NL100 - 1k blog
Posted by Nuaura
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Poker Journals
NL100 - 1k blog
Why the blog
• To be accountable
Goals daily
• Eat well
• Exercise
• Wim Hof breathing
• Cold shower
• Meditation
• Structure
• Increase my study to play ratio
Daily goals which are being done regularly are Wim Hof and cold shower, I'm eating quite good in general but have the occasional sugar fix every few weeks. Meditation and exercise are mostly non-existent, and I think this is very important as a poker player and in general. This needs to change!
Study now is where I need to focus rather than having random days where I study a ton but then don't study for a month, it's all over the place and never consistent. I'm a volume beast mostly and I've been told and read many times this is not the correct approach, yet I still focus more on volume and money!
So, it's time to change my approach and really improve on my game and focus more which means reducing my table count. I will be playing NL100 even though I still have over 10 buy ins shot left for 200 I think this is best right now while I find structure. Don't want to be worrying about not being successful with my 200 shot when there are more important things to be concentrating on right now.
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Day 1
Eat well ✔️
Exercise ✔️
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ❎
Battled with the GTO trainer on wizard for 1-hour 3BP IP PFC SB v BTN vs flop cbet 33% playing hand through till river.
Watched coaching session 3BP IP PFC 1 hour 20 mins.
Ankie 25 mins.
Total time - 2 hour 45 mins.
Managed about 2 hours grind yesterday but I'm in the middle of transitioning to nights. Grind coming after studying and exercise and being up early was tough and my A game just wasn't there, but I've managed to stay in bed little bit later today so might be ok for tonight. Probably be a couple of days to adjust to nights.
Exercise was just shadow boxing with training Mits on for about 20 mins it's not much, but my heart was beating enough to feel like I've done something. Even Tho my grind was short lived I actually feel good that I have put some study in and completed most of my daily goals. Today I'm going to meditate straight after Wim Hof as this puts you in a relaxed state anyway so might be easy to settle into it this way.
Best wishes Nuaura!
thank you my friend
Day 2
Eat well ✔️
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ✔️
30 mins GTO IP v 33c SB v BTN 3PB
2-hour 10 mins content
30 mins coaching video
30 mins Ankie
4-hour 30 min
hands 1648
tables 4-6
Breaks 20 min
Very happy with yesterday's study I'm feeling very positive and determined keep this up. Daily goals need to be achieved
Day 3 - Day off
Eat well ❎
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ❎
30 mins read of content
3 hours
hands 927
Went out for a Chinese with the Mrs last night and just pretty much relaxed for most of the day but as the night came and I was alone I decided to play some hands for a short while. I must say there is a big difference in the games at night with more fish floating around. Is it sad that when I have spare time on my days off I still find myself thinking or wanting to play poker? I really do love the game it's my favourite game.
Day 4
Eat well ❎
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ❎
3 hours of content
20 mins GTO SB v BTN 3BP vs 50% CBET
10 mins of Ankie
3 hours 13 mins
Hands 1152
Breaks 15 min
Tables 3-5
Days 5-6
Eat well - ✔️
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ✔️
4 hours of content
1 hour of GTO BTN v SB 3BP facing 50% cbet
30 mins of Ankie
Just didn't happen I was so into studying that time went nowhere, I'm not disappointed because this is a real good thing for me because it's something I've always lacked structure and consistency to study.
Day 6
Eat well - ✔️
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ❎
Cold shower ❎
Meditation ❎
Study + Poker
Nothing as a serious matter needed attending to which got in my way of my daily goals as well
but these things happen with family and there is nothing I can do about it. Decided I'm going to download GTO wizard on my phone which should increase study time, so time is always going to good use rather looking at bullshit news or social media.
Nice to see you are being consistent Nuaura!
Are you scheduling out your day the night before? This helps me get to the gym knowing that I am waking up at x:xxam and then at the gym for x:xxam. That way I start my day off with a win.
Good call on the GTO wizard on the phone. Perhaps you will start catching yourself endlessly scrolling social media and then switch over...almost like observing your mind wandering off and bringing your awareness back to the breath ;)
Best wishes!
