My most recent and final experience on RedChipPoker

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My most recent and final experience on RedChipPoker

They absolutely begged me to start a sub there, totally ruined my game, and then this happened. When I canceled the sub (just minutes ago) they tried to sell me a book on poker math for $29.99.

I'm an essential subscriber here. Could someone look at that thread and what I'm going through and try to help me beat that network? I'll do anything you tell me to do but I do really think the best first step I could take was to get away from the guys at RCP.


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SemiFreddo 7 years, 8 months ago

Discussion gets violent pretty quick, ppl try to help you but you get right in the offence, chill out a bit dude. I know maybe its tough for you losing a few buyins and don't know what your mistakes are but just approach it with a little bit of patience.

I agree with what they are saying there. Only not the cbet succes stat,i think you can ignore that one, mostly dependent on the games you play.

Based on the stats your major leaks are:
- Way to high Fold vs 3bet
- Way to high Fold vs Steal.
- To low Won at Showdown
- To low Won when saw flop

My advice to you:
- Have a look and fix your defend vs 3bet ranges
- Fix your defend vs steal ranges

You are basically bleeding blinds folding so much to steals and 3bets.

Kalupso 7 years, 8 months ago

Stop engaging in blame. It doesn't help you in any way. The feedback you got looked genuine and if you want to get the best possible help from someone with expertise you need to get coaching. In forums you'll decent feedback at best. There are some coaches on 2+2 or other places that have reasonable rates for micro players, but no one likes to work with people that blames other people for not getting the success they'd like to get.

SemiFreddo 7 years, 8 months ago

Coaching is an option but not necessary to beat the micro's imo, there is tremendous value in the online strategy forums still some good posters out there. Essential RIO is insane value and there is so much stuff online that, if you do the work, allow you to beat micro's.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

Even your VPIP and PFR is too low. I really doubt someone else ruined your game. The most basic thing to do in order to beat micros is to open up a lot by stealing a lot and defending the blinds more, both in 3betting and CC% (calling more mostly from the BB, in fact, you can simplify your game to not call from the SB at all and 3bet your whole calling range as well).

With your stats posted you haven't done any of that, so unless somebody has specifically told you not to steal and defend your blinds you haven't done any relevant work in terms of your game.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

Yes...they specifically said that my VPIP and PFR, even when it was like 27/22/7, was way too high. I repeatedly get into bloated pots with marginal holdings on the turn and river because I'm playing too many hands and that's what everyone has said. You want me to go and play more hands while on a 15 BI downswing?

I have to be honest, guys: I posted that thread on a few forums and this is the only one that didn't like that the training site got blamed. They didn't help at all, offered absolutely no specific advice, and just trolled the thread. If you guys think that's acceptable out of a paid site, I guess this isn't the place for me either. As said, everywhere else thought RCP's behavior was abhorrent there.

The fact is that I go long, long stretches with absolutely nothing to play with. When someone says "your VPIP/PFR is too low" I wonder if they want me to play the HUD or play my position and cards. Should I just start opening hands at a table because I haven't yet? Regardless of what I have? What about postflop? Bet turns and river with middle pair? They're 3betting at like 10-15% on average there and if I was to call what they're advocating on RCP (50% call 3b???) I would be down another 10 BI's.

Stealing blinds? Defending blinds? At 2NL? Once again, yes - Everyone was absolutely emphatic that this is how you bleed money. Now you're saying I should risk 3-4 bb's to win 1 OOP more often? Why?

I mean, if I was dealt 72o 3,000 hands in a row (for argument sake), should my VPIP/PFR still be higher than it is? Just open hands because I haven't in a while?

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

Yes...they specifically said that my VPIP and PFR, even when it was like 27/22/7, was way too high. I repeatedly get into bloated pots with marginal holdings on the turn and river because I'm playing too many hands and that's what everyone has said.
If someone specifically said 27/22/7 is worse than 20/15/4, they were terribly wrong. Nevertheless, the second part of your statement is a non sequitur. You can still be playing wider pre-flop without bloating the pot post-flop.

You want me to go and play more hands while on a 15 BI downswing?
You have lamented about how small is your sample, so if you think your actual numbers would differ, then it would only make sense to play more hands before posting something like this.

