My friend was scammed trying to back: Andres Garces Mario Higueras
Posted by Daz
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Beats & Brags
My friend was scammed trying to back: Andres Garces Mario Higueras
Further investigations reveals he has scammed others.
I'm sure we should have a 'security' thread, that allows players to check up whether the person they want to back has a record of criminal activity
mejo67 (Mario Higueras)
Lima, Peru location:
Most of their posts are IP matched
Roommates or one person? - mejo67 and andres84 and Evangelion67
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How do people with no BR get backers? How do people trust ? :)
I think it makes more sense to back someone for LIVE games where you have met them and know where they live. OR for players that already beat low/mid stakes but need a bankroll buffer for slightly higher limits. What player would you really want to back that needs extra to beat the micros OR low stakes MTT/SNG etc
Having said that it is indeed about trust. You WANT to believe its for mutual best interest
My friend is a professional player that wants to begin other businesses (like me) and for him backing players seemed like the most obvious next step. Unfortunately, this happened, at least it didn't cost him too much to find out. I saw players backed for much larger sums and getting duped.
What does your friend earn from that? He get a certain percentage of the profit and maybe once a month you look up numbers and the backer gets paid ? If its not the right time for quedtions pls say :)
I believe the deal was 50/50 on profits/rakeback, long-term deal of 6months to a year. Backer was aiming to play 100k-160k hands per month and included graphs etc
Okay sorry to hear about the scam.
100K+ hands live? Is he 8-tabling real life Zoom or something?
My advice would be to never back someone without a contract. I'm going to look to swap some action too for live games in the summer, but not without insurance that you won't get screwed over. Too many shady people to trust your money to.
lol no, his 100k hands was online of course. I was thinking that its easier to setup contracts face-to-face.
But do contracts really help out in case you need to sue someone? I think it all comes down to trust even with a contract.. a contract would just be to make it clear what the deal is.
I've done some staking as well and been rolled 3 times, I'm still having overall positive roi from staking but it's mainly due to a lucky first month with one of the horses winning several MTT's.. otherwise I'm about breakeven on the minus side thanks to the rollers.
The problem is that there is so many stables and backers out there, very high competition so it's not easy to find good horses.
I don't have any choice but to stake some riskier players with good potential by starting them out in the micros and letting them climb fast (I try to move them up the first couple months after they have send back enough profits to make it breakeven for me to increase the stake I send them in case they roll me, I'll still be around breakeven).
I would also suggest for staking because IMO it's the best site because of the whole system they got going with their website is designed for staking and they have a badge system so horses with a DNS badge for example can't be staked and is #1 result if you google someones screen name so it's easy for all sites to see if someone has a DNS on PtP.
I'm your guy!
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