New Point System Launch
Posted by Dan Quinn
Posted by
Dan Quinn
posted in
Run It Once Training
New Point System Launch
All point balances have been adjusted retroactive to site launch to reflect the following structure:
Pro like: 5 points
Member like: 1 point
Hopefully this gives a better reflection of who the top posters in the community than what we have had in place thus far.
Note: A number of accounts that clearly were created only to accrue likes have been deleted.
In the future any member caught cheating the system in any manner will have their point balance reset to zero.
Subsequent violation will result in a permanent ban.
It makes me cringe that we have to say that, so please let's just keep it clean going forward.
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To me I don't really even get why you are trying to do this on a point system. It would be easier, more fair and uncheatable if you just had the instructors choose posters of the month subjectively. STill giving points is based on the old system is still cool because even giving people non monetary points is positive and the old one it was easier to get points. Also I think you accomplish more by giving 20 people half off their membership or giving 40 people a basic membership or 10 off than being so top heavy with it.
If I were trying to grow this site, I'd have a high stakes, midstakes, and lowstakes poster of the month who gets a free elite membership, honorable mention prizes of some kind for 3 other high stakes posters, 10 midstakes, and 25 low stakes posters. Also keeping a record of the month by month winners is cool too.
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