see how much money I though I was going to win. This was a pretty big deal, stopping myself from doing this enabled me to not let the money factor sink into my thoughts and fog my thiught process as much. Instead spen your time searching players on the table, via sharkscope, and closely watching the players tendancies. Focus all your energy on player analysis, rather than 'money jump analysis'.

Every professional goes through the mental issues you described, the main thing that cures this is simply experience. The more times you hit a final table or get close to the final table bubble, the less it will effect your mindset. This is just a natural process, that we all must go through.

best27 10 years, 7 months ago

are there any mtt essential vids on pot odds, priced in to call shoves with A rags and suited connectors etc. Just where they go through loads of examples?also some scenerios where they passed up on marginal price calls due to game flow,good table,icm

John Shamwoww 10 years, 6 months ago


Grayson recently won a WCOOP challenge ($2100) A HH of that would be awesome. 

James Obst won the ST. HH of that would be awesome. The ft of this was a fun rail so the HH is surely good!

More live play reg battles, $55s to $109s are a nice sweet spot I think. 

More Jason Koon. 

More Sam/Lucas Greenwood. 

And definitely some multi-pro action. Two guys playing over some recorded footage like Phil and Jason did. Maybe over the Sunday 109r HH Phil won or sh4wshank's ridiculous Sunday in the FTOPS main and Milly. If he recorded this....BOOM!

A lot has been done in regards to mtt theory, HH reviews but they do get boring. Live play and multi-pro videos would be superb, I think. 

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 6 months ago

Grayson recently won a WCOOP challenge ($2100) A HH of that would be awesome. +1

James Obst won the ST. HH of that would be awesome. The ft of this was a fun rail so the HH is surely good! +1

More live play reg battles, $55s to $109s are a nice sweet spot I think. 

More Jason Koon. ++1

More Sam/Lucas Greenwood. ++1

And definitely some multi-pro action. Two guys playing over some recorded footage like Phil and Jason did. Maybe over the Sunday 109r HH Phil won or sh4wshank's ridiculous Sunday in the FTOPS main and Milly. If he recorded this....BOOM! ++1

A lot has been done in regards to mtt theory, HH reviews but they do get boring. Live play and multi-pro videos would be superb, I think. Less agree, a bunch of tourney review and few MTT theory, or concept with examples have been done. A full MTT theorist pro add to the pool would be awesome.

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 6 months ago

How about more videos that explain concepts and new ideas instead of reviewing recorded videos?  I think the videos are really good and offer information, but more can be learned from theory and math.  A great example of this is James Hudson's last video.  

JediMindTricks 10 years, 6 months ago

I'd like to see 6 elite 6max pro's playing a 1 tabling session at the same table and all the footage spliced together (so the viewer would see all six points of view) and then each coach individually review the footage. 

arizonabay 10 years, 6 months ago

Ahhhhh wouldn't we all love to see that....I imagine it would be quite hard to put together although honestly they could do it at any stake and the content would be superb. The dynamic would probably be so different than most games (that most of us play) that it would almost be for pure enjoyment, seeing 6 of the top poker minds playing vs each other. Although I am sure we would learn a lot about how to play vs the top regs in our own games.

axses 10 years, 6 months ago

Please keep up the amazing PLO content, I really look forward to more content on exploiting opponents and takign non standard lines 

Zachary Freeman 10 years, 6 months ago

The network I have access to has such limited traffic that it is getting difficult to get video content. Accordingly, I'd like to review a members footage of PLO. Feel free to submit any format; although Id prefer it to be 6-max vs HU and no more than 4 tables. Stakes 400PLO+.

pplayer85 10 years, 6 months ago

If other instructors could do similar to Phil and break down one concept of PLO and focus an entire video or series on it that would be great. I do know a few coaches have done something similar but it's a tiny amount in comparison to the live play PLO vids. Having the concept explained then followed by a series of example HHs is a great format. 

1jackmove 10 years, 6 months ago

Would like to see a one part corollary to Phil's 3B pot series focusing on 4B pots especially at 150BB+ effective stacks and small opens with less effective.   Maybe something like 10 minutes discussing hands that should fold to 4B at various SPR's (mostly OOP but a brief discussion on IP folds as well).  Another 10 minutes to cover playing aces that we 4B then the board creates non-trivial decisions, and identifying dynamics to consider just calling with weaker AA's or even stronger ones.  5-10 minutes on selecting non-AA candidates to 4b IP and OOP against liberal and average 3 bettors.  Finally the remainder of the video going through hand histories that get to flop in situations based on those fundamentals, and then lead to interesting post flop decisions.

StaticVoid 10 years, 6 months ago

Some ideas:

1) PLO - Playing AA hands. IP, OOP, Good AA, Bad AA, Bad flops, Deep, vs shortstackers, etc

2) PLO - Bet folding

3) PLO - 4-Betting when not holding AA

4) PLO - Limp Opening

5) Adjustments from playing online 6-max to live 9/10 handed

vanway 10 years, 6 months ago

I'd like to submit an idea for a video: most of the essential subscribers we are playing low buy in mtts, nlh, or plo. And I think that I'm not wrong if I say that we strugle on how to study our own game. It would be nice a video on each subject, on how to review our database on both hm2 & pt4 and what we have to look for to find our leaks. That would definetly push our game much further.

arizonabay 10 years, 5 months ago

RIO - Hire Santaur to do some theory videos, who cares that he doesn't play on stars or FTP - the guy clearly knows his poker theory and would be of immense value just making theory/presentation videos!!!!!!!

JoINrbs 10 years, 5 months ago

I would love a video (perhaps series) which looked at different ways to play preflop. For example in Sauce's recent vids he's 3betting what seems to be a very linear and wide range in 6max, why would one do that and what hands would be used for the strategy? Also preflop, what hands do we open, call, raise, etc., every video pros talk about what they do with this hand in this situation preflop and it takes up a huge amount of the time talking about what's happening, why can't someone just make a video showing a couple of approaches to what to do with every hand in every common preflop situation? There aren't that many...

goofy 10 years, 5 months ago

Betsizing video nlh , difference between ip and oop, different boards, 3b post , deepstacked , vs different opponents etc

T1F 10 years, 5 months ago

I will take Arnaud Lafaurie's idea, as I would love to see a video of our friend Lipe Piv (Felipe Boianovsky)'s win at the WCOOP 41 as a dual comment w/ some MTT pro.. :)

So_Nitty 10 years, 5 months ago

This could be a lame idea but a very good player commented that great players succeed at mtts by surviving coolers and being able to rebuild their there an art to getting past set ups in mtts without being crippled? Could we review some hand histories on surviving these?

nhilathak 10 years, 5 months ago

I would like to see more MTT all holecards exposed video reviews.

