My Journey to 5k and WSOP 2014!!!

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My Journey to 5k and WSOP 2014!!!

Hey RIO Gang how's it going?  This is the start of my journey to turning $400 into $5,000 before June 25th 2014. I will go over this in more detail later as well as many other details. I think the best place to start probably is to give a little bit about myself.

So a little bit about myself and my reasons for this thread. I’m a 29 year who lives in Tennessee (about 6 hours from Tunica MS)…I have been playing poker for about 7 years off and on and just recently came back from a 3 year break about 6 months ago. I play on Bovada due to being in America and it being the only place I know you can get your money without any issues…I have had a fair amount of success in the past 6 months playing without any BR management or true understanding for what it takes to have LONG TERM SUCCESS at poker.  But the truth is my success isn’t long lived bc I always jump up in stakes and chase my losses and one may(always does) cost me my whole BR.  This is a long journey and I need to get on it now so I can hopefully continue to grow and be ready to dominate when online poker comes back to the US again. I want to print money one day too.(Part of my problem here) Want it too fast!!! I am not a Pro obviously and luckily I have a great job with Verizon Wireless and they were kind enough to let me of 9 STRAIGHT DAYS!!!

Also the big exciting plan is to come out to Vegas and mostly play cash games. I will be flying out on Friday June 27th and returning July 4th probably. I am planning on making around 4k playing online during the time I have between now and when I leave. I hope to bring around 5k with me on the trip and I already have 2k put away so I think my goal is very doable(yes I know this doesnt make 5k, just wanted a cushion.) This blog/journal is going to be my motivation to keep grinding and meet up with you guys in the RIO Lounge when I make it out there. I am very excited to get to know you guys and meet up and have a few beers. I know I can do this as I have already proven with my results without any coaching or BR management. Also, I now have a coach who holds me accountable to my limits I am playing.  I actually have a side bet with him that if I play higher than we have agreed upon then I owe him $100. He downloads my hands so he knows. That's such a huge help to me as you will soon see. He is also an amazing coach who I would recommend to anyone who is not a beginner but thinks they know whats going on. He is very math based and thinks really hard about the game.

Right now I play around 15 hours per week and I am currently at 50NL playing 4 tables and averaging a total of about 250 hands/hr. A 5bb/100 win rate is easy and realistically a 7bb/100 is more like it for any thinking player on Bovada. I do plan on moving up to 100NL when my BR gets to around $1500 and my BR is already at 1k right now. I started this about a week ago and ran well in a couple of smaller tourneys.  :)

*If things go amazing and I make it to my 4k goal realy early then I will move up to 200NL if I feel its a safe thing to do.

I plan on posting in here at least 5 times per week to give updates so you guys hold me to that please. I also hope to meet some good RIO people in here the next few months and move my membership up to Elite and see you guys in VEGAS BABY!!!

P.S. You guys must be lucky bc I won $60 1 tabling in the 15 minutes  it took to type this out.

Thank you in advance for all the support and help I'm sure I will get from this post.


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