MTT Bankroll Building Challenge / Life Balance / Rediscovering Motivation
Posted by puff_tuesday
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Poker Journals
MTT Bankroll Building Challenge / Life Balance / Rediscovering Motivation
As you probably guessed from the title, I have lost a lot of the motivation I used to have for poker. I have been playing poker for a living for a few years now and recently took a 3/4 month break. I am currently living in a different city every few months and a combination of just having a laptop and Couchsurfing making it too easy to go out for beers, has not helped with the motivation.
I have played as high as $50 ABI, so the challenge is to get back there by the end of the year whilst withdrawing $2k per month for expenses/savings. I will start with a $5k bankroll and play at around a $10 ABI. I will be playing just off peak as I really don't think its possible to have a good life balance grinding peak time and being up all night (I write this at 7am having been up all night).
Poker Goals:
~ 1000 games a month (500 for Feb as we start halfway through)
~ Never quit a session early
~ 10 evBB/100
Life Goals
~ 5 gym sessions a week
~ Max two nights out a week
~ Update this thread daily (forces me to do something worth writing about!)
~ 30 mins duolingo a day
I will update this thread with Pokertracker graphs, studying results, goal tracking + some other random stuff. Not sure how interesting it is going to be as won't be sharing any names or any real life stuff, mainly just selfishly posting to give myself some accountability.
I am hoping that a combination of this bankroll challenge and the extra accountability from starting a thread here is going to help get my motivation back, that said I am not going to be in full time grind mode until next Wednesday/Thursday. Will try to still post about some of the other goals.
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Subbed. Best of luck dude!
Day 1 Update
Productive Updates:
~ 40 mins Duolingo
~ 3 hours study
~ Gym session
~ Tidied apartment
First session will be tomorrow, hopefully get one or two more in before I move on Tuesday.
Hey man, best of luck.
Cheers bud
Day 2 update
Down about 400ish, slightly negative BB/100, but obviously small sample. Played too many tables today, gonna add a max table count of 9 for future sessions. Will post graphs etc once weekly or something.
Day 3
~ 26 tournaments (might be more not sure if PT is counting re entries)
~ 30 mins Duolingo
Couldn't get too many games in today, had to move accommodation so lost a lot of time. Should be good for a full off peak grind tomorrow. BBs were breakeven today, definitely played a lot better so pretty happy! Lost around another 300-400, but will turn that around tomorrow! Also no gym, just staying at this place until moving on Tuesday so will do some home workouts or something, but today was a rest day anyway.
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