All the WCOOP events FT are now available on PS for everyone to see and in my opinion they make good videos being able to see all holecards.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 5 months ago

As you can see the recent addition of Steve for essential cash led to a lot of comments and "likes" so theory/concept/examples based vids are well appreciated and would like more for MTT on essential as well as on elite Thanks :)

Deactivated User 10 years, 5 months ago

I have more expanded thoughts on what I'm about to say, but they're more appropriate for another thread that's regarding subscription plans here on RIO. As for this thread, I will say that it is imperative RIO begin producing more videos aimed at 5nl through 50nl. Imperative. As it is now, this is really the only reason anyone has to join a training site other than RIO. A lot of us are just nano/micros grinders who are are left having to sift through all of the essential videos trying to find the ones that are and are not applicable to us.

Tying into the subscription costs again, plenty of us would be more than happy to pay $20 for the essential if it had more of this content. Not in place of anything else (definitely not) and not at any other stake's expense, but in addition to. As someone else said in another thread - Just dominate the whole market. The only reason anyone's still paying $30/mo over on DC is because of the kind of content I'm talking about being overly prevalent there. They're really your only legitimate competition at this point, too. You have them beat in every other category. You're putting out more videos, hiring more coaches, have a better quality forum, and are basically "next gen" compared to DC. Button up the microstakes content and you guys basically have a monopoly here. I know I would really rather just come to one site for everything and I'd wager that I'm not alone in this. 

Mundobizarro 10 years, 5 months ago

Hi there, I am looking for a video about 3betting plo zoom IP and when or not c bet and continue the hand. I think there is a lot of people who would like to see one or two videos about this. So my question is whether phil of some of the other PLO zoom pros could make a video about this topic. Thanks, Luuk

dakalle4 10 years, 5 months ago

I would really like to see an essential level video that tackles a similar topic to Nick Howard's recent video "Building range models (part 1)"

sweet16 10 years, 5 months ago

Hey, it would be really cool if a coach if someone of the NLHESH CG coaches made a video or video series about turn leading-ranges when not having the initiative. It could just be some kind of hand history review type of video. I feel that I sometimes on some rivers etc when I lead like my whole range for 1/5-1/6 of pot or w/e at typical good turn leads for us.

Example of spot I'm reffering to: If we're BB and defend a steal vs BTN with 75s Flop come T 7 4, villain cbet we call turn is a 7 and we lead for a small bet.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 4 months ago

Personal point of view: a bit too much final table review on elite MTT side when if we need training, it is more on how to get to the final table I guess :) For sure there are very interesting, but I feel there's too much and still a bunch of live play compare to theory/applied concept or thematic hand histories.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 4 months ago

stack size theory vids: all about stack size PF and how it changes the strategy/range/moves, SPR post-Flop, set-up the right bet size; when to plan the hand vs range to get all the chips on differents street.

Theclownf 10 years, 4 months ago

Hello. Is it possible that we get a video about small blind and big blind play in no limit holdem zoom games? How to reduce your looses in the blinds ect?

Jarcon 10 years, 4 months ago

1) Im hoping to see more good theory videos in the future. Especially for PLO 6max.

There are a lot good videos for game itself, but not so much theory in those. Would be nice to see some math wizard opening GTO in Powerpoint. Also BTN play in opened pots / BTN vs blinds / Blinds vs BTN etc.

2) Maybe a video which focuses how to calculate hand step by step. There are some calculations in the middle of replayers, but hard to find those from old videos if needed.

3) Also videos for Hem2 use. For example how to find leaks in own game etc. etc.

I have done some of the 2 & 3 stuff before, but would like to do more in the future.

ibey33 10 years, 4 months ago

Id like to see a PLO abc, 123 vid. Like a how not to be a fish at plo for people who have limited experience. Like basic hand value ranges, what combos to open, 3b, peel opens with and stuff like that so i can get started and then get more into the higher level stuff you guys have here

PokerDolt123 10 years, 4 months ago

Sam greenwood mtt session reviews or maybe he reviews someone else's midstake+ session.with them.
Also not sure if there is a video on this yet but mtt video discussing big blind defense strat when short stacked <15bb and vs diff ranges early position opens/button opens etc Also talking about how callers effect ur equity when shalllow (hu vs 3way pots with shallow pot stack ratio).Seems like theirs still alot of regs with conflicting thougths on bb defense shallow some just defending stuff like Jts Kjo A9o etc vs lp opens and others playing more a push/fold strat in bb with <15bb so a video could start interesting discussion.

James Hudson 10 years, 3 months ago

I would love to see a video on equity realization in crev. How much equity should we expect to realize when calling a 3 bet with 56s on the button vs a bb 3 bet? How much equity should we expect to realize when calling an ep open with J10s on the button? That kind of stuff would be great. Obviously these numbers will vary based on a variety of factors but some ballpark numbers would be awesome.

Daniel Dvoress 10 years, 3 months ago

Hey everyone,

In the interest of mixing things up a little bit I want to make a video reviewing a member play.

If you're interested either write here or shoot me a PM with what stakes/games you play, as well as how you are doing in those games (losing/slightly losing/breakeven/slightly winning/winning is enough), and what you think you need to improve on/what your leaks/concerns are. It has to be NLHE cash 6max, but any format is fine.

You must be capable of recording a a video of yourself playing.

I'm going to select someone based on a combination of factors mostly revolving at how good I will be in terms of reviewing the game and how useful it will be to the community.

Assuming enough interest, I hope to have someone within the next few days!

