My poker mindset project 2019
Posted by Soff
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Poker Journals
My poker mindset project 2019
This is my third attempt to keep a poker journal. That should be the magic number right. I have been playing poker for many years and enjoy almost every aspect of it. I have my income from elsewhere and would label myself as a recreational player who wants to be at least a semi-professional in the future.
I am so very curious about the A-game Masterclass. I want to do that, but I don’t have the funds right now. Until I can get it I am going to strengthen my poker mind on my own. At this point I actually have gathered some skill in poker but show no fantastic results and I think I would be the perfect student for the A-game masterclass. Enrolling in that is my goal.
I heard Fedor Holz advice that accepting uncertainty or something similar is the key. This resonates with me a lot. All my poker mindset problems stems from me feeling impatient which leads to drastic bankroll mismanagement. It’s almost never me playing super bad, but rather having too few buyins for the level I play at. That’s my number one tilt style.
So I am going to torture myself a little until I can get hold of that a-game masterclass, which I will do somehow.
My plan is to play 100 hands per day for the coming 10 days. Then increase to 200 hands for the next ten days and so on. Until I get to 2k hands per day. These hands I am going to play with a perfect bankroll management. I will also do a warmup routine consisting of:
- Some exercise
- Shower.
- Make a cup of yogi tea which is my favorite tea type.
- Elliot Roe mp3 for confidence/motivation etc.
- Play the hands.
- Study for 30 minutes.
Let’s go!
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I play no limit holdem cash games :)
Hey Soff
Congrats on starting this thread and using it as a way to track your goals and targets, that's a great first step.
I look forward to seeing you in the Masterclass when the time is right.
Hey Elliot!
Thank you! I appreciate you!
I have done a lot of hypnosis and meditation for other areas of my life but never really did a routine for poker. Poker has been my wild wild west so to speak. So now I will give it a fair shot and I actually feel that intuition/excitement that I usually get when something goes right.
You will definitely see me in the A-game masterclass in the future :)
Yesterday I did my first 100 hands and it felt good. I did the whole warmup routine before.
I have definitely used poker to disconnect from my emotions at painful times, almost like a meditation. I think I now have some messed up pathways in my brain with what is connected to what. So doing enjoyable things before the session and always doing those things. Why did I not do this before??? I want to RE-WIRE my brain.
I just trick my brain into feeling relaxed and good and then I toss a small poker session in there, ”btw just do this little thing also while you’re at it”.
So first session done. 100 hands. Feeling: Good/Excited/Content. No pain yet, but I'm ready for it.
I recently read that when we process smells in the nose it goes through the ”olfactory bulb” which has direct links to the memory and emotion functions; the amygdala and the hippocampus.
Should I work some kind of nice scent into my poker warmup - maybe the function of the yogi tea...
Today I had some processed food and sugar which is quite unusual for me. I get a stomach ache from that (maybe a blessing in this world) I felt frustrated and almost angry as it came on. What can we call that. Stomach tilt.
So I did some exercise, took that shower, prepared that tea, smelled it, did a confidence booster from Elliot that I bought years ago. Then I started my session and the feeling was quite nice. It wasn’t the poker it was actually having that whole loop to feel good and calm down the whole system. Anyone who has a stomach problem knows how that and stress really goes both ways. One gives the other.
I never did all of these things in such an orderly way after each other.
For studying I was reviewing preflop strategies vs different player types. And some standard preflop ranges. I'm on the preflop train right now.
Look up peppermint essential oil and focus. I use a blend with that and lemon, and it's a nice way to start the day.
Maybe it seems completely uninteresting right now but I have a good feeling about this project. If anyone wants to do it with me, feel free to contact me at any time. The project outline is in the first post.
I plan to update 1-2 times a week in the future and see this as a longterm thing.
A very cool thing happened here. I did a hypnosis to recall dreams before I went to sleep last night and then recalled 2,5 dreams in the morning :) (I usually don’t recall my dreams nowadays. Hence the attempt to change that.)
ryancarter Thank you! It sounds interesting! I have a thing for the scent of lemons as well. I have planted a few lemon trees here :) I didn't even know their scent can be stress relieving. Or I do feel that but did not expect it to be more generally "true". Looked it up just now. I'll try the pepparmint. I like how trying to find a hack in a poker routine, can impact the rest life as well. Have a nice day!
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