I have to be honest, guys: I posted that thread on a few forums and this is the only one that didn't like that the training site got blamed. They didn't help at all, offered absolutely no specific advice, and just trolled the thread. If you guys think that's acceptable out of a paid site, I guess this isn't the place for me either.
We are mere members of a forum, you are not paying any of us, so don't expect us to treat you with privilege, we are also players and not coaches.

The fact is that I go long, long stretches with absolutely nothing to play with. When someone says "your VPIP/PFR is too low" I wonder if they want me to play the HUD or play my position and cards. Should I just start opening hands at a table because I haven't yet?
Well, obviously you have to play more hands to achieve a higher VPIP. Your ranges are too tight.

What about postflop? Bet turns and river with middle pair?
You should not be betting weak made holdings, you should be checking those. That is among the very basics of NLHE. I'd recommend Doug Polk's post-flop plan if you have problems understanding that, though it seems a bit overpriced at this moment, I think it used to be 7 bucks. You should be willing to invest a little bit in the beginning of your poker career though. Don't worry if you lose a few bucks here and there early on, we all did.

They're 3betting at like 10-15% on average there and if I was to call what they're advocating on RCP (50% call 3b???) I would be down another 10 BI's.
I kind of doubt they are, though the more they 3bet, the more you should be calling, as their 3betting range is weaker. So folding to 3bet when villain's 3betting range is very tight a little over 60% (though certainly not over 65%) would not be a problem as if their 3betting range was as wide as you claim.

Stealing blinds? Defending blinds? At 2NL? Once again, yes - Everyone was absolutely emphatic that this is how you bleed money. Now you're saying I should risk 3-4 bb's to win 1 OOP more often? Why?
You should realize the reason people advocate stealing a lot at micros is the fact people don't defend enough. Logically then you probably should be stealing with as little of a sizing as possible, which would be around 2-2.5x.

I mean, if I was dealt 72o 3,000 hands in a row (for argument sake), should my VPIP/PFR still be higher than it is? Just open hands because I haven't in a while?
Your sample is indeed very low, but that was your choice to show only a very small sample, not mine.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago§ion=Postflop%20Play

I've always liked Lucas' material and this video was great, too. I did wind up realizing my equity more by allowing myself to get to showdown. That's part of what I'm afraid of by betting turn/riv's with marginal hands - The second I show any weakness past that point, I wind up contending with a difficult like 65% pot bet that I almost have to call but almost always know I'm beat, too.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

@ Quido: Thanks for your most recent post. A lot of this is mental for me, of course. I definitely read too deeply into short term results and I know this has to stop. I'm working on it.

As for losing some money: I expect that. I have and I will lose more. I have no problem investing, though. I have PT4, DriveHUD, Power Equilab, Flopzilla, and CardrunnersEV. I thought for 2 through 10NL, an actual PIOSolver wasn't worth it's price right now and CREV has GTO solver built in now, too.

It's interesting you mentioned the Postflop Gameplan because I almost purchased that a few weeks ago and went with the RCP trial instead. I was hesitant to try them out because they seem to focus largely on live poker and I'm playing online micros. It's just not a match. I'll pick up the Gameplan later on.

My issue with RCP was that they offered conflicting, ideological, and non specific advice. It really was no different than being on 2p2. Further, a lot of people there admitted that they themselves win @ live poker but can't win online. This just further supplanted my concerns about their material. RIO has always been top quality and as I wrote in another thread earlier, the value on the Essential for $10/mo is more than generous.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

When it comes down to coaching sites, RIO > all, though Doug Polk's site seems to offer some interesting courses.

SemiFreddo 7 years, 8 months ago

Ok i was not aware its a paid forum, based on the feedback they have given you there id say its not really worth much. You could have gotten that feedback here for free : )
Now it sounds like they tried to help you before this thread and i don't know how in dept that was, and the site probably has videos or whatever so idk if its worth anything.

But their feedback is correct, those things are leaks of you and you should fix them.
Its sounds like you don't believe it, you think defending more, playing more hands will make you lose more, defending more to 3bet will make you lose more.
But its pretty simple math to make it clear that folding 80% to 3bets is not a good strategy, they profit on 3betting you with any 2 cards. Same with your fold to steal. No good winning player has those stats even close!

Why are you asking for feedback if you are not willing to listen to it ?
You act like you know it all and the feedback is surely wrong.
Its fine to question it, but then try to figure out why they are right or wrong.