Thanks guys,


JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 3 months ago

Personally I really like watching the theory/concept videos over the hand history review/sweating. Watching videos relating to HRM, ICM, and how to defend against a steal really show how to play the game on a high level. Furthermore I think these videos are more educational and will help improve gameplay more than sweating someone.

oblioo 10 years, 3 months ago

less CREV, more HH review

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 3 months ago

Gotta disagree on this one. Tyler puts in a lot of work/detail in his videos and they are really good. However they might be too complex for most members.

oblioo 10 years, 3 months ago

Just saying what I'd like to see personally, not talking about particular coaches. I tend to gain more from pre-selected HH reviews maybe including conclusions drawn from CREV but not actually going through the process in it.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 3 months ago

Mixed theory/concept/HH, concepts by examples. these kind of videos needs more works from the coach than fire a recording or review a HH where everything seems obvious from the coach side. I think making theory vids wll help coach as well to tackle the concept by being challenging with questions, that will lead to more interactions.

tempolivre 10 years, 3 months ago

Hi guys,

I think that you could produce some videos playing or reviewing micro limits and/or talking about adaptations to limits where are to many multiway pots and low fold equity. Some basic material should be useful to Essencial members.


Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 3 months ago

Hire MTT pro especially essential where only 5 left after Brian Yoon stopped making vids.
Hire MTT elite theory/concept oriented pro to equilibrate the bunch of HH reviews or I'd like to see David Emmons, Grayson Ramage, Dylan Linde, Stephen Chidwick, Nick Rampone change from time to time the format of their vids and talk about one concept to tacke in MTT instead of always live sweat from David, Always HH from Grayson, Multipart serie from Stephen.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 3 months ago

A MTT video where pro review hands that cause a major lost of chips or a bustout from tournaments and that has been considered a bad play and how to improve from that bad play. details analysis of each hands that can cover concept like
calling 3-bet
4-betting light
flop/turn/river mistake
ICM mistake
Mistake regarding stack size
bad reshove spot


Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 3 months ago

self learning, how to improve and work on our game especially for MTT.
A kind of roadmap, guide to progress step by step with some key concept to master to be better at MTT

Cory Mikesell 10 years, 2 months ago

I'm not sure if this has been suggested in a prior post, but a theoretical video discussing play in three player pots would be fascinating. I know the level of complexity increases significantly when you add an addition range to the mix, but it would quite instructive to hear how a strong player does the following:

1.leverage another regulars stack by utilizing the presence of a short stacked fish in the pot
2. cbet a wide range as we represent an apparently strong range by betting into two players when in fact one of our opponents is capped and likely to fold.
3. place certain hands that might be cbets in HU pots int a c/r range allowing us to sometimes lock more money in against a weaker overcall

Syhe885 10 years, 1 month ago

Deep stacked (200bb+) play. Specifically calling 3bets when oop. For example, Hero is CO and 3bet by BTN, what ranges to construct, what kind of 4betting and 3b flatting range. How different flops fare for our range when we are OOP.

TwistedLogic 10 years, 1 month ago

I'm not sure if this has been posted earlier in the thread, but I would LOVE to see a video or video series dedicated to the study of poker. I have no problem PLAYING the game at all, but it when it comes to studying the game, for some reason I am not productive whatsoever. I'd rather go to the dentist then review a hand. Also, my usual conclusion is, "I played it right, moving on..."

I would like to know exactly what the top pros' study routines are. How they review a hand and actually get a takeaway from it, how they use Cardrunners EV to analyze a hand, how they use equity calculators to break down somebodies range on all streets vs all cards, etc.

And FYI I'm a winning midstakes player but would like to use takeaways from study to add to my winrate.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 1 month ago

one of the reason of why I stop elite and hopefully it will change a bit, is the lack of concept /theory vids especially on MTT. Bunch of final table review, HH, multipart session and less and less concept vids, even Sam Greenwood that was the "theory vid" maker didn't produce concept vids since last summer. Some from Sam Grafton but definitely "unbalanced" with the bunch of review in the elite section. is it because it takes too much time to prepare a concept vid and review are much easier to do? on a learning point of view I think training by concept are the key or alternate theory/practise at least. if it can't be done on elte subsciption, can it be on essential one where we can see also very good theory vid from HU, NLHE, PLO pros, why not MTT?

JCJordypants 10 years, 1 month ago

Not sure if this has been said but I don't think I can manage reading through 300 odd comments! I would like to see more HU videos at the lowest stakes made available to essential members.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years, 1 month ago

I'd like Sam Greenwood continue his preflop serie, with some concepts hje mentionned at the conclusion of his vids, like adlusting frequencies vs opponent tendencies, non-opening range.
in general for sure I will come back to elite subscription, if more concept theory vids are released vs the bunch of replay

FIVEbetbLUFF 10 years, 1 month ago

more focus on live tournaments. like chidwicks vids, but hearing koon do this or dylan linde (FTed the PCA) or greenwood. if u look at the likes on the live tournament vids, they always get a ton, implying theres a ton of support. escp as WSOP coming soonish

Henritank 10 years, 1 month ago

I would like a theory video for MTT about the balance of betting to leave your hand uncapped or checking to balance your check backing range. I am having troubles in spots where checking back looks good, but caps my range too often, which makes me exploitable? ESSENTIAL please

Dolciando 10 years, 1 month ago

Basic PLO series that has head and tail. Something like; Pre-flop hand selection, pre-flop3b/vs3b, basic flop, turn(c/r spots), river plays, playing the blinds and than 2 seperated live sessions on 4 regular and 2zoom tables to summon things up

BCRUNGOOD 10 years, 1 month ago

Would like to see Fedor do a HH review of his WCOOP win or at least start putting up some content. Is he still even a Run It Once coach?

Also if you could somehow find a way to get lasagnaaammm to do some videos.

Danshiel350 10 years, 1 month ago

Not scrolled the whole thread, but I have an idea for an essential mtt vid.
How about a guide to making deals on an FT?
There's a lot to consider here and I think it could be very useful content...

JerseyGrinder23 10 years, 1 month ago

Need more mixed game and 8 game content. A series on how to exploit 8 game players would be nice :).Also would love any type of video on Stud Hi Low or OE.

dodgybob 10 years, 1 month ago

I'd like to see a vid from someone talking about how/what to study efficiently.

To expand on that a little, what coaches think are the most important concepts as you move up, and what the most efficient forms of study are (CREV / breaking down ranges in notepad / watching live play vids from your stakes) etc.

Also I totally suck at betsizing, so something looking at that would be good.

eaSy_ 10 years, 1 month ago

I'd like to see some videos about cold-calling and squeeze play both in and out of position and the following postflop strategy in 6-max cash games. Things like, what are good spots to squeeze or cold call and what are good ranges to do that with? I think it'd be very helpful for a lot of players.

