Need advice on how to proceed.

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Need advice on how to proceed.

I have been grinding NLHE 2.5-2.5(euro) at my local casino and doing fairly well. But my eyes has always been on the 2.5-2.5 PLO since the game is juicer and the fish has more money and are not afraid to splash around. My PLO game is probably mediocre at best but it is still miles better then what the average game at the table is. Still my ''gut'' is better in PLO for some reason then in holdem, dont know why but when I am not sure my ''guess'' tends to be correct quite often. Dunno if this is important or not but simply put I feel I play this game better then holdem although lacking the experience to see clearly in all spots.

My idea was to play short at the table to get a feel at the game and see how the regs are playing. To my delight I discovered Rolf Slootbooms book on how to play shortstack PLO live. I put it into practice after reading and the results have been positive. I have only played one week but things are more or less working out as he stated in the book. But now they have changed the buy in minimum at the game so I can no longer buy in for 40bb's the minimum is 100.

The next closest thing to this is 5-5 game where the minimum buy in is 50bb's. But here I am risking a bigger portion of my bankroll. I have about 100 buy ins for 2.5-2.5 game. Same for 5-5 if I want to shortstack it since I will be buying in for 250 regardless. 

What I want advice on is my bankroll big enough for playing live 9-handed PLO? And should I continue to play short on 5-5 or stay on 2.5-2.5 with 100bb's. The problem is still that my PLO game is not very good and I am afraid I will be making alot off mistakes with 100+ bb deep whereas 50 bb I can just jam pre with +EV. But I guess the variance on the 5-5 will be bigger? Helpfull for any idea about the situation since I am not sure what to do. I could go back grinding NLHE but then I am focusing at 2 things at once which is bad both for my PLO game and my NLHE game.

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