My first month @ 50nl (not bad)
Posted by arizonabay
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My first month @ 50nl (not bad)
So this was the first month I tried 50nl - I was worried the games were going to be MUCH tougher than 25nl. Then I started playing and a lot of the same regs from 25nl were there. Then Carbon "merged" player pools and then there was MORE fish around than ever. Been a fun journey started out playing $1 tournies and then moved to strictly cash. Started @ 10nl and used a very nitty bankroll management and have worked my way to 50nl. Hopefully will be taking shots @ 100nl next month. Thanks RIO! Things haven't been all smooth sailing but really I cannot complain.
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vn, gl @ nl100
Thank You - Will try to stay fairly active on the updates - good, bad, and ugly
Gotta love Carbon. GJ, keep crushing!
Nice graph - I'm going to take my first real attempt at playing for a living, starting at 25nl to blow off the rust then hopefully move on up if my win rate is good. I hope to have a graph like this every month - well played sir/maddame :D
Thank you and good luck. I found the jump from nl10 to nl25 to much more difficult than the one from nl25 to nl50 but this might be attributed to run good @ nl50 to start.
Thanks for the insight :D - I might even move back down to 10nl for a bit - really really rusty, better to make mistakes at low levels :D What did you find were the major differences between levels? I haven't really noticed too much apart from people just raise dry board relentlessly at 25nl compared to 10nl.
From 10 to 25 (merge), basically the games got more aggro in general and there was better regs. For me the main difference was the size of stacks. One stack was 2.5x my previous stack. Real world money its not that big of a difference but in game for me it felt HUGE. Took me a while to get used to it because it took me soooo long to build a roll for 25nl @ 10nl that I was scared I would have to go back to nl10. Obviously mental game issues that I have had to work hard on.
Very impressive. It seems like you have killing it! Obviously you have had a few downswings but you seem to be able to turn them around rather fast. Guess you are pretty good at handling tilt-issues. ;) Congratulations on your success and GL at NL100! :D
Thanks, I appreciate it. Usually I handle tilt well (better than some anyways). But I did have a recent episode of tilt. But I try to fight tilt with logic.
That's usually a good thing to do. On that note I think it was in one of Sam Lang's vids where he talked about how he used to tilt and how he got better at handling tilt and coolers by thinking to himself that it is actually silly to get annoyed if you lose a 80/20 because in a way you get mad because the math is in your favor and you still lose. Thus he looked at it as if he got angry with math which made him laugh at himself. Hope this is not too blurry and you get the point. ;)
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