AxelFoldy 10 years ago

I would like to see some fullring videos.
After Simon Couling stopped making videos I didn´t see any fullring video anymore.

Arnaud Lafaurie 10 years ago

is it possible to get less multi part serie, especially from pro that release 1 or at the max 2 vids /month because it can take 3, 4+ months to get another material from them.
or increase the release frequency in the case of multi part stuff.
anyway, would much prefer 1 or 2 part stuff that tackle concept in deep

Jim Block 9 years, 11 months ago


i would like to see some Progressive Super-Knockout tournament content. I dont think there is any on this site yet, and seeing many of these kind of tournaments coming up on the scoop schedule it would be great to see some theory content coupled with play.


Elmar939 9 years, 11 months ago

I would love some more micro cash targeted content. Also, I think it would be a good idea to have some 'back to basics' videos on how to play solid ABC-poker at the micro's. Where, for instance, topics like standard opening ranges, c-betting and double barreling are discussed. For a player stuck at the micro's, it sometimes feels like i'm trying to run while I can barely walk when I watch some of the videos.


Poncheezied 9 years, 11 months ago

I'd like to see a series where someone explains how to use CREV in depth. Starting out very basic and building on it each episode.

There are a lot of videos where CREV is used but it is often hard to follow or understand the conclusions if you're not well versed in CREV yourself as the viewer.

Also more holdemresourcecalculator vids, the few that are on RIO are good but maybe a few more with some more interesting spots would be cool.

Poncheezied 9 years, 11 months ago

Also I would love to see a video on lifestyle/nutrition/exercise from Jason Koon.

I don't think he holds any actual qualifications in these areas (I could easily be wrong) but either way I think he would have a lot of practical advice for the poker playing community on these topics and how to get the most out of them to maximise your own poker performance.

I think hearing this advice from a player held in such high esteem would cause a lot of people to actually act on it and it would have a massive positive impact on a lot of people which I'm sure would appeal to Jason personally.


OttoPilot 9 years, 11 months ago

I would like to see coaches reveal more of their learning / study habits, emphasizing on the things they felt most improved them as players.

Jhuntter 9 years, 10 months ago

Free videos for everyone:

  1. Free NL serie which you can show to your friend who believes that poker is a skill game:
    -Rules+how to start playing+everything you need to start playing online. Basic instructions what it need to learn winning poker etc..

  2. Free video which you can show to your mom who thinks poker is same as roulette and thinks his 30yo son doesn't do anything with his life but gamble and is lost..

cabocabo 9 years, 10 months ago

It would be cool if there was a fish in the pro v pro, and he contributed his thought process. I know it's too late, but I would find that very interesting.

oblioo 9 years, 10 months ago

Not really a video request but a feature request (couldn't find a thread for that): It would be nice if we had something like a "currently watching" or "my videos" or "continue watching" section, which would show all the videos we have started but not finished watching. I've often found myself searching through old videos just to finish watching something I've started, and even forgetting to finish watching a video. This feature would solve these problems.

IamIndifferent 9 years, 10 months ago

I keep a notepad file listing:
* What I have watched with brief notes about what I liked/disliked
* what I have partly watched
* and what I am yet to watch but want to watch.

I do this because I find the current video list really confusing.

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 9 months ago

1-working on our range when facing a 3-Bet in MTT when OOP/IP, stack size consideration.
2-Common mistake to avoid vs Stack size.
3-Block theory in MTT

Sam Lang 9 years, 9 months ago

live headsup 1v1 over twitch pro v pro would be super good advertisement and get a lot of views. that ones for free dan

centgas 9 years, 9 months ago

Phil Galfonds crev analysis of a flop decision after 3betting was awesome, that as the caller as well and a couple of different board textures... (one being Axx) :)

Linc 9 years, 9 months ago

I would like to see one of the MTT players make a video about optimal/balanced 4bet ranges in various spots and how things change with increasing icm effect

Richard Gryko 9 years, 9 months ago

given his NL 2-7sd bracelet and remarks on how he enjoys 2-7 triple draw (not th mention the global scarcity of video content on these games), a PG 2-7 video/series could be interesting.

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 8 months ago

Especially on elite side, since the begining of the year, there are bunch and bunch of session/zoom/live/review/x tables on any game PLO/NL/MTT.
Can we get more theme/theory/concept stuff especially on elite where there is really a lack of it. only a couple of vid in MTT, it is very poor

Kalupso 9 years, 7 months ago

HU NL CAP session review or live play videos.

A lot of the HU action is short stacked these days (both SNG and cash) and there is not much content on it here.

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 7 months ago

Entire range discussion on MTT at different stages of the tournament while hiding the hole cards, discuss in depth what to do with our entire range and what to think our opponents might have.

DirtyBasementKid 9 years, 7 months ago

I would love to see some mindset videos for essential members. I've seen on lechrumski's facebook page, that he will be making videos for RIO (lechrumski is a well respected PLO player, and mindset coach on, and I'm wondering if his mindset videos will be for essential group

Markus 9 years, 6 months ago

so i recently stumbled upon phils old blog and it was nice to see how great his posts still are and how much content you can find there. and i don´t mean like "real" poker content only, but also stuff that can help you in life in general or regarding your own attitude towards poker etc. so i´d like to ask if phil(or any other pro that thinks he would be interested in doing something like that) has any interest in providing content that doesn´t necessarily improve your raw poker game and focusses on other things, that can also be helpful to poker players. i guess that would be in the direction of tommy angelo videos overall, although it doesn´t have to end at the mental aspect of poker. i would be very interested in that and thought i´d put it out here. allthough the request isn´t very concrete and it may have been better to start a new thread and discuss it there further, i leave that up to administration.

learning 9 years, 6 months ago

also, i don't see much emphasis on creating ranges with shorter stacks, say 15bb or less

this is a huuuge part of mtt/sng poker. Personally i would like to see how the ballers are constructing these types of ranges. What are they shoving from which spots? what hands are they raise-calling/raise-folding and again from what spots? in depth looks at calling pushes. maybe a little ICM talk if it's deep. these types of things

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 6 months ago

something on fear of making move & being too result oriented would be great. how to these commons leaks and identify it.
taking the other side how to use and identify when you've got fear equity

krage 9 years, 6 months ago

How about a Beating the Micros series for us essential members? A lot of sites have something like this where it's a 5-8 part series where it's not really for beginners but micro grinders hoping to move up to small stakes ($1/2+)

Preferably PLO since that is the future ;) (and since CR/DC has quite a lot of these for NLHE..i mean pretty much everyone is solid at NLHE and with PLO maybe there are some advanced topics that can help us improve that we don't know about and is the reason we are not able to move up)

Logieuk 9 years, 6 months ago

Can anyone recommend a video or serious where thought process is explained good in NL - Im not bothered about stakes, im just having trouble thinking correctly when playing.

