more 6 max NLH content please

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more 6 max NLH content please

I would really love to seem more Elite 6max NLH content :)


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Dan Quinn 12 years ago
Hi Mike,

We actively looking for an Elite 6Max coach so our goals are fully aligned. Thanks!
Mats 12 years ago

Elite subscrption is not worth of it for nlh players. 1 or 2 decent videos for 100$... A bit expensive. I'd like to watch more fullring holdem vids as well, but after watching some of them I feel like I wasted 50 minutes of my life and my poker skills just got worse...
mike 12 years ago
yeah as someone who joined elite for NLH 6m and HU content there clearly isn't enough content to justify $100/mo

i am glad to hear you are looking for more instructors but you could get PG, Sean, and the dang brothers to make some NLH content now :)
mike 12 years ago
i realize you guys are just building your content but in terms of elite 6m videos i count
parker = 7, sean = 2, PG = 0, adrian = 1 (with zero from the HSNL guys like PG)

sean=5, PG=3

you guys have put out WAY more PLO and MTT content at the elite level. $100/mo for 4-5 shorthanded NLH videos per month is just too much. I really like this site and want to remain a member but currently i am having a hard time justifying spending the money and i guess i don't want to pay top dollar while you are looking for more elite NLH coaches.

please consider putting out more videos from Sean and PG or maybe a discounted elite NLH only pricing plan

thanks :)

Parker Muir 12 years ago
Hey Mike,

Phil has also made 2 very good 6max Zoom videos at 500nl. If you haven't seen them yet, definitely check them out.
mike 12 years ago
@parker - thanks, yes i watched the PG vids but i get them for $10/mo :)
mike 12 years ago
since someone else complained about too little PLO i thought i would do a quick count on the elite videos. i don't really care too much about the exact breakdown for the essential videos because for $10/month you can't go wrong no matter what your main game is

as of this writing these are the number of elite videos
6m NLH = 10
FRNLH = 10
PLO = 22(13 of which are PG!)
MTT = 53

Dan Quinn 12 years ago
Hi Mike,

At this point we're aiming to keep the split between cash and MTT equal, and the split between PLO and NL equal. In terms of NL, we've made the decision to not release any more FR content on the Elite side for now, so 100% of the NL content released on the Elite side will be either HU or 6Max going forward. As I mentioned, we're actively looking for another Elite 6Max NL coach. If you want to discuss things further feel free to shoot me an email at

mike 12 years ago
kind of a bummer to learn that only ~25% of your content will be NLH cash but at least there will be more 6m/HU NLH

maybe you can get our top member Ben Sulsky to make some NLH content :)
rjlynch 12 years ago
higher stakes zoom seems to be running now, would be great to see some elite coaches playing that.
ddr042 12 years ago
I also feel the same way as everyone else here i would love to see more more 6 max vids. you have a ton of elite pros who i know could make some great 6max vids even if they're mostly plo regs now. Plz More 6 max!!!
GitterrDone 11 years, 11 months ago
I have been thinking about this lately as well. As a former bluefire member before Phil left and that site went south, the main reason I signed up here was his videos. Though PLO is and has been his main game for a long time he made some very good NL videos for bluefire and kept the videos pretty even between the two games. No offense to any of the other coaches but I feel like the NL content is not the same caliber as the PLO content. It would be really nice if either Phil could make a few more NL videos or if possible could add another top NL guy to the roster.
flomaster65 11 years, 11 months ago
I do agree. I love to see content that is specially for 6 max 100-2knl. The whole hiding leaks in plain, is a great video and ofcourse when you are a high stakes reg these vids are gold. But for the most midstakes NL cash regs these vids are good to make you think about more things. But I would love to see more sick vids from phil, about exploitive play. Because thats what most 6max regs need!
GitterrDone 11 years, 11 months ago
I did enjoy the leaks hiding in plain sight video, more of these please. it was similar to his philosophy videos on BF which are great btw.

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