No not scheduling but will give it a go thanks ��
Day 7
Eat well ✔️
Exercise ✔️
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ✔️
Ankie - 23 mins
Read content - 26 mins
GTO BTNvSB 3BP facing 50% cb - 40 mins
SRP IP PRC video - 1 hour 15 mins
GTO BTNvSB 3BP facing 20% cb - 50 mins
Reviewed 15bb+ hands - 1 hour 5 mins
3 hour 41 mins played
Hands 1311
Breaks 20 mins
You seem very organized, GL on the journey!
Day 8
Eat well ✔️
Exercise ✔️
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ✔️
Setting up GTO drills - 50 mins
Highest EV drills GTO 11 drills 20 hands - 1hr 20 mins
Read content, Lines and Ankie 1hr 25
SRP IP PFC video 38 mins
Review 10bb pots - 54 mins
4 hours 6 mins
hands 1682
breaks 25 mins
Stole some of Iamneo study methods as they are really good, and I now feel very lazy compared to him as Hes an absolute beast.
Not bad day feel like I could have put more time into reviewing 10bb pots but tired after grind. Maybe I could do this next day when I'm fresh. These days are long already, but this is what it takes, and this is how it is for a while gl.
Day 9
Eat well ❎
Exercise ❎
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ❎
Meditation ✔️
Watched content - 1hr 27 mins
GTO drills - 1hr 22 mins
Lines and Ankie SRP IP PFC - 22 mins
SBvBB SRP OOP facing raise looking at hands that 3bet - 15 mins
4 hour 10 mins
hands 1572
Took it a bit more chill on day 9 feeling a little tired when I woke up, I was ok after a nap in the day but thought I would go easy for good reasons. Can certainly feel the studying in game and I'm enjoying it right now which is why I took it chill as I don't want to push myself to far and burn out.
Day 10
We rested completely didn't do anything other than my Wim Hof breathing which Im quite addicted to, always had weak lungs through asthma smoking as a kid but since doing the WIM
I've increased my holding of breath by over 3 mins which is insane for me.
Day 11
Eat well ✔️
Exercise ✔️
Wim Hof breathing ✔️
Cold shower ✔️
Meditation ✔️
Poker related stuff - 42 mins
Reviewing 10bb pots last session - 1hr 7 mins
SRP IP PFC video - 1hr 5 mins
SRP IP PFC read content - 10 mins
SRP IP PFC vs GTO - 15 mins
Ankie SRP IP PFC drills - 10 mins
GTO high EV drills - 1hr 18 min
4 hours played
hands 1761
I'm really getting into the gto grind it's interesting to try and work out why it does things. Does anyone recommend a good video for blockers etc sometimes it's easy to work out but other times I'm completely lost to why solver didn't bluff a combo.
Following. I think it's good that you are working to optimize your life/study routine. I would add that once you have a lot of that optimied, then it's ok for you to start ramping up volume again. It just becomes a problem when people over emphasise putting in volume when their entire decision process is fucked and they have no structure in their life.
Totally agree I feel better for this change already its hard letting go of the volume which has always been my passion mostly, I'll get back to high volume in good time. For now, I'll be grinding 4-6 tables REG.
Days gone by are many, but I got some bad news few weeks back about my grandads big C and it crushed me. I've just been sat around not doing much of anything but occasional study and few hands here and there while spaced out, life sucks at times and it's hard when things get bad, but it is what it is and today after speaking with my brother I've found some moto and I've decided to not sit around doing nothing today I'm back to carry on my mission to 1k.
Ordered barbell dumbbells set and curling bar, and shadow boxing kit. Also bought a valve index VR I've been after one a while and I bought onward to go with it. Think I've done 9 solid days since the start so that will be the day I continue from and see how many days I can do in a year.
The day
Wake up
Wim Hof
Exercise 5 days
Cold shower
Eat well
Review session
EV GTO drills
Review lines
Read some of 5-minute mindfulness book
There will be no rewards until 5 days x 8 hours a day at least are completed I used to game after the grind but thinking if I do it this way Ill achieve my goals and have something to look forward to at the end of the week. I don't know if this is the best way to do this, I'm not sure how much we should reward ourselves stay well good people gl.
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