Example is that say playing a hand 6max just two of us see the flop, I get bet into I always think "im prob beat lets fold". Of course, if I have a strong hand I don't. But im struggling to get the correct thought process eg range or equity to help make a picture up and base a decision on that information.

lol hope that made sense!

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 6 months ago

for sure lack of Concept, theory, deep discussion, tackle some subject related to MTT that make the viewer active learning instead of final table review, simple HH where obviously run good and pass through hands quickly because "it's standard", live sweat with more than 4 table where we can't follow action. I don't say that these types have to disappear but maybe make HH review of mistakes, of alternative lines discussion, of specific situations (let's say in the money with shallow stack; postflop play with low, mid SPR...)
stop the passive/HH show/entertainment and try to balance with active learning material where we can start real discussion, where we can make some works on our side, ...definitely too much "easy to make vids" especially on elite MTT side.
we are lucky to have some strong players , so as elite members, we would like that these pros makes a little bit more than a HH review, or at least a full HH review with deep discussion and using tools or rise concept where we can discuss on.
especially those top pros are so rare on the the schedule that when they release something like a HH, it's even more disappoiting...I will not list any name :)

there are a f* bunch of ideas in this thread and the results is 95% HH, live sweat; zoom x table part 1 to xx, final table review. please balance the schedule with other stuff.
thank you

bkice11 9 years, 5 months ago

A discussion came up about how it's the players responsibility to protect their hole cards in live poker. Which made me think, well it's the players responsibility to protect their hole cards online as well, for example in the case of protecting ourselves against viruses and hackers. A guy named funkworms did a video series he posted on twoplustwo a while back about computer security for poker players. But I'm not sure if that information is outdated now, it'd be nice to get a computer security expert to make a few videos about what kind of things should we be doing as poker players to protect ourselves from getting hacked. I think it'd be an extremely valuable thing for a lot of players to learn and would be an interesting outside the box video.

2QT2BSTR8 9 years, 5 months ago

Some more Phil Galfond videos for the Essential peasants please!

Something along the lines of the 'Philosophy' videos from Bluefirepoker days would be incredibly useful for the micro-plankton-stakes players :)

tesla79 9 years, 5 months ago

Hello There!

Nowdays I read an article about postflop play:'em-6-Max-17

Sometimes I feel it is not so up to date:
- weird 3.5x openraise
- tight ranges, etc...

The method as they breakdown the subject is very powerfull:
- theory
- constructing ranges
- a lot-lot samples.

I really liked Vincent Van den Neste's cbet video, but it is heads up only.

So I would really like a postflop theory/practical video.

THX, T79

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 5 months ago

make a MTT live sweat with 2-3 tables and the replayer and just focusing on note taking and color coding players without HUD
Goals: learn how to look at what is the most important at the table, implement simple color coding system and what are the exploitation we can make based on this assumption. Everything in live to see how the pro is thinking about vilains

sirin 9 years, 5 months ago

I enjoyed the Sauce video talking about the RedBaron/Kanu hand with the huge overbet, would be interested to see Sauce giving his take on some of the Kanu/Trueteller HHs being posted in the HSNL sweat thread on NVG, or other high stakes NL hands with betsizing you almost never see at midstakes. It seems like there's a lot interesting stuff going on in the nosebleeds with betsizing, I'd love to see something talking about these lines where there's something like a 1/5 pot bet on the flop, the turn goes check check and then the river is a big overbet.

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 4 months ago

I think I already mentionned it, but something on late phase between the money bubble and final table bubble would be great. here is one comment I did on Akira vid
I know it is quite difficult since there are a lot of different situations, but late phase after money bubble and climbing the prizes ladder concept vid would be interesting. taking into account where you are, short stack, average, big stack, what would be the best behaviour.

malejaculation 9 years, 3 months ago

A poker-philosopy video from Sauce! Any angle on it as he wants, how to reflect over some GTO-concepts, made assumptions, arguements, scientific method - I dont know, anything philosophy related from Ben would be awesome.

fernandolaserra 9 years, 2 months ago

I would like to see more hand histories from Clutch Hero, ozzieowen, etc, for Essential.
I feel there is more hh reviews for elite, but i think u should do the same amount for essential members..

thank u

sayplease 9 years, 2 months ago

Can you do a video for progressive KO mtts? They're getting more and more popular and at least at essential videos i haven't seen a lot of stuff (i think i only saw once sorle discussing strategy for a bit in a video)

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 2 months ago

I think there are too much HH on the elite side and the recent vid made on essential side are great even on cash side (John Daly, Ozzie, Apotheosis, Paul Atwal...) I appreciated to see the last one from Lucas about tournament life, there should be more of these concept type instead of running good HH with only VPIP hands , final table.
for example a vid from Fedor on the WCOOP main but instead making a vid of how he get to final table would be much better. Honestly now I skip every video like this, my problem (it is only my problem :) ) I just watch 3-4 elite MTT this month (Greewood brothers, and Chidwick) and 4 cash vid (Danied Dvoress and Ben Sulsky theory stuff). In december my elite subsciption was not too helpful. I feel elite pro (not all :)) should put more work in the vids, I know it is time consuming to making concept stuff, but it has a bigger value added to customers

Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 2 months ago

Take 4-5 tournaments where you start close to money bubble with different type of stack-short, shallow, average, big, and explain strategies to get to final table and detailled hands review and instead of discussion of your holding, discussion of the range in each situation you are involved or not. Where you made a mistake by not playing the hand, or play the hand where your range should have been tighter or wider….may be with hidden holecard and a quizz stuff on what would be your range there (like Paul Atwal vid)

wushu 9 years, 2 months ago

More theory plo videos please:

for example

  • how to play out of the sb
  • how to play turns after you check/raise bluff the flop and get called
  • cbetting in 3bet pots
  • playing multiway in 3bet pots
  • how to play medicore draws in multiway pots
  • check/raise flop as preflop aggressor
  • creating a 3betting range
  • general strategies how to play ofp in single raised pots
Arnaud Lafaurie 9 years, 1 month ago

3-betting (Folding, calling, No allin); 4 betting (all in, no allin) in MTT with shallow stack say 20-40), designing, playing with ranges and how to work on that to improve

GEOabc 9 years, 1 month ago

Also would love to see videos about live MTTs.

