My Journal: NLHE, Discussion, Mental Game of Poker, Self-Development. From mediocre to GREAT!

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My Journal: NLHE, Discussion, Mental Game of Poker, Self-Development. From mediocre to GREAT!


Me and long story short:

I'm 19,5 years old, I'm from Finland, and I came here to learn. I have played poker for around 4 years, started playing freerolls and stuff like that after seeing Full Tilt commercials on TV. I got instantly hooked, and I even managed to make a couple of bucks playing freerolls and micro sng's with the money I won from freerolls. Then I finally deposited 50 dollars on pokerstars, and started playing cash games. I tried Sit 'n gos and MTT's along the way, but at some point I decided to focus on cash games. I managed to win some money and move up to NL20-NL50 area. Won some money, withdrawed some, changed site a couple of times, moved up to NL50, and even NL100 at one point, then lost some, then withdraw some, back to NL25, then won some, back to NL50 and so on and so on. Right now I'm starting at NL50 again and trying to stop this cycle, and move to the next level.

Obviously I have learned a lot along the way, and I feel like I am a pretty good player right now. I have to work on my work ethic though, because I tend to be very lazy and I'm kind of addicted to comfort.

RIO has helped me a lot. Content is super good and forums are nice. I really like to use forums and discuss about hands and strategies because I really like to talk about poker and it forces me to think and expand my views and improve as a player. You will continue seeing me here on forums! :)

Goal(s) for May 2015:

I will play 100k hands at NL50, playing four zoom tables. 1k hands takes around 1 hour, so I have to play 100 hours. That's around 25 days of playing, 4 hours per day. It is doable, but like I said, I'm kind of a comfort addict and lazy person, so I might have to force myself at times.

I will try to make 2k dollars. I know, monetary goals are not optimal, because short-term variance can be a bitch, but it's just more like a thought that 2k dollars would be possible, and it is there to motivate me a bit more. I don't mind if I don't reach this goal, but it is inspiring to think that it is very possible to reach if I don't run awfully. 2bb/100 winrate and 100k hands is 1k dollars, and 100k hands is approximately 63k fpp's for me (I'm supernova), which is a little over 1k dollars. That would be 2k!

I will keep posting on these forums and watch videos. RIO must be the best site for learning poker, and I will take advantage of that!

Final words:

Alright, here we go! I will post on this journal whenever I feel like, most likely almost daily. I will post some graphs, some hands, questions, ideas, videos and whatever I come up with, and I encourage you to ask questions, discuss and leave your comments about anything! Like I said I like to talk about poker (other things too)!


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