mtt instructor

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mtt instructor

Can we please get at least one MTT instructor that uses a HUD and have at least some knowledge about ICM? The variance is so tremendous that you can't base your coaches after results only. Maybe run it once could start recruiting players that are good theory wise and not just explo run good players that constantly makes minus ev plays.

No offense 2 the current ones, your vids are surely very educational for a lot of the players signing up here, but just feel that the site needs different style-type of players 2 make it appealing for a wider audience.

Best regards


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mike 12 years, 2 months ago
as a long time cash grinder who has been working on his MTT game the past month or so I have been very surprised to see lots of MTT crushers on this site and other guys who never use a HUD.

as far as RIO coaches i am interested in listening to guys who have 1) crushed the games for years 2) who can explain themselves well. if they think it is important to talk about HUDs and/or ICM i am happy to listen :)
Justin Marsh 12 years, 2 months ago
Yea the HH reviews without a HUD are pretty lame. Even if the coaches don't use a HUD while they play, we don't get to see every hand. We don't get to see the timings. It's hard to know how anyone at the table is playing in a HH review without giving us a HUD.

Grayson, Jono, James, Steve, David, and Bryan all have HH review videos where they don't use a HUD but also don't show us all the hands either so we as viewers have little information on how people at the table are playing. HH reviews can be run through PT or HM with HUD stats so viewers can get a good grasp of how the table is playing. Even if they don't run a HUD while they normally play, running the review with a few stats would go a long way in improving the quality and usefulness of the videos.

I keep having people ask me "Hows the RIO MTT training?" and I have to keep having to tell them 'mehhh, its ok'.
Dan Quinn 12 years, 2 months ago
Hi Justin,

I'm interested what you think about showing every hand versus only isolating certain spots in the MTT replayer videos. Would you rather see every hand (like Emmons first series) and just have the coach flick through everything he doesn't play?

Regarding HUD stats, I can't see any downside to including HUD stats in every MTT replay. We'll work on getting everyone over to HEM or PT replays going forward.

Justin Marsh 12 years, 2 months ago
I don't really expect the guys to go through every single hand. While its awesome, I just don't see most MTTers reviewing that way. I think it's great though and would love to see a series with deep hand analysis. This is part of what makes James videos so good (too bad it's only one every other week :( ).

I did a sample video for an article trying to explain what 'going over every hand' meant: Clearly this would be tough to do for an entire tournament, but it could make for an interesting series. "Hand 100 to 200 of my X tournament win". The series doesn't even need to end with the maker at the final table; we all know how rare that actually is.

Emmons 'flick through every hand' at least gives us the option of following the table action. +1 for HUDs tho.

mike 12 years, 2 months ago
showing every hand would just waste so much time. right now for me it helps to see every hand they played because i am newbie at MTTs. that said as i get better at understanding "standard" ranges i think this will be a big time killer as it doesn't add any value to know that coach will jam 10bb with KK in MP or some obvious play

if coaches are explaining reads where it matters i don't think it makes much difference to show HUD or not :)

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