Specifically, those in the $300-1500 range, dealing with adjustments vs live players.

For example, what hands do you three-bet with when people do weird things like open 4x?What about handling a lot of limpers? What about all the strange non-standard things live players do? Multiway pots? There's not much material in this anywhere. We need a Garret Adelstein for live MTTs.
I specifically am building big stacks often but then crashing at about 20-50BBs.

Also this is good with WSOP coming up.

learning 9 years, 1 month ago

I still think there should be SNG content, pretty surprised there is absolutely none. Maybe i can do some vids :)

poker pro 9 years ago

I would love some contect on deep NLHE. How to adjust your ranges when deep, what to consider when 3betting, how to build a continue with QQ vs a 4bet when we can't 5betjam and we are deep. How to construct ranges and gameplan for DEEP NLHE!

I would be happy to provide deep NHLE footage

Gay Theory 9 years ago

would want to see a video about limping , not just from SB, but other good spots to limp, etc

basically comparing limp to other strategical options and being the highest EV action to take the limp

Kerith 9 years ago

Any PLO content would be nice right now. There has been one Essential PLO video this month. :(

prinsjay 8 years, 11 months ago

I would like to see someone breaking down rake from 5 NL and all the way up for cashgames. Zoom vs regular tables. And including rakeback. And for a number of sites, to compare it. And then deleiver it, so it is understandable for the recreational player. That would be something. And also accordingly, I use PT4. There different stats for rake, and I have never been able to figure out, what they exactly means for my game. For example: I have played 56,268 hands on 5 NL on Stars this year. I have won 144,63, which is 5,14 BB/100(My C All-In Adj is 140,33 - so running slightly good). But then I got 4 numbers: My C Rake Taken:$ 1121,44. My C Rake Share:$ 196,76. My C Rake Attrib:$ 161,91. My C Rake Contrib:$ 148,90. What can I make out of these four numbers? And which one is important to me, for example to figure out which site, is best to play on?
Hope for a video, or a good answer.....and of course Gaucan wil be trolling me with in his perfect English!!!!

Deactivated User 8 years, 11 months ago

We need a new coach like Tom Coldwell who talks about PLO theories aimed at essential players :)

Miko 8 years, 10 months ago

I´d be very interested to see a series about playing on sites that don´t allow tracking of any kind, no HUDS, HEMs, PTs etc.
Do you approach these kind games any diiferently, if so, how?
I play on a site like this atm and have tons of game footage playing NL10 and PLO4 since I record all my sessions.
So I´d be willing to give some footage for review.

gbtg 8 years, 10 months ago

i think a very good video concept is when two coaches create a video together.
this could be anything from live play with both coaches discussing the hands (would this violate the 1 player per hand rule?), a review of a recorded session, review of selected hands or some theory discussion.
i think videos like that can bring up interesting discussions between both coaches.

Arnaud Lafaurie 8 years, 9 months ago

more postflop concept stuff, planning vs stack size.
I hear often in vids again in the last setherson vids, "I'm going to put pressure on turn and river", "I plan to bet the turn and shove the river" this one we hear quite often and honestly sometimes we really don't know what is going on behind this sentence regarding though process with planning.

middleposition 8 years, 9 months ago

Is it much to ask from a micro, newbie, motivated and mainly poor player with a essential sub ! that the recent video made by the amazing chidwick "utilising hrc from mtt" be also available for essential sub..... Or can anyone tell me how can i download it or at least watch it at least once! I'm only asking for this video, i think is very important for our community !

biggirl0521 8 years, 9 months ago

Would love to see a video on how to break down a session from Phil. The descriptiveness(word?) of his videos is unbelievable, and I have never learned as much from watching videos as his.

Seeing Phil break down a mid/high stakes PLO session he played would be awesome. Basically, explaining his thought process on how he reviews hands, which hands he stoves, does he only look at big pots he was involved in , etc.

A HU PLO video, and a 6 max PLO video going step by step through his hand histories after a session would be great. Preferably, exactly how he does it himself after playing a session.


mygameispoke 8 years, 9 months ago

Please make some leakfinder videos. Also it would be nice if there was a more linear nlhe series meant to expand more on nlhe concepts with each video.

screamdustry 8 years, 9 months ago

Also it would be nice if there was a more linear nlhe series meant to
expand more on nlhe concepts with each video.

This is very good idea, i think that its the only thing that RIO lacks ATM compared to other poker sites.

sauloCosta10 8 years, 9 months ago

Great idea indeed. The learning paths help with this a little bit, but still, a linear series going through the most imporant aspects of the game in more depth would be nice

Miko 8 years, 7 months ago

Essential videos on 3-/4-betting where you go into more detail about 4 bet ranges.
Building a 4-bet / flatting 3-bet range etc.

screamdustry 8 years, 7 months ago

Only for elite, for essential i dont think its good idea to make videos at niche sites like Unibet/Bovada. Same with playing footages at stakes under NL25 or even NL50. Action at lowest micro stakes is often just too simple - regulars are passive and there is reasonably big amount of fishes in the pool. This combined just often doesnt make good educational vids.

Jan Masian 8 years, 7 months ago

NLHE play on paired boards, preferably BU VS BB, or SB VS BB, to have wide ranges, from both positions perspective.
And same thing on monotone boards.

oblioo 8 years, 6 months ago

Cold facing 3bets in PLO (ie facing an open and a 3bet before we vpip and how to respond in various positions).

tesla79 8 years, 6 months ago

Well, an NL10 100k hands challange would be very interesting for essential budys. I mean, an essential pro could take parts the whole population, tendencies, ranges, expected EVbb/100, etc... But, who will pay for that? xD

antihero 8 years, 6 months ago

Some content on the mixed games variants for Essential would be dope!