Lets look at math ok. You open in Small blind for 3bb, i 3bet you to 9bb.
I risk 8bb to win 3bb+1bb -> 8/(8+3+1)=66% which means i auto profit if you fold 66% of the time. I can 3bet you with 32o and only invest more $ postflop when i hit 2p+ and it will be hugely +EV. Normally i fold this hand and i lose money, now i 3bet and i win money from you that is a huge huge difference.

I think you need to be a bit more willing to listen to feedback and open for suggestions otherwise i think there is not much point in asking.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

afaik it was not a paid forum and OP did not even buy the regular membership, he just had the free trial and canceled his subscription afterwards

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

What actually happened was that I took the free trial and during it, a glitch on their end canceled the renewal. I didn't want to sign up again and get double billed. If you look on their forum, this is a recurring issue they have with new subscribers. They apologized extensively and offered a 3 week trial for $15 and then $50 recurring after that point. I was on week 2 of the 3 week for $15 trial when I canceled (last night).

Further, if you look at their software "Flop Falcon" for $40, you will see that even they admit that it's glitch ridden and will offer a full refund if people aren't satisfied. There are nothing but complaints about the product in it's own sub forum on their site.

Lastly, it's not a big deal or anything but I don't think it's appropriate to try and sell another product to someone after they just decided to cancel their subscription to your main product. I mean, you can't see the irony in them offering a book on poker math for $29.99 when I just canceled a sub to their site that would have cost me $50 a month? Of all subjects: Math? I just thought that solidified my decision to not move forward with their monthly plan.

On a side note: Half of the posts on there are FILLED with grammar and spelling errors. I'm obviously going to question the credibility of someone who can't read and write properly.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

Just a side note. The grammar and spelling errors probably come from non-native speakers, as online poker has been becoming more of a non-American thing after Black Friday. That does not mean these people can't have credible views regarding the strategy of NLHE.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

Oh, no believe me: I post on PokerStrategy all the time and there are a lot of non native English speakers. That's not my issue. My issue is with a 40+ year old man from the Midwest who literally wouldn't get through 2nd grade. I'm not trying to be a jerk but...he really wouldn't. It's just hard for me to imagine that he's a deeply complex, thinking player when he admits he can't beat the same games I can't beat and also has the literary shortcomings that he does.

BackFromDagobah 7 years, 8 months ago

The guy came, told everybody that Poker in the US wasn't dead. He said there was easy printable money to be made on ACR then ask what softwares he should use between CREV(+solver) or PIO etc. He was pumped. We could see it through his post. He was about to crush NL2 on ACR and literally print money.

Then this came :

And after that this:

Some very good players tried to give him advices but everytime it was because our advices were poor.

But the best thing as you'll see in the links i provided, is that he really believes that ACR is rigged and that 2/5 Live players can't beat NL2 there. 2 or 3 players showed him small sample where they were beating NL2 on ACR but it wasn't enough.

The game was rigged.

Take a look at those links and enjoy.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

Winning @ 5bb/100 over 3k hands on BetOnline and breaking even on WPN since I got away from these guys. It was instant.

The fact is that the essential here and the gold at are both less than your sub (considerably) and both better. I wouldn't expect someone to make a decision based upon this thread, just like I wouldn't expect them to not buy Flop Falcon just because everyone on your own forums says it's borked. People need to see for themselves. Good luck selling those subs to those short, vague, live poker heavy videos for $50 a month. That's your business, not mine at this point. I'm already back on track and happy with moving my game in the right direction. Those guys from Europe know 10x more about the cutting edge theory than you American live players do. It's laughable how you're literally like 5 years behind them.

Quido 7 years, 8 months ago

Reading those threads I see your strategy was extremely outdated. You sure could not beat Stars playing 15/10 at 2NL zoom. It looks like you have started adjusting your ranges from your other post so good luck!

I do think RIO is one of the only truly great choices when it comes down to training websites. Doug Polk's site is a bit more expensive but it is supposed to be very beginner friendly and he seems like an honest bloke.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

Just to add to this: I don't think WPN is rigged. After just like what..30 hours (?) with a few of the guys over at I've realized that I didn't even understand the point of the cash game, discovered that everything I thought was profitable was unprofitable in today's game, and developed ranges and playing strategies that puts me in a position to just inject my winrate with steroids by getting into good implied odds situations and avoiding numerous reverse implied odds situations. As said, I've actually ran bad with a handful of stack + sized coolers in those 3k hands and I'm still winning at 5 bb/100. I have a plan, goals, people to support me. gave me all of that in less than a day and a half. RCP couldn't even get through my trial without there being billing issues. You can find that discussion, as well as their apology, on their forums, too.

