My Possible Venture....

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My Possible Venture....

As of lately, I've been thinking a lot about what I'd like to be doing, and also where I'd like to be in my life. I'm 24 years old, and I'm from Upstate, New York, located in a small city named, Rome. I like Rome. Made a lot of friends here, and most of my family members live in Rome, or live close to it, but in all honesty, I'm truly ready for a change, and also to venture out of New York State entirely. My goal destination of choice is to head out to a place where the weather is nice, mostly all year round, jobs are stable or relatively stable , and a place where it's somewhat affordable to live. Some of you may disagree with me on this, but I would like to move out to Las Vegas, Nevada. It's always been a dream destination place where I wanted to be and live. I do have some friends who have moved out there who were from Rome, and they absolutely love it. Now, I don't wanna move out there to be a full-time gambler, poker player, or that sorta thing. I would like to find a real job there, find a nice neighborhood close to the strip to live in, find an apartment of some sort to reside at, and of course, play some poker on the side, live and online. I just think while I'm somewhat young, with not a whole lot on my plate, like having a wife and kids, that sorta thing, I think this is the best time for me to try this out to see if I'd like it or not. It's better to know than not know I suppose. My question to you all is, if you know by chance, what are some neighborhoods close to, or not too far away from the strip that are reasonable to live in? Reasonably priced, and safe? That's all that I care about really, just like anyone else would. I'm starting to do some research, but I thought I'd post this to see if anyone would know anything about this particular topic. Thanks for your time guys, and I hoping for some positive feedback.

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