Not sure if there is any... I didn't find any in the learning paths at least. 2-7, PLO8 preferably!
If there is any essential content, I'd be happy if someone can point out to me :)

SeacombePLO 8 years, 6 months ago

Not sure if this exists or if its been mentioned (brief scroll didn't find anything), but a vid or two on how to effectively use training sites would be great. Methods of note taking, how to make the most out of the information, balance between studying/playing, balance of studying method etc. Could be really interesting

sauloCosta10 8 years, 6 months ago

On NLHE, I would like to see videos covering the pre flop caller play (specially in 3-bet pots), as I feel like 95% of the content or more is only focused on the pre flop raiser, and we might be commiting a lot of mistakes as PFC in big pots

Tom Willetts 8 years, 5 months ago

I'd like to see an essential nlhe video about playing 4bet pots. I see advice saying to call vs 4bet but can't understand why. Also playing 4bet pots against people who flat a lot of them.

Runlikegod 8 years, 5 months ago

A strategy video on PLO MTTs would be nice. Not a review, but something conceptual. Also taking into account that many PLO MTTs are 9handed and therefore going into detail about play from the EPs. Apotheosis immediately comes to mind as the guy who would be able to do a great job on this. Maybe in Co-op with Luc G. or Zach Freeman?

Quido 8 years, 5 months ago

This might be a little bit of an off topic, but yourdoom has signed someone to make a PLO tournament course.
Don't know who it is yet, just saying that you might wanna check it out when it is announced who it is.

Cassoulet 8 years, 3 months ago

I would love to see more videos in mtt about playing Postflop in 3bet pots. (I know Sam Grafton made 3 of this kind in the past)

skithetrees 8 years, 3 months ago

Hi, could you guys make or send me to a video to show me when it is appropriate to call 3 bets with pocket pairs? Oftentimes I will be facing a small 3 bet and not know if I truly have the odds or not. In addition I would like the video to talk about how a third player changes the dynamic ie. I call a raise with 77 and get squeezed. The original raiser calls and now I am last to act. How does the extra money in the pot influence my decision making?

StreetSpirit 8 years, 2 months ago

Preflop BvB play in 6max NLHE theory video. "GTO" ranges, exploitative RFI %'s and sizings. There's been bunch of different strategies in BvB preflop lately, and a introduction video to cover some of the most common and best strategies currently out there would be awesome.

John Jernigan 8 years, 2 months ago

I'd love to see more videos that just analyze PLO hands with PokerJuice. Maybe you can find a coach to do with PJ what Julian K. is doing with PioSolver - just very solid, straightforward videos that use the software to analyze 2-4 hands in detail. I think there's a lot of value in that, as it accomplishes multiple goals - it analyzes a situation in detail, it shows viewers how to use the software, and it arguably has more "library value" because the assumptions are explicit (whereas when we watch a liveplay video we don't know what the coach is basing his decision on). Thanks.

BCRUNGOOD 8 years, 1 month ago

Top MTT player with a background in math to make a video on edges needed to make a shove /call a shove based on different stack depths and distributions and winrates. Maybe Sam Greenwood would be a good candidate for this or Apotheosis.

chimpraiser 8 years, 1 month ago

I would be interested in seeing some PLO8 4-card footage. I saw Zach Freeman's few videos from several years ago but there is not much else out there. If anyone is interested in putting together some PLO8 videos, I'd appreciate it.

Taunto_88 8 years, 1 month ago

Videos I like to watch, which seem to becoming less and less of are Session reviews. Yes watching a live session can be good, But i find it more beneficial to a viewer where a coach can just pause the video and explain the hand/current situation a little more in depth, instead of worrying about their time bank running out, or still explaining a hand that happened 5 or 6 mins ago but still playing(if that makes sense)

Also video series content i know deuces cracked did for a while was where the coach from a higher stakes game might be helping out a coach from a lower stakes game..or 2 coaches commenting on a student of there's play from a recorded Session. It gave 2 sides of the coin and brought up a lot of good points and very helpful.
That is just my 2 cents. Really enjoying the content so far Keep up the great work.

Miko 8 years, 1 month ago

Agree 100%, session reviews are better imo. And the idea of having two coaches discusing someones play sounds really interesting.

Doggety11 8 years, 1 month ago

Can we please get some mixed game vids for essential?

Would also really love a NLSD vid, but I assume there's not a ton of demand for it. Maybe a theory vid that comes out closer to WSOP?

kanabal18 8 years ago

I would appreciate some MTT videos discussing variance at midstakes and what sort of downswings are fully expected as an MTT pro. Although there is a lot of stuff online speaking of this topic, a video outlining the current state of the games and how this relates to expected variance would be insightful. If there is already a video on this can someone please point me in the right direction?

Salternator 8 years ago

Hey everyone, I am looking for footage to review for a Pro View Series. Ideally this will be a micro stakes NLHE 6-Max player as these are who my first set of videos are primarily aimed at. Please send me a PM to apply. An elite membership is required.


Quido 8 years ago

I'd love to see Sauce review a lower stakes player's play, something like what Galfond does with his 'ProView' videos.

FrankGrimes 8 years ago

On the Learning Path for NLHE both 4-Betting and Small Blind only have Elite vids listed. Would be nice to have at least one Essential vid for each category - especially as more advanced topics have (GTO) have plenty of Essential vids.

FrankGrimes 7 years, 11 months ago

Not sure where to post this - the video library is missing a filter for "Other" under game type. Mindset vids are posted under this tag so it'd make them easier to find.

jdstl 7 years, 10 months ago

I'd really like to see a general theory video on 1-A and MDFing on earlier streets where equities run close. 1-A is really easy to apply on rivers, and fairly easy to apply on turns, but on pre flop and flops where equities are not clearly defined (like early streets in PLO) I don't feel like the idea is as cut and dry as "defend 1-A of your flop range."

Miko 7 years, 10 months ago

More course type video series, and I don´t mean 2-3 parts but 5-10 part videos from the same coach(es) or so that the theme of the series has been determined and there´s no danger of coaches contradicting each other. For the most part, individual videos are a thing of the past imo and a longer series that really delves into the subject(s) are better. A video like "xxx 4-tabling NL50 ZOOM" is almost useless nowadays and very lazy, it´s not 2007 anymore. The Learning Paths has a good idea but again, I think a big fault in it is the inconsistency and the fact that the "series" consists of different coaches from different times and in some cases, different opinions on the same matter.

friedpie 7 years, 9 months ago

Browsing through the video list I noticed sauce hasn't released a video in 4 weeks.
Is he still releasing videos? For as long as I can remember they would be released every 2 weeks on a friday without fail!

