My PLO Journal

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My PLO Journal

Hello, I'm from Finland.

I've been playing PLO for about a half a year. I played no limit cash games before transitioning to PLO, but quit because 1) it was getting boring, and 2) it was getting tougher. I played 100k hands of breakeven PLO10 on iPoker, then moved to MGN because of the lower rake. The results have been promising so far:

Everytime I've reached 40 buy-ins for the next level, I've moved up and started shortstacking with 40bb at the higher level. Upside for this is that it lowers the risk of hitting a big downswing compared to your bankroll, but the downside is that it's considerably less profitable with shortstacking increasing the rake. Anyway, with that in mind, here are the results with 100bb stack (I also filtered out heads up hands - I lose in them because I can't keep it solid heads up because of my tilt issues).

That's the introduction. My goal is obviously to move higher, but I need to start working on my game more professionally. Most of my PLO knowledge comes from RIO videos and JNandez's twitch stream. The plan is to post hands and discuss hands here, buy Poker Juice and start reviewing the tough decisions, and maybe get some coaching.

That's that for now.


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Feynman 8 years, 5 months ago

Nice man. I've been wanting to learn PLO for a while but just never taken the jump and started. Will follow along — GL!

TimDog 8 years, 5 months ago

Good Luck!
I'm taking a similar route.. altough i like switching between NLH & PLO. But keeping NLH on a high level while getting better at PLO is very challenging and costs a lot of time.

I think the 40bb idea to take shots is good.. learning to play a shorter stack is really useful for other formats ( also i think most players dont know much about 40bb plo)

Zebbu 8 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for the good luck wishes to everybody!

October has been reasonably good, results so far:

A few thoughts.

1: I'm a big tilter. My biggest monkey tilt moments have always followed this formula: a) Run bad, lose 7-10 bins pretty fast, and get frustrated, b) win some of the money back, and start feeling a bit better, and then c) just when you are about to get break even, lose a big pot or two to regs who made a really bad play. This is probably an ego thing vs. regs, I don't tilt vs. recs, running bad vs. them is only frustrating. I've broken a few phones and mouses this year so far, and always felt greatly ashamed afterwards.

2: When a reg bets small in a spot where every bet is committing, he always has the nuts (compared to the SPR). For example a 4bet pot, SPR close to 1, board is 3c6cqh, he bets 1/3 pot - it's always AA with clubs. So I make supernitty folds.

Quido 8 years, 4 months ago

I recommend Jared Tendler's books for tilting if you haven't bought and read them already. Your results are great tbh. GJ.

Zebbu 8 years, 4 months ago

I've read the first Mental Game of Poker. Maybe it helped, I'm not sure, but mostly what helps to my tilt is playing enough so you get used to the swings - I used to play no limit before pretty tiltless since I got used to the usual no limit swings. However, in PLO the swings are much bigger and much more frequent, and I haven't really gotten used to them yet. I've managed to not let it affect too much my game - I just get extremely angry and occasionally break something.

Anyway, the biggest hand of today: set vs. set.

I think villain should pot-fold the turn, getting it in here with bottom set is a huge mistake. I'm not jamming any worse for value, probably only KK, even JJ I'd just call when he's betting 4way and K is on the board. And there are not many bluffs I could have. Even if I had for exaple AQT with NFD, I would probably just call and let other players in the pot. The only bluff raise that makes sense is maybe wrap + non nut FD (so someone with the NFD would have to fold after my raise). I shouldn't raise pot either, maybe to 35-40, so I'd have some more fold equity on the river if he calls my raise with a draw.

Quido 8 years, 4 months ago

I haven't read the second one personally, but have heard only positives about it. You might want to check that out. I also don't play PLO, so I can only imagine how tilting it can be since I get to often tilt just from playing NLHE.

antihero 8 years, 4 months ago

Hey Zebbu, cool thread, nice results. will follow!

Can you recommend any RIO vids/coaches that were most helpful for you when switching from NLHE to PLO?

Quido 8 years, 4 months ago

Though I don't play PLO there is a 'Transitioning to PLO' thread in the learning paths containing the following videos:§ion=Transitioning%20from%20NLHE%20to%20PLO§ion=Transitioning%20from%20NLHE%20to%20PLO§ion=Transitioning%20from%20NLHE%20to%20PLO

Zebbu 8 years, 4 months ago

Well, obviously you should start with the basics - and to me the basics were a) what hands to open, b) what to cold call and what to 3-bet, and c) when to c-bet.

I learned a lot of the basics from a Finnish coach named Kyyberi (not coaching on RIO though). He was very good at explaining things in an understandable way. After that I watched a lot of JNandez's Twitch stream. I think it's very helpful to see those small decisions over and over again, e.g. what he's opening, when he's giving up postflop etc. Obviously you should be thinking why he's doing what he's doing. So my recommendation is to watch a proven winning player play.

The best videos are however by far Phil Galfond's. When he's faced with a decision he usually starts with what would be the standard play, and should he decide to deviate from that, he always explains why and how.

So, to summarize: First, find videos where the coach explains not only what he's doing, but also why he's doing it. Second, watch a winning player play. And third, when you have the basics, watch Galfond videos, and start to move beyond the basics.

Zebbu 8 years, 4 months ago

Random thoughts.

There are spots where it's reasonable to fold K-high flushes on multiway flops to one bet: when a reg donks with players left to act on a multiway pot on a monotone board, he's almost always doing it with the NF or the NF blocker. So a K-high flush is a bluffcatcher. Therefore, If I am to continue, I need to assign him of range that has a lot of bare A blockers. And if he has coldcalled preflop, he has a lot of Ahigh suits, and very few bare blockers (especially true if he calls in the SB). What he has a lot of is suited KK, but since I have the K-high flush, he can't have that. So folding the flop without putting any money in will probably be the best play.

The same goes for playing 3bet pots vs. very tight 3betters: K-high flush is a bluffcatcher, since their range is mostly AA, with or without the suit. The difference is that combowise they will have more bare NF blockers, so calling down makes more sense. However, going for 3 streets yourself might be too thin, considering that they have very few smaller flushes in their range.

That's that. Bought a new computer, Acer Predator G3-710. Yey! Gonna make a new HUD soon.

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