As said, make your own decision but these guys are just not worth $50/mo IMO. They really don't have a clue.

BackFromDagobah 7 years, 8 months ago

I do not usually hang my feet in a thread but I think it deserves it.

I can not feel liars, people who reject blame on everyone else when things do not work and who are not able to take responsibility for their mistakes. As if all was theirs.

People who want the easy way as if it were theirs.

It is important to understand that SetMineUrAss gives his version of the facts greatly improved in his favor. And ironically who is it to say that RCP members have no ideas when he has none at all.

How ironic.

Here are the best quotes :

June 22
"I've been studying a ton lately while also putting in several thousand hands this month. When I do narrow my material, I'm going to flip to more volume and less study for a bit because I'm already winning on WPN and BOL and in reality, a lot of the micros focused study material is really basic to me at this point."
Link :

June 27
"I'm playing and studying full time, beating 2NL on WPN @ +3 bb/100, and crushing 4NL on BOL. I'm getting ready to take shots above on both networks."
Link :

July 5 th
"Down 7 BI's in the last ~500 hands. I just can't believe this is still happening to me at 2NL on this network."

"I've said it before, heard others say it before, and I'm going to say it here again: Earning a profit @ 2NL on WPN has been the most challenging thing I've ever attempted in my entire life."
Link :

July 5 th
"I really can't believe this is happening again but this is what happens every single time I play. I'm KILLING myself here for 6 weeks, my numbers look good, I'm studying like crazy and plugging my leaks, I have huds, all sorts of software, notes on villain, subs to sites like this one, etc ...and I'm getting crushed at over -50bb/100 this month."

"I really don't know what to say except that I have never been able to win on here and this is why I've kept quitting the game for a while in the past.

"And I'm still totally lost in half of the hands postflop? How can it be that hard @ 2NL?"
Link :

JULY 6 th
"Double is a little ridiculous over 13k hands or so but I've never, ever been above lol. Not once in 3+ years now."

"Again, should 2NL really be more difficult than learning foreign languages, acting, sales, sports, dating, and life in general? For me it is."

"Guys: 3+ years of studying, playing, reviewing, everything. I can't win a $1 @ 2NL on this network."

" I've never, ever seen a winning cash game graph from WPN. Just saw people write "I'm winning on it". Never any proof."

"Anyone ever seen a winning graph from WPN cash games? How could one be so hard to find? It's poker, not a house game. Why is nobody winning? As for the guy who won 10 BI's today: And he'll lose it all back to someone else tomorrow. Nobody winds up with any net profit, dude. Nobody. I have a database full of people just being robbed by a rigged site."
Link :

Then he stated that he was crushing NL5 and NL10 on other networks and when pressured to show a graph he showed a 4K hands sample where he was winning 1.27BB/100.

And when peoples told him the sample was too small this is his response. As you see, he is really ready to take the challenge of learning how to beat online Poker :

"LOL - You're out of your mind. You guys are totally delusional. YOU do realize that to 99.99% of the world, they'd laugh in your face if you told them 1k hands of poker is a "small sample size". Whether you like it or not, your game is dying because the world isn't stuck in 1979 anymore. There are other things to do. Nobody is going to sit and play a strategy game for right - even a week - getting fucked out of what they legitimately earned. You want them to do it for 10, 20, 30...even 100k hands without losing patience or interest in the game. There is NO ROOM for that kind of a game in 2017."

"??? Me???! You were playing 10k hands of online poker a week at one point and you're questioning MY mental health?
You're fucking NUTS if you think anyone but maybe...I dunno, .0001% of the population is going to do that today LOL.

Link :

THE FINAL ACT (The Meltdown)

"But, dude - If it's that difficult to beat 2NL, there's something seriously wrong here. And I told you, even the guys sitting with big sessions are overall losers. I can't find a winner anywhere in my database. How can almost everyone be losing?
I've played on that network for over three years now and never once has the green line been above the yellow line. That's not variance - That's extremely suspicious.