Taunto_88 7 years, 9 months ago

He took down the 25K HU Scoop event and i believe he was playing in the 300K Super high Roller bowl (i could be wrong) so he might just be very busy

Salternator 7 years, 9 months ago

Hey all, I've had a look through the comments above for ideas about my next video. Im going to take the suggestion from "FrankGrimes" for a video on 4betting/4bet pots to add to the essential collection/learning path.

I look at the thread regularly so please do continue to make suggestions. You can also comment on this post or any of my videos/PM me to make suggestions or ask me anything poker related!



nittyoldman 7 years, 7 months ago

I know this will involve taking some hands from our x/c range and putting them into our x/r...but I would like to know which hands make for the best x/r and what sizing is best for our x/r on different textures. I've been playing around with PIO a lot on this with inconclusive results.

nittyoldman 7 years, 7 months ago


fefe.p 7 years, 9 months ago

I think an essencial video on SBxBB play in cash games would be really apreciated... it´s a spot I find myself quite often and dont know how to act sometimes

Salternator 7 years, 8 months ago

Would any essential members benefit from an Intro to PIOsolver video? There doesn't seem to be this content for essential members however I'm not sure how many of that userbase is interested in that. If interested you can like this post, PM me or perhaps suggest an alternative.


Riverbanged 7 years, 2 months ago

Would very much be interested in this, also how to utilise Pio to the greatest extent against the player pool. As in how to use PIO to find the best strategies against the pool because no one actually plays like PIO.

B Wylie 7 years, 8 months ago

Would really appreciate some MTT specific videos, playing certain board textures, Pre flop ranges for mid-late stage as I feel they kinda go astray as the money starts to loom.

Cassoulet 7 years, 8 months ago

All the theory videos are not listed in the "learning path section"

For example Steve Paul and Jeremy Menard made mtt content on blind defense
When I go in learning path - mtt - blind defense : there are only videos from John Daly.

nittyoldman 7 years, 7 months ago

I know this will involve taking some hands from our x/c range and putting them into our x/r...but I would like to know which hands make for the best x/r and what sizing is best for our x/r on different textures. I've been playing around with PIO a lot on this with inconclusive results.

nittyoldman 7 years, 7 months ago


CroweCapital 7 years, 5 months ago

Hi Elite PLO coaches -

Where's the Monker Solver videos? With one of your competitors about to launch a Monker-based PLO video subscription service, I think now is the time to embrace Monker-driven videos just like your RIO NL counterparts have embraced Pio. Anything from simply breaking down spots via Monker to something more ambitious like how the PLO solver has changed your approach to the game in general would be fantastic.

I'm a new elite member and while the videos are great, when the coaches break down spots through Poker Juice and intuition I can't help but think what would the solver do? For example weighing hand strength vs. blocker strength when constructing your bluffcatching range at the very end of this theory video. We have a solution if we run the spot through Monker, but without Monker we're left guessing which is more important. While intuition masters with millions of years of experience like Phil Galfond may be able to guess correctly, most of us aren't on that level!

Keep up the good work and let me know if you agree! Thanks!

Solid 7 years, 4 months ago

Hi MTT coaches

I would be nice if someone can make a video about money bubble and FT bubble.

Thanks a lot :)

Cassoulet 7 years, 2 months ago

It would be great for the MTT content to have some hand reviews about Postflop plays in 3bet pots as Preflop 3better , and as Preflop caller

Mancuso 7 years, 1 month ago

For the essential pros.
Database review for NLHE 6max cash game.
Showing minor leaks that can hugely impact evbb/100 in the long run.

Dreamstrike13 7 years, 1 month ago

Learning how to learn - Series on how you answer your own questions using PIOsolver and databases analysis for MTTs

Using GTO as a baseline for exploitation - how we establish a GTO baseline and how we exploit opponents deviations from that, cheers :)

ex3ggutor 7 years, 1 month ago


Id really like à video with someone using is HUD effectively on close call and explaining how To understand those stats while playing.

Also, would love To see Cameron couch back :)
Btw: im essential member


ex3ggutor 7 years ago

Also intéressed in spinNgo videos. I saw Steve Paul séries and wanted more. Please give us one or pe5t me know if there is any other videos right now

Dreamstrike13 7 years ago

IMHO the Spins series needs alot of work. I was in a Spins stable and what I saw in the initial video made me uneasy.

ex3ggutor 7 years ago

Hey dreamstrike13,

I tried To find other sites To learn the game and strats and cant really find anything. I saw smartspin that look cool but not sure i can get To the member session. If you can recommand à few it Will be nice of toi.

In the meantime, ill try To watch some HU here.

ryot 7 years ago

Hi RIO team,

You have a lot of guys who are doing the hard work with solvers for us and I really love the more detailed output of analysing a hand and showing us what the solver recommends as a balanced strategy and then sharing opinions on the population tendencies. I am happy to keep paying my fee's for these great video's!

However, I just bought monkersolver and I would love an introduction to using solvers video. I took one semester of game theory in university but I don't know what node locking is, or I am getting results which I don't trust and find it hard to verify my answers.

There's a load of people charging $1000 for preflop solutions but I would prefer to learn these programs myself and any instruction would be greatly appreciated.

I have loved the addition of Cory Mikesell and Richard Gryko, I'm sure these guys would be able to give some insight. I am asking primarily for PLO but I am curious about NLHE as well.

hansglick 6 years, 7 months ago

I want to see a video that would solve the following problem : I do agree that in poker we need to be balanced. But I guess, sometimes, we do not want to be balanced anymore since we want to exploit something we observed in our opponent. For example, If I know for some reason that my opponent would call a huge bet while I got a boat in a particular spot, but in the same time, I know that in that spot, I would check the vast majority of the time because my range is weak. In other words, when to leave out GTO and go to exploitative strategy? Sorry for my english ;)

James Hudson 6 years, 7 months ago

Learning paths are always a great place to look for videos that you might have missed. You can also try this Ben Sulsky video where he explains how he thinks through a hand in game and when/how he starts to deviate from GTO frameworks.

brainer 3 years, 2 months ago

I'd like a PLO series that could be called "Deviants" focussing specifically on the most important spots where human players deviate from GTO. Phil Galfond often touches on this, and it would be great to delve into this with more detail, so we can better grasp the spots where we may be misapplying solver-based knowledge. As a predominantly live player, this is very important to me. On that note, I would also like more material on multiway pots.

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