"I'll go back over to BetOnline. I'm sorry but, I'm steadily improving here and only getting worse on WPN. I was shutting tables down @ 4NL on BetOnline the other night. Guys saying "he's too good, everyone just fold". "

"Why don't you see how suspicious it is that players (it's not just me - people have complained about this on 2p2 for years but they just lock/delete the threads) who are studying, putting in tons of volume, and paying training sites like this one, can't win a penny over the course of years and only on one site?"

"Has anyone ever seen a winning cash game graph from WPN? I bet you can't find one. The micros are virtually unbeatable and used as a feeding ground for the bigger depositors who only make money via The Beast. Nobody actually profits via their winrate. Go look into it yourselves."

"The fact is that I was winning at over 4bb/100 before I signed up for this site."

He showed a 4K sample at 1.27BB/100 remember

"The problem is that this is how the online game is (rigged to shit) "

Link :

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

I don't think any of that novel is going to save RCP from going under but it was a nice attempt anyway. Perhaps that effort and energy should have been put into helping members on your site or even improving the site itself. The fact that you're creating only 1-2 videos per week, charging more than almost everyone else, and have the time to sit and defend your site on this site, shows everyone (IMO) why RCP is just not worth $50/mo. Your forums were unbelievably tilting and instead of getting me back on track when I was clearly having a mental lapse, you just made it worse because you were more concerned about arguing with me and defending yourselves than helping me.

As said, I went over to, posted that thread, and asked for help. I've received tons. If you think I'm even the same player I was last week, you're quite wrong. All it took was someone to care about my progress and spend a few hours going over some stuff with me.

People see everything that occurred and they can do whatever they want with their money. I just don't think they should spend it on RedChipPoker. These are live poker players who don't even play professionally just looking to make a buck off the online market. That's it.

BackFromDagobah 7 years, 8 months ago

RCP is not my site, i don't own anything. I'm a member of a tight community who don't like when liars like you do what you do.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

A tight community? Not sure what that means but I'm not a liar and everything is there for everyone to see. Why you're still totally and completely wasting your time on this is beyond me. Once again, I thought you RCP guys had good mental game? This is how you're going to spend your Thursday night?

I'm studying, playing, and discussing 20 hours a day. I'll see you live poker clowns out in Vegas in about 3-6 months tops.

BackFromDagobah 7 years, 8 months ago

"I'm studying, playing, and discussing 20 hours a day. I'll see you live poker clowns out in Vegas in about 3-6 months tops."

Cool, i'll order you a drink.

BackFromDagobah 7 years, 8 months ago

The thing is he got a very large gap between his last post on RIO in 2014 and this year. 3 Years with zip.

I scrolled through his post and he had the same pattern when he started to post on RCP then he had here. Asking for softwares, asking for a RCP PT4 skin for his replayer (He did the same in here in 2014). And multiple others posts very similar.

I find this very weird. Maybe OP have very high up and very low down if you know what i mean. Once every 2 or 3 years he suddenly wake up and want to make a living playing online poker.

Deactivated User 7 years, 8 months ago

You're really spending your time analyzing my posting history and patterns? That's truly unbelievable. Talk about a very low down. That's DEFINITELY going to help you improve your game.

You spent your whole Thursday night obsessing over this thread and here we are beginning your Friday night the same way. You must have a lot of good things going on in your world, man.

Ninjah 7 years, 7 months ago

@setmineurass (copied from RCP) - Here is the 10,000 hands that I promised you on WPN at 2NL. This was my first time ever playing 2NL but I was inspired by you to show that it can be beaten since you came on here and said that it was "rigged and unbeatable". I'm not a RCP coach or owner (as you like to assume everyone is), heck, I don't even have a PRO membership here. I'm just an average poker player.

You see that downswing around 3k hands? It was a 10 buy-in drop and despite that I managed to have a high win rate. You know why, Joseph? I reviewed my own hands and found that I was overplaying in several situations. I didn't jump onto a forum and whine about how the site was rigged and unbeatable. I didn't ask for help and then attack anyone who tried to help by calling them idiots and telling them that they had no clue what they were talking about (as you did). I found my leaks, addressed them, and pulled myself out of the hole. I had to make adjustments, which is what the game of poker is all about. These players definitely play different than what I'm used to, but they are trying to hand you their just got to know how to take it from them.

I would love to see how you're currently doing on WPN, assuming that you didn't quit the network since it's "unbeatable". I will be posting this on RIO as well since you creating an account there and started blindly hating on RCP. I feel obligated to defend RCP from people like you because the coaches and some of the players on the site are the exact reason why I'm a winning player. I owe my success to them because of the guidance and help that they have provided me over the last year. They helped me not only understand the basic ideas of the game, but how to take my game to the next level as well.

Quido 7 years, 7 months ago

2NL is obviously quite beatable, and I am also quite sure PS zoom tables would be tougher than this. It is really the first time I have heard anyone claim WPN is somehow difficult.

p0ker_n00b 7 years, 6 months ago

You have a lot to learn, young grasshopper.
I would say that even with your leaks, which overall, are obviously bad - I think you still should be able to crush 2NL with those leaks because everyone else is going to be so bad.

Really all you need to do to beat 2NL is learn to value bet vs fish and stack them and to not spew vs regs.

2NL is softer than melted butter. If you aren't beating it, you are the problem.

And when I say you, I mean your attitude. You seem to come off as someone who believe they are the grim reaper and variance should be afraid of THEM, not the other way around.

It would actually be a good lesson for you to continue suffering at 2NL for another 100,000 hands and then you'll see why your sample size provided is (lol) tiny as F.

But I don't wish harm upon you, I'm sure deep down you are a good person, you just come off as emotionally aggressive and psychologically immature. And I say this because I used to be the same. Then 10 years later I grew up.

Listen more. Shut up more. Stop whining so much. You are not special, you are just another 2NL loser. Repeat these words in the mirror every day and you will get to 5NL.

Deactivated User 7 years, 6 months ago

Yeah, see the problem is that your entire post was a waste of time and space. Did you see the dates on these original posts? The thread was deader than a door nail. I've been playing 4NL, 5NL, and 5NLz this month. Everything you read here, and everything you commented on, is completely outdated. And no, I didn't get to 5NL by looking in the mirror and telling myself I'm a piece of shit. That's not how I did it.

For you to read a few poker posts from me and then attempt to deduce my entire personality structure is absolutely the definition of immaturity. Perhaps YOU should learn a little about sample sizes when dealing with other people. You're also just another nobody who doesn't get paid to write his opinions so basically - You post on the forums for your own personal entertainment. Nobody's reading your garble.

Classic, classic narcissism and immaturity to come and necro an old thread like this just so you could drop your two pennies into the hat. That's really all your opinion is worth - one big blind at 2NL.

You could have at least read my RCP profile posts before posting to see if anything has changed. Quite a bit has. The fact is that the only posts of mine I see any responses to are this one where people attempt to troll me. Perhaps when RIO raised it's pricing, it should have told people that the quality of the forums has decreased here and there are a lot of trolls. I mean, some of you spend 3/4 of every day on here. Obviously you're not playing much poker.

Deactivated User 7 years, 6 months ago

Of course not. You wrote it for yourself. That's the point. You came back to the thread hoping to find someone still wallowing in 2NL with severe mental game leaks and found someone who's been working on them tremendously and received a lot of help from the RCP poster in this very thread. You have RIO idiots here saying that they've never, ever heard of WPN being considered difficult when the pro who played 10k hands there himself went through a 10 BI downswing at one point and admitted that the players on WPN "play differently than I've seen anywhere else". You guys just ignore all of that because you have one goal here: To troll. You're just wasting your time while other people are being productive.

These forums are starting to resemble 2p2 a little bit.

p0ker_n00b 7 years, 6 months ago

Listen more. Shut up more. Stop whining so much. You are not special, you are just another 5NL loser. Repeat these words in the mirror every day and you will get to 10NL.

You're acting like you are Rocky Balboa who just took down Ivan Drago in Rocky 4. You are not Rocky and beating 2NL is not equivalent to beating Ivan Drago. You're still that runt in the boxing class that keeps getting beat up by that other kid who is half your size.

GL on your journey.

Deactivated User 7 years, 6 months ago

I have absolutely no idea where you get this notion that I think I'm Rocky Balboa, and then I get even more confused when Ivan Drago gets thrown into the equation. Dude, really - let this one go. You're pumping a dry well here. I did shut up, listen more, and stop whining. If you would have not just shown up to the thread a month + late and posted without reading and understanding first, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Being able to communicate effectively is far more important than one's poker skills and on that front, perhaps you could benefit from a few "mirror moments" yourself. GL to you on your journey towards literacy and a semblance of intellect.

At least we can finally